mardi 13 juillet 2010

Right Wing Takes Offense to First Lady Michelle Obama's Call for Blacks "To Increase Intensity"

Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report tries to twist First Lady Michelle Obama's call for "blacks to increase intensity during her keynote address at NAACP annual convention as a call for militancy.

First Lady Michelle Obama delivered the keynote address at the NAACP's annual convention, just one day after the civil rights organization is expected to condemn the "racist" elements of the Tea Party movement when it votes on the resolution on Tuesday. The group will vote on a resolution Tuesday. The right wing is up in arms over Mrs. Obama's address. She focused on the issue of childhood obesity, as she has done previously and also talked about her "Let's Move" initiative, which is designed to promote healthy living and eating for children. We all know that there are elements in the Tea Party movement that spew racist rhetoric, so I can't understand why the outrage when they are being called out. Let's not forget Rand Paul, Tea Party darling and Kentucky U.S. Senate candidate, who famously disavowed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Drudge Report has Michelle Obama featured prominently on its website with the caption, MICHELLE TELLS BLACKS TO 'INCREASE INTENSITY.' This amounts to nothing more than stoking the flames of controversy and pushing the stereotype of the "angry black woman." So what if she delivered the keynote address and told blacks to increase intensity? She is, in no way, inciting violence or civil disobedience, but the black community must increase intensity in helping reduce the drop-out rates in our schools, reduce crime in the black community and take the right to vote seriously. Here's the excerpt of Michelle Obama's speech that Matt Drudge has taken offense to and is trying to twist her words as a call for militancy:

"When African American communities are still hit harder than just about anywhere by this economic downturn, and so many families are just barely scraping by, I think the founders would tell us that now is not the time to rest on our laurels. When stubborn inequalities still persist -- in education and health, in income and wealth, I think those founders would urge us to increase our intensity, and to increase our discipline and our focus and keep fighting for a better future for our children and our grandchildren," Michelle Obama said to the NAACP. Source: Real Clear Politics
I had hoped that the NAACP would, in its drive to see racial equality and harmony, go after the New Black Panther Party, headed by Malik Zulu Shabazz, a known racist. To be fair, they should decry the racism being spewed by this organization as well. You can't have it both ways. The New Black Panther Party is a hate group of the same ilk as the neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups in this country.

Watch First Lady Michelle Obama's keynote address:

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