samedi 30 avril 2011

SNL's Seth Meyers Tears Into Donald Trump at White House Correspondents' Dinner

Seth Meyers and President Obama did a number on Donald Trump, especially the SNL star. He tore into Donald Trump in a major way during their presentations at the White House Correspondents' Dinner. If the truth be told, Donald Trump shouldn't show his face in public for a few days but he has too much of a big ego to stay away. Here are some of Seth Meyers' jokes:
“Donald Trump has said he’s running for president as a Republican — which is surprising because I just assumed he was running as a joke. “

“Donald Trump owns the Miss USA pageant, which is great for Republicans because it will streamline their search for a vice president.”

"Donald Trump said he's friends with the blacks, but unless the blacks is a white family, I think he's mistaken."

"Donald Trump often appears on Fox, which is ironic because a fox always appears on Donald Trump's head." "If you are at the Washington Post table and you can't finish your entrée, the "fox" will eat it.

Says he is a "good candidate for Press Secretary." Watch C-SPAN presentation.
Donald Trump was none too pleased. He sat stone faced throughout the president and Meyers' routines. He abruptly left with his little possession, Melania Trump, following behind. Hey Donald, when you play with fire, you are bound to get burned. The Washington Post set him up! He sat at their table at their request. Bet he won't do that again! President Obama and Seth Meyers gave him a dose of his own medicine. I find it ironic that no where on The Drudge Report's website is any mention of the literal roasting Donald Trump took at the White House Correspondents' Dinner, just a jab at NPR. Talk about a right wing slant!

Watch Seth Meyers Tear into Donald Trump:

Watch President Obama's presentation at the dinner:

GOP Presidential Hopeful Mitt Romney in Damage Control Mode Over "Hang" Obama Comments

GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney and his camp are in damage control mode over his controversial "hang" Obama comments. Watch the video:

"I'm a Real American" Plays Ahead of Obama's Presentation at White House Correspondents Dinner

Obama says he's prepared to release his official birth video to take the birth certificate drama a step further. Donald Trump was stonefaced and serious. It's Lion King and Simba! He said he wants to let the Fox News table know it's a joke. O'Reilly is just staring at the President. This will come up tomorrow morning!

Obama goes after Donald Trump at the White House Correspondents Dinner. He said the issues he would focus on are, did they "fake the moon landing? Where are Biggie & Tupac? Did Roswell really happen? He also hit him on his credentials and breadth of experience on Celebrity Apprentice.

пролетни настроения...

Пролетта владетел е навън.
Всяка глътка въздух носи
свежест и пролетна магия.
Всичко чисто е и невинно,
като раждане на нов живот.
В мен усещам нещо да расте,
ново и изпълващо ме цяла,
и ставам по-добра и мила,
разцъфтялата любов във мен,
със света да споделя копнея.
Света променя пролетта,
любовта и тя промяна иска.
Не е от вчера таз любов,
и нов етап за нея е дошъл.
Когато чувства се спокойна,
и по-всеотдайна тя не е била,
всичко по-дълбоко се усеща,
и осъзнаването вече е дошло.
Когато знам, че истина това е
и смисълът на всяко мое дело
е в любовта, която ме изпълва,
и която ти дарявам от сърце.
Подарявам себе си във дар
очаквания нямам други,
само душата ми с мечтите,
очаква с надежда, да я приютиш...

снимката е от тук.

vendredi 29 avril 2011

Donald Trump's 1970s Racial Discrimination Rental Problem Comes Back to Bite Him

Well what do you know, it would seem Donald Trump's racial discrimination problem has been revealed. According to Salon, early in Trump's career, his New York real estate company was sued by the federal government for discriminating against potential black renters. This is a prime example of why his comments about "the blacks" and needling President Obama over his birth certificate and questioning his qualifications to get accepted into Columbia and Harvard, plus his "basketball court" quip, should be viewed as racist. Just yesterday he a black reporter, Inside Edition's Les Trent,  "Look I know you are a big Obama fan." Really? Does this idiot think every black person is a fan of Barack Obama? Isn't that making an assumption based on race?

The New York Times reported (excerpted from Salon):

... the Government contended that Trump Management had refused to rent or negotiate rentals "because of race and color." It also charged that the company had required different rental terms and conditions because of race and that it had misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available.

Black Judge Ilona Holmes Ordered from Florida Home at Gunpoint After Police Mix-Up During Burglary Call

Black circuit court judge Ilona Holmes forced from Florida home at gunpoint after a police mix-up on a burglary call.

Florida circuit court judge Ilona Holmes, one of the only black justices in Broward County, was forced out of her home at gunpoint after a police mix-up over a burglary. She was reportedly holding a handgun when she came out of her home, that was surrounding by deputies with guns drawn.
It was only after she had placed the pistol on the front lawn that one of the officers recognized her and realized there had been a misunderstanding. The judge’s sister, Carmita Scarlett, told NBC Miami that the drama happened as the family was clearing away after enjoying a meal together on Easter Sunday.

