samedi 24 juillet 2010

Andrew Breitbart Twists Words of Black Radio Show Personalities Bev Smith & Warren Ballentine on CNN Panel

Andrew Breitbart twists words of black radio personalities Bev Smith & Warren Ballentine, CNN panelists discussing events surrounding Shirley Sherrod's forced resignation.

CNN's Don Lemon presented a short documentary on former USDA official Shirley Sherrod, who was thrown under a bus by the Obama Administration and the NAACP after ultra conservative sleazebag Andrew Breitbart unleashed a modern-day lynching of Mrs. Sherrod over her statement that she didn't help a white farmer, Roger Spooner, as much as she could because he was white. Breitbart is at it again.

This time, he has set his sights on black radio personalities Bev Smith and Warren Ballentine, who were on the CNN panel after to discuss the events surrounding Mrs. Sherrod's forced resignation. Breitbart has taken offense to Bev Smith's statement that "we need white folk to be talking about race." Again, he took one snippet of what she said and has run with it. Similarly, for Warren Ballentine, who said of the Tea Party, "we don't think you're racist, we think your ideology is racism." He was specifically referring to state rights and the fact that Jim Crow laws came out of that. He also said we are all brothers and sisters. We have to get pass race. It seems that Breitbart still hasn't learned not to twist the words of others by taking their words out of context. All I can say to Andrew Breitbart is "you are barking up the wrong tree when you take on Warren Ballentine."

Watch the videos:

Warren Ballentine:

Bev Smith:

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