At about 8.20pm, police received a call from a neighbor who thought there may have been a burglary in the house next door. The same neighbor also called the judge’s family to warn them about her suspicions.

So when police sidled up the side of the house thinking Carmita’s husband, Neville, who was washing dishes, was the intruder, the family were worried that they were the robbery targets.

Carmita looked out of the window and claims she saw a man pointing a gun at her. ‘There’s a man with a gun and he’s going to shoot me,’ she yelled. ‘I thought it was the robber,’ she told NBC. The judge, who carries a legal firearm, came running into the kitchen and pulled out her gun. Source
Shameful. This is the same type of over-zealousness by cops that led to the death of Katherine Johnston in her Atlanta home a few years ago. Then they wonder why blacks have a deep distrust of law enforcement. The black guy is always wrong in the eyes of many.


В сънят ми идваш и си винаги желан,
когато съм самотна, до мене теб желая.
Усмивката ти носи светлина за мен,
кошмари ти не позволяваш в съня ми.
Утрото е светло и топлина ми дава
с усещането, че в съня  прегърна ме.
Денят се ражда най-обикновен
надеждата го прави цветен,
дъгата ти пред мен рисуваш
и учиш ме да правя го и аз...

Снимката е от тук.

jeudi 28 avril 2011

Superman to Renounce U.S. Citizenship After Consulting with President's National Security Advisor

Superman to give up his U.S. citizenship. This is laughable but here's an excerpt of an article from Comics Alliance:
The key scene takes place in "The Incident," a short story in Action Comics #900 written by David S. Goyer with art by Miguel Sepulveda. In it, Superman consults with the President's national security advisor, who is incensed that Superman appeared in Tehran to non-violently support the protesters demonstrating against the Iranian regime, no doubt an analogue for the recent real-life protests in the Middle East. However, since Superman is viewed as an American icon in the DC Universe as well as our own, the Iranian government has construed his actions as the will of the American President, and indeed, an act of war.

Briton Simon Ledger Arrested on Racism Charges for Singing "Everbody was Kung Fu Fighting" After Man of Chinese Descent Complains

British singer Simon Ledger arrested on racism charges for sing "Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting" after man of Chinese descent complains.

Oh no, say it ain't so! British police arrested Simon Ledger on racism charges after a man of Chinese descent complained about his performance of the song "Kung Fu Fighting," according to the Sun. Ledger and his band were performing the 1970s classic at the Driftwood Beach Bar on the Isle of Wight off the southern coast of England. Sorry, but that song, sung by Carl Douglas, has been around for decades and I can't recall hearing any people of Chinese descent complain before now. What a waste of time.

Watch the video:

First Ever All African American Team to Participate in 100 Year Old Ski to Sea Competition

First ever all African American team to participate in Ski to Sea competition Memorial Day weekend.

First ever all African American team to participate in Ski to Sea, slated to take place Memorial Day weekend. According to the Seattle Medium, this is a first in the 100 year existence of Ski to Sea.
A Ski to Sea team consists of 8 racers (2 in the canoe leg) for the seven race legs -- cross country skiing, downhill skiing/snowboarding, running, road biking, canoeing, mountain biking, and kayaking. The award winning race showcases Bellingham and has become so popular that race organizers have had to put a limit on the number of registered teams at 500. The Ski to Sea weekend festival also boasts a grand parade the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend and even has a children’s version of the race the week prior to Memorial Day weekend. The present day Ski to Sea Race was started in 1973 which continued the tradition of the 1911 Mount Baker Marathon, America’s original adventure race.

Kim Harris, a member of a local African-American professional group in Bellingham called BASOW (Brothers and Sisters of Whatcom County), dreamt of participating in Ski to Sea and decided to pitch the idea to BASOW for the team. Five months later, The One Point 5 Percent was born. Team #414 consists of Kim Harris (Cross Country Ski), Freddie Payne (Snowboard), Vinson Latimore (Road Run), Ivan Patrick (Road Bike), Russell Harris Jr. (Canoe), Fred Payne (Canoe), Lysander Hubbard (Mountain Bike), and Lahaji Thomas (Kayak). Source
We wish all the participants the very best and congratulate this team of African American trailblazers!


Цвете с теб съм, нежна и добра.
В прегръдките ти разцъфтявам.
До душата моя ти достигаш,
до съкровената ми същност,
тайни в мен за тебе нямам,
тайна е животът ни пред нас. 

Reeve Boleware, 12, Charged with Murdering Mother's Fiancee Jeffrey Reece For Threatening Family

Reeve Boleware, 12, inconsolable after telling 911 operator he killed his mother's fiance, Jeffrey Reece, after he threatened he & his mother.

SHOCK: Reeve Boleware, 12, has been charged with murder after killing his mother's fiancee, Jeffrey Reece, in Sunbury, OH. According to the Daily Mail, Boleware called 911 after allegedly shooting Reece at least once behind the ear with a .22 caliber pistol.
The blond youngster told the operator: 'I'm 12 years old. I just shot my step daddy. He was threatening me and my mom.'

Reeve's mother, Wendy, told the operator her son shot Mr Reece twice. 'He shot him and then when he shot him again ... because, he said, "I don't think he's dead",' she said.

In the background of the call, Reeve can be heard comforting his hysterical mother. 'He was threatening us. Nothing's going to happen,' he told her. Both Ms Boleware and her son told 911 operators that Mr Reece had threatened them. Ms Boleware said: 'He said: "Your life is in danger."

'He said, "y'all need to get the F out of here."' Source
Words, can't explain the sadness I feel for this child. Still, he took matters into his own hands rather than calling the police to get help. I have to wonder out loud if Mr. Reece was previously abusive to the family and the child just reacted to what he thought was coming?

mercredi 27 avril 2011

NYPD Releases Video of Brutal Beating of Chinese Deliveryman by Three Teenage Boys

A Chinese food deliveryman was brutally beaten by three teenage boys and it was caught on a surveillance camera. The police said the teenage boys phoned in a Chinese food order Friday afternoon and went up to the sixth floor of the building at 40 Morningside Avenue, hid in a stairwell next to the elevator, and waited for the deliveryman, according to CBS News. They attacked him as he alighted from the elevator. Savages. Pure thuggery.

Watch the video:

Facebook Feud Leads to 12 Year Old Boy Being Shot by 14 Year Old Outside South Side Chicago School

Facebook feud leads to 12 year old fighting for his life after being shot by 14 year old outside South Side Chicago elementary school.

A Facebook feud has left a 12 year old Chicago boy fighting for his life after being shot in the back of the head. According to the Daily Mail, the boy reportedly exchanged insults on Facebook with a 14-year-old a short time before the shooting Tuesday afternoon. Where this 14 year old got a gun remains to be see, but he allegedly opened fire on the younger boy as classes were dismissed at Cook Elementary School in South Side Tuesday. Pandemonium broke out after the gunman started shooting before fleeing the scene. He has since turned himself in to police and it is said both boys were in gangs.

President Obama Releases Copy of Long-Form Birth Certificate, What Now?

The White House has released a copy of President Obama's long form birth certificate. What now? Of course, we all know they will move the goal post and find an issue with this document. The question already floating out there is whether it's authentic or not. No matter what he provides to prove his citizenship, his critics will keep moving the goal post. Of course, Donald Trump is taking credit for the latest move by the White House to wave a white flag to its critics. I wouldn't have released a damn thing. The more the right pushed this flawed argument, the better it is for Obama, given the abysmal poll numbers for the Republican presidential hopefuls. Obama capitulated to the birther movement, led by Trump. He gave in to his critics. Some say he took the high road. Maybe so, but I wouldn't have caved to this windbag.

Donald Trump is calling for him to release college records. Since when is that a requirement for presidential candidates? John McCain, George W. Bush and George H. Bush certainly weren't asked to release theirs. This is about race, plain and simple. It is unfathomable for us to have a black president, in the eyes of some people. People like Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump, birthers, Franklin Graham, Mike Savage, Andrew Breitbart, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Ann Coulter and others, will try to discredit him by any means at their disposal. It's all about race, pure and simple. The Drudge Report was only too happy to run with the caption "Donald Trump takes credit." What these rich white people are saying is that a natural born black man has no right to even dream of being president of this country, much less actually winning such a feat. Some message being sent to our kids.

All "the blacks" on "Celebrity Apprentice" (Lil Jon, Dionne Warwick, Star Jones, Nene Leakes and Latoya Jackson) need to walk of the set and tell Donald Trump to kiss their a** and stop with the racist BS. President Obama said it best, "people can't be making stuff up and providing sideshow and carnival barkers." That's just what Donald Trump is, a "CARNIVAL BARKER" and an egotist. Bring it on Donald. I hope you will be the Republican presidential candidate in 2012. Please pick Donald with his history of bankrupting companies, poor relationship skills and loud mouth who capitalized off his father's name and legacy. Release your transcripts from University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. What they really want to talk about is that Obama attending Harvard and Columbia courtesy of affirmative action. Yeah, another code for racism being tossed around by his critics.

Donald Trump tells President Obama to "get off his basketball court" and go after OPEC.

Isn't the reference to "basketball court" a dig at Obama's race? Why not say golf course? CLICK HERE to watch video.

Atlanta Cop Punches Woman in Face During Fight at IHOP Restaurant in Buckhead

Off-duty Atlanta cop should be fired after punching woman in face during fist-fight at IHOP restaurant in Buckhead.

Atlanta cop gone wild in fist fight with a woman at an IHOP restaurant in Buckhead. According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, an off-duty Atlanta police officer got into a scuffle with a woman and punched her in the face, and the early morning incident at an IHOP was captured on video, the Atlanta Police Department confirmed. So, for all the folks who painted the brawl at the McDonald's as a hate crime, let's call this beatdown what it is, police brutality. This cop is nothing more than a street thug and bully. Look at his size for an officer. He should be fired immediately. See the video below:

The woman at the center of the fight has been identified as Cynthia Freeman and was one of four arrested in the 4 a.m. Sunday incident, according to Atlanta attorney Bobby Aniekwu.

mardi 26 avril 2011

New Orleans Brothers Aaronne Mitchell & Aaronne Russell Missing in Area with 107 Sex Offenders

Have you seen Aaronne Mitchell and his brother Aaronne Russell? This is every parents' worst nightmare to find out their children are missing. According to media reports, the boys left their home in New Orleans to walk their neighbor's dogs on Easter Sunday and never returned home. The boys' father said he found a pair of pants belonging to one of his sons and a dog collar. The police seems to have lost precious time by not taking the parents serious when they sounded the alarm they were missing. If you have any information, please contact the police. These boys need to be home with their parents.

Zantavious Sanchez Scott & Jarquez Scott Arrested in Connection to MARTA Train Attack on Two Delta Airlines Employees & Others

Zantavious Sanchez Scott, Jarquez Scott and 16 year old arrested in connection with mob of teens who attacked terrorized riders and two Delta employees Parker Stanea & Jose Souza on MARTA train.

Three people have been arrested in connection with the mob of teens who rushed a MARTA train and assaulted two Delta Air Lines employees, Parker Stanea and Jose Souza,  on April 16. According to WSB-TV, Zantavious Sanchez Scott, 20, and Jarquez Scott, 19, both of Atlanta, are being held at the Fulton County Jail in connection with the incident, while a 16-year-old male, whose name is not being released because of his age, is being held at the Metro Regional Youth Detention Center in Atlanta.

More arrests are forthcoming as MARTA police told WSB-TV they have also obtained arrest warrants for at least two other suspects who live in Atlanta; a 19-year-old adult male and a 14-year-old male juvenile. You will recall the teens, chanting B.F.P.L., boarded the southbound train and began screaming and scaring passengers. Where were the parents of these thugs? Reprehensible behavior.

NYPD Release Shocking Video of Murder of Brooklyn Man Trevonne Winn Standing Outside Shop

SHOCK: The NYPD has released a chilling video showing the brutal murder of Trevonne Winn as he stood outside his uncle's Crown Fried Chicken restaurant on Nostrand Avenue in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, Saturday.

Watch the video:

Donald Trump Continues to Alienate "The Blacks" Says Obama Not Good Enough to Attend Ivy League Schools

Donald Trump continues to insult "the blacks," now says Obama wasn't good enough to attend Ivy League institutions, though he graduated with honors from Harvard Law School in 1991.

Donald Trump continues to insult "the blacks" with his latest jabbing of President Obama by saying he did not deserve to be admitted to the "Ivy League universities he attended." Never mind the fact that Obama graduated magna cum laude in 1991 from Harvard Law School, where he served as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. Gee, I wonder what Donald Trump achieved during his college years at Fordham University and the University of Pennsylvania, other than what was handed to him by his father, Fred Trump, a real estate magnate. President George Bush was a mediocre student and guess what? He served as our president for two terms. Since when is education a barometer for serving as president? Oh, wait, it matters when we have a BLACK president.
"I heard he was a terrible student, terrible. How does a bad student go to Columbia and then to Harvard?" Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press. "I'm thinking about it, I'm certainly looking into it. Let him show his records."
As usual, Donald Trump can't offer any proof to back up his claims against President Obama. Why not talk about substantive issues, since it's obvious that's what most people want to hear about instead of coming across as a buffoon.

There are many "mediocre students" who went on to stellar careers. Actually, there are many college drop-outs running successful business ventures that have never filed for bankruptcy protection, unlike the "educated" Donald Trump, such as Bill Gates, Micheal Dell, etc.

lundi 25 avril 2011

Dutch Shut Out Kenyan Marathon Winner Because They Won 23 Marathons in Netherlands Over the Last Five Years

Kenyans shut out of the Utrecht marathon in the Netherlands because they won 23 times in the last five years in the five main marathons staged there, while one Belgian and Ethiopian won. So, what was the solution to this "perceived problem?" Here's an excerpt from Radio Netherlands Worldwide of how they got around this issue:
Michel Butter from the Netherlands has won this year's 11th edition of the Utrecht marathon. He completed the 42,195k distance, his first marathon, in two hours and 17 minutes. Controversy surrounded the event as the organisers essentially barred Kenyan athletes, winners of many previous editions, from taking part.

The organisers decided only to pay large cash prizes to people who have been asked to take part - and subsequently invited only Dutch nationals. They argued that the fact that the Kenyans win almost every year has had a demoralising effect on Dutch runners. CLICK HERE to read more.
I understand completely where they are coming from, but to put a discriminatory practice in place only casts a negative light on these marathons. The invited winner received 10,000 euros while the non-invited winner won 100. Will this be a new trend in shutting out Kenyans from winning in marathons internationally?

Dutch Historian Henk den Heijer Says "Overseas Slavery Less Cruel Than People Think"

Dutch professor Henk den Heijer says "overseas slavery less cruel than people think and the cruel image of slavery developed over time too moralistic.

Slavery wasn't as cruel as we thought? Huh? That's what one Dutch historian said. Here's the article in its entirety from Radio Netherlands Worldwide:
While calls for an apology for the slave trade are growing louder in the Netherlands, a Dutch historian has drawn an unpopular conclusion: overseas slavery was less cruel than people think. Dutch Professor Henk den Heijer believes the cruel image of slavery that has developed over the centuries is too moralistic.

Slaves spent weeks at sea, shoulder to shoulder chained up in the ship’s hold without fresh air. They were beaten and fed poorly. Women were sexually abused and there was no medical care.

“This cruel image formed in around 1800,” says Professor Den Heijer, “during the debate to abolish slavery. You mainly see interviews, books and pamphlets written by people who supported the abolition of slavery and emphasised the bad side of the trade. Those sources have become the standard for its history.”

Doctor at hand

Professor Den Heijer has uncovered a different image by looking in the archive of a shipping company, the Middelburgse Commercie Compagnie (MCC). It was the largest shipping company to transport slaves in the Netherlands in the 18th century with 113 ships. The archive is unique, painting a picture of life on board the ships which took slaves from Africa to America.

The ships’ logs in the archive reveal a different story: on board the ships slaves were treated as well as the crew. A doctor was at hand for both the crew and the slaves and they were fed well. It was logical from a commercial point of view to treat slaves well.

“They were considered to be valuable. A good trader tried to get his slaves to the other side of the ocean in good condition to sell for a good price. Slavery is still morally objectionable, but that does not mean they were abused.”

Slave revolts

Abuse was the exception and officers would be punished by losing pay or being dismissed according to the ships’ logs.

Nevertheless there were slaves who revolted on board. But out of a total of 1500 trips by the MCC, this only happened 53 times. And the situation was probably the same for other counties involved in slavery like Great Britain.
Er, sorry but I beg to differ. The slaves were packed like sardines in unsanitary accommodations. Many died during the voyage and when they got to their destination, many were sold like a loaf of bread. This historian is trivializing the darkest chapter in the history of many countries.

BREAKING NEWS: Republican Haley Barbour Announces He Will Not Run for President in 2012

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour Announces He Will Not Run for President in 2012.

Military Patrols Start in Downtown Columbus GA After Two Weekend Incidents Raise Concern

What have we come to? Military patrols are now in force in downtown Columbus, Ga., on weekends. Here's an excerpt from WRBL News 3:
Starting at 10 o'clock Friday, two senior non-commissioned officers from Fort Benning will be on courtesy patrol. The soldiers will be wearing arm bands that read, "Courtesy Patrol."

Fort Benning Commanding General Robert Brown and Columbus Mayor Teresa Tomlinson made the announcement earlier this week.

They need to increase security in Uptown Columbus comes after two weekend incidents in early April.

In the first incident, police say five soldiers beat another man. The beating was witnessed near First Ave. and 10th street- sending the victim - a former solider - to the hospital with head injuries.

The other, a shooting that left four injured - one fatally - at Mario’s restaurant on Broadway. A man is charged in connection with the assault.
It's a shame that some soldiers and civilians are behaving so badly they need to be watched like little kids by Big Brother.

Watch the video:

GOP RI Rep. Robert Watson Who Made Incendiary "Guatemalan Gay Man" Comment Arrested for Marijuana Possession & DUI

Republican Rhode Island lawmaker Robert Watson, who made incendiary comments about Guatemalan immigrants, is facing drug possession and DUI charges in Connecticut. According to media reports, Watson was stopped at a checkpoint Friday and was charged with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Wow, reinforces the saying "if you live in a glass house don't throw stones" or even the timeless Bible verse, "pick the speck out of your eye before doing so for others." There should be calls for Robert Watson to step down from his leadership position in the state legislature. He sparked ire in February when he said the state legislature had its priorities right "if you are a Guatemalan gay man who likes to gamble and smokes marijuana." Guess who likes to smoke marijuana? Hypocrite.

dimanche 24 avril 2011


Стъпвам по тревата боса,
хладно е, но е и приятно.
Земята ме привлича и обича
негативите от мен извлича.
Събужда ме след сън и мрак,
преражда ми душата пак.
Светлината в мен нахлува,
усмихва ме и ме целува.
Дар слънчев в душата нося,
и обич няма аз да прося.
Преродена влизам в деня,
със усмивката и любовта...

St. Louis Police Officer Daryl Hall Shot & Killed Outside The Label Nightclub Confronting Two Gunmen

St. Louis MO police officer Daryl Hall shot & killed confronting two gunmen outside The Label nightclub, one gunman killed, other at large.

Another law enforcement officer has been gunned down. St. Louis, MO, off-duty police officer Daryl Hall was shot and killed when he confronted two gunmen outside The Label nightclub early Sunday morning.
Officer Hall was at the nightclub when he heard gunshots outside. When he went outside to investigate he encountered at least one gunman. Shots were exchanged between Officer Hall and the gunman in which Officer Hall was struck three times. He was transported to a local hospital where he succumbed to his wounds a short time later. One of the gunmen was also killed during the shootings and the second gunman remains at large. Source
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Hall's family. He served with the St. Louis Police Department for five years in its Housing Authority Unit.

Jamaican Artist Laura Facey Sparks Controversy With "Body & Blood of Christ" Sculpture of a Nude Male Torso

Jamaican artist Laura Facey sparks controversy with "Body & Blood of Christ" work portraying Jesus nude and armless.

Is the latest work by Jamaica-based artist Laura Facey an insult to Christians everywhere? Ms. Facey's latest work, entitled "Body and Blood of Christ," shows Jesus in the buff and has sparked controversy. According to the Jamaica Observer, Ms. Facey sparked outrage with her 2003 piece "Redemption Song" that featured the sculpture of a naked man and woman. Jamaica has never been a country in which sexuality was broadcast. Instead, it was always treated as a private matter, so this naked Jesus comes out of left field and is certain to cause Jamaicans to be red-faced.
Armless and legless, it bears a deep-red gash in the right side to approximate, no doubt, the piercing of Christ's side by His Roman tormenter's spear prior to His death on the cross. On the floor in front of the sculpture, blood red artificial silk roses, each one purposefully placed, fan out from the base, in this case, the thighs of the Christ. Again, like the Emancipation Park installation that first gained her local notoriety outside of the art world, the male member is proportional, yet prominent.

"Look, nakedness... it's a glorious thing," Facey said emphatically, when asked about whether she is concerned about a connection being made between nakedness and sex in the piece. "It's a God-given thing, it's a sacred thing," she added with a sigh, "How can you separate all these things? You can't!" Nudity and art, she said, go hand-in-hand and have for centuries in cultures across the world. Source 
I'm sure not many Jamaicans will view Jesus Christ and the suffering he endured through the lens of a faux gold-leafed, naked man. Share your thoughts. Is this much ado about nothing or an insult to Christians celebrating Easter?

Was Bronx Teen Damien Martinez Stabbed to Death Over $10 Refund or Did He Anger Alleged Gang Members?

Bronx teen Damien Martinez brutally beaten and stabbed to death by alleged gang members after asking for $10 refund for cover charge to house party.

A Bronx teen, Damien Martinez, was stabbed to death over a $10 refund to a house party. Taken at face value, one would be overcome with grief and anger that someone could lose their life over $10. According to the NY Daily News, Martinez tried to get a refund after he was kicked out of a party in the Tremont section of the Bronx, that got unruly. According to the NY Daily News, his sister, Starleena Vargas, said he was brutally beaten and stabbed by members of a gang as he tried to get his money back. Really? So, this isn't about the $10 refund, then is it? It would seem he angered these thugs for whatever reason, right? Well, be that as it may, no-one deserves to be beaten and stabbed. No-one. Still, why argue over $10? His life was worth far more than $10. The moral of this to all young people is, just walk away and watch the company you keep.
"They threw him on the floor and started kicking him," Starleena Vargas said. "When he tried to protect himself by curling up, they hit him in the head with a metal bat." She said the group then threw her brother down the stairs."They took out a kitchen knife and stabbed him in the neck," she said. "His friends ran away because the guys who did it are in a gang." Cops didn't immediately confirm that the dispute was over a $10 cover fee. There were no arrests and the investigation was ongoing, cops said.

She said Martinez was working toward getting his GED and planned to join the Army next year after he turned 18. He leaves behind a pregnant girlfriend. Vargas said most people weren't talking to cops because they were scared. Source
To any witnesses out there, do the decent and honorable thing by telling the police what you saw. It will mean one less gang member on the streets of the Bronx.

TX Deputy Clifton Taylor Shot & Killed Responding to Domestic Disturbance Call, Suspect Wesley Davis Killed by Other Deputies

Johnson County TX Sheriff's Deputy Clifton Taylor killed ambush-style responding to domestic disturbance call, suspect Wesley Davis also killed.

Sad news to report. Another law enforcement officer, Deputy Clifton Taylor, was fatally shot in an ambush as he and other deputies responded to a domestic disturbance near Venus, TX, Saturday evening. According to Officer Down Memorial Page, the Johnson County deputies began searching for the male suspect upon arrival on the scene. When Deputy Taylor opened the door to a shed, he was shot and killed. The suspect, Wesley Davis, was killed by other deputies. Taylor served with the Johnson County Sheriff's Office for three years and is survived by his fiancee.

samedi 23 avril 2011

BREAKING NEWS: One Deputy Killed, One Injured & Suspect Killed in Shooting in Johnson County TX

BREAKING: The Johnson County TX sheriff's department has confirmed one deputy was shot and killed, one injured in a shooting outside Venus.

According to NBC Dallas Fort-Worth, the deputies were responding to a disturbance call involving weapons at about 3 p.m. Saturday. Stay tuned. More to follow.

Pastor Nicholas William Minerva Accused of Inappropriate Communication with 14 YO Girl, Commits Suicide in Church

Pastor Nicholas William Minerva commits suicide moments before being served with search warrant for inappropriate web communication with 14 year old girl.
Rev. Nicholas William Minerva is one less snake in the pulpit we have to worry about. Minerva, founder and pastor of Trinity Baptist Fellowship Church in Tempe, AZ, was under investigation for inappropriate communications with a 14 year old girl. According to the Daily Mail, he shot himself to death moments before being served with a search warrant in connection with the investigation. He was a married father of four. Shameful.

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Heroin habit grows among Ohio's youth

Heroin habit grows among Ohio's youth

Herman Lamar Jackson III Wanted by Butts County, Ga., Police in Deaths of Wife & her 10 Year Old Niece

Herman Lamar Jackson III wanted by Butts county, Ga., police in deaths of wife and her 10 year old niece in their home.

URGENT: Have you seen Herman Lamar Jackson III? He is wanted by the Butts County, Ga. police department in the deaths of his wife and her 10 year old niece either Friday night or early Saturday morning in their home. He is considered armed and dangerous. According to WSB-TV, Jackson is described as a black male, 5 feet 9 inches tall, clean-shaven and weighing about 200 pounds. He also has religious tattoos on both arms and a small tattoo on the side of his head, detectives said.

Miami Dolphins Receiver Brandon Marshall Stabbed in Abdomen by Wife, Michi Nogami-Marshall, During Domestic Violence Incident

Michi Nogami-Marshall charged with aggravated battery with deadly weapon after stabbing husband, Miami Dolphins receiver Brandon Marshall in abdomen with kitchen knife during domestic violence incident.

SHOCK: Michi Nogami-Marshall was charged Friday evening with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon after stabbing her husband, Miami Dolphins receiver Brandon Marshall, in the abdomen with a kitchen knife during a domestic violence incident. The incident occurred in the couple's home in Southwest Ranches, Florida, according to media reports.

Marshall's wounds are non-life threatening and his wife is being held in the county's main jail in Fort Lauderdale in lieu of $7,500 bond. It seems that neither wanted to tell the cops what really happened in the home. Brandon said he slipped and fell on glass, but there was no blood around the area he claimed to have fallen, according to the Miami Herald.

It should be noted that Mr. Marshall is no stranger to domestic violence allegations. He was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence charges following an argument with ex-girlfriend Rasheeda Watley on March 27, 2007. The charges were dismissed but he was ordered by the court to complete anger management classes, the Miami Herald said. There's more. On March 8, 2008, he was arrested in Atlanta on misdemeanor battery charges, also involving Watley. He was acquitted on those charges shortly thereafter, the newspaper said. Seems to me he either has the worst luck with women or he's a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. CLICK HERE to read Michi Nogami-Marshall's arrest affidavit.

Eugene OR Police Officer Chris Kilcullen Shot & Killed During Traffic Violation Pursuit

Police Officer Chris Kilcullen was fatally shot by a female suspect during a traffic stop that turned into a pursuit Friday. The officer served with the Eugene Police Department for 12 years. He is survived by a wife and two kids. The suspect was arrested. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the officer's family. Officer Kilcullen is the first officer to die in the line of duty in Eugene since 1934, according to the Register-Guard.

UPDATE#1:The shooter has been identified as Cheryl D. Kidd, 56, of Springfield, OR. Murder charges against Kidd are pending and it is not clear at this time what prompted her to pull out her handgun and shoot the officer.

vendredi 22 avril 2011

Vicious Attack on Woman in Brooklyn's Park Slope Neighborhood Caught on Video, Suspect Still at Large

To echo Scout in "To Kill a Mockingbird," what in the sam hill is happening in New York City? A vicious attack on a woman was captured on a surveillance video has rocked the quiet Park Slope neighborhood in Brooklyn. According to the NY Daily News, the video taken from a brownstone stoop on 16th St. in Park Slope shows a man grabbing a woman on a sidewalk. The woman is heard screaming, "get away, someone help me." If you have any information, please contact the police. This dirtbag needs to be taken off the streets before he attacks again.

Watch the video:

jeudi 21 avril 2011

Rodney Duncan Charged with Statutory Rape After Mother of 12 YO Girl Discovers Relationship on Facebook

Atlanta resident Joie Lee did what more parents need to do -- monitor their children's activities on social networks, such as Facebook. She was able to track down Rodney Duncan, 17, who allegedly had sex with her 12 year old daughter. Duncan has since been charged with statutory rape.
Joie Lee first became suspicious when she read part of an argument between her daughter, and the girlfriend of 17-year-old Rodney Duncan posted on the social networking site.

When she found references to sex between Duncan and her daughter, she set about tracking down the girlfriend in order to confront the teenager face-to-face.

Speaking to, Mrs Lee said of the initial Facebook post: 'It gave me a picture of the young man. I knew who he was. It led me to the girlfriend. She had information.'

After locating Duncan, and armed with information from his girlfriend, she confronted his mother at their home.

But after Duncan's mother refused to talk her, Mrs Lee went to the police. Duncan was arraigned on statutory rape charges on Tuesday. 'I really feel sorry for him. He will have to go register as a sex offender.' Source
Hats off to Joie Lee and shame on the boy's mother for not even listening to what she had to say.

Watch the video:

8 Year Old Florida Elementary School Student Gives Teacher Gift, "Some of Mom's Weed"

Parents must be careful of the things they expose their children to. An eight year old student at Lincoln Park Elementary school in Pensacola brought a small amount of marijuana to school Tuesday and gave it to her teacher saying,“This is some of my mom’s weed." According to the Pensacola News Journal, she told school authorities, "It’s what my mother puts in blunts.” Er, they should lock up the mother and throw away the key.

Confederate Battle Flag Being Flown at Middle GA's Dodge County Courthouse Sparks NAACP Outcry

Dodge County, GA, commissioners voted in 2002 to fly Confederate Battle Flag one day each year, but it has flown every day since then, near courthouse.

The Confederate flag continues to be a bother to many. As the nation marks the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, the Dodge County commissioners voted this week to fly the Confederate battle flag 365 days a year at the county courthouse. Why? That isn't the state flag, so continue to foment an already festering wound for many who view the flag as a reminder of slavery of blacks? According to the Augusta Chronicle, the Confederate battle flag flies Wednesday next to a memorial to Confederate war dead near the Dodge County Courthouse, in the background, in Eastman.
“We’ve been battling this for some time, trying to resolve it without going outside the county,” said John Battle, president of the Dodge County branch of the NAACP, which he said has repeatedly asked the county to remove the flag.

“We don’t have any heartburn about the Confederate flag itself, but we have heartburn because it’s up there on the public property,” he told The Macon Telegraph newspaper.
The Confederacy never stood for anything good in the lives of blacks. It is a constant reminder of the darkest days in America's history where people of color treated like sh*t for no other reason but the color of their skin. Where the measure of a black man was wasn't based on taking care of one's family, but to be a subservient on all fronts. The fact that the commission voted to fly the flag on one day but have flown it everyday since 2002, is proof that they don't care one iota how some residents in their county feel about the flag and what it represented for them.

University of Iowa Professor Ellen Lewin's Response to Campus GOP Group Same-Sex Jabs, "F*ck Republicans"

University of Iowa professor Ellen Lewin under fire for sending email to campus Republican group's same-sex jabs against her, "f*ck Republicans."

Will a profanity-laced email solve any political problems? Well, that depends on who you ask. University of Iowa professor Ellen Lewin, who studies same-sex relationships, received some flak from the UI College Republicans group promoting "Conservative Coming Out Week." What did she do? She fired off a vulgarity laced email ("F*ck you, Republicans") aimed at all Republicans, according to the Chicago Tribune. Er, one problem, she sent it from her school account. That's a no-no! That's behavior unbecoming for the professor.
Lewin, 65, later wrote another email to the leaders of the College Republicans explaining that she had just finished reading about "fresh outrages committed by Republicans in government" when she received the pitch.

"I admit the language was inappropriate, and apologize for any affront to anyone's delicate sensibilities," Lewin wrote.

But she said the group's email contained several statements that were "extremely offensive, nearly rising to the level of obscenity." She said she was upset that Republicans used the "coming out" language to describe the week given what she called their general disdain for gay rights. She said the email also mocked labor protesters in Wisconsin and animal rights. Source: Chicago Tribune
Ms. Lewin is governed by free speech to a point, not on her university account. She shouldn't be forcing her political ideology on the students. If she felt such strong opposition to the group, then she should have sent the email from her own personal email account. Besides, she should realize that if you are in the public's eye, you open yourself to criticism on just about every facet of your life. So rather than get mad and tell someone to f*ck you, why not stand firm on the issues you believe in?

Joshua Esskew Beaten by Eight Men in Rock Hill SC, Winthrop Professor Comments "Act Straight to Avoid Beating" Taken Out of Context

Winthrop University lecturer Kelly James' comment that gay students "act straight to avoid beating" in aftermath of beating of gay man, Joshua Esskew by group of men, taken out of context by WBTV.

Joshua Esskew was beaten by eight men, near the campus of Winthrop University in South Carolina,  because he is gay. The residents of Rock Hill are understandably upset at the random attack because it goes against their mantra of "no room for racism." This is reprehensible and so acts should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. From the photographs I have seen, the perpetrators appear to be black. It is ironic that blacks in South Carolina, in a town that prides itself on its stance against racism, that a hate crime could be committed against another person. There was a time when we had no rights in this country. Dogs were let loose to rip our fore-parents from stem to stern if they dared to demonstrate for their basic rights, so why deny another person the same rights?

I am also appalled at the response of a university professor. According to the Daily Mail, Kelly James, a sociology and criminology lecturer at the university, told WBTV,'I’ve got to let my students know [about the attack], so when they’re out and about in Rock Hill they act straight.' So, what would he have told a black person? To stay off the streets? Better yet, alter the color of their skin to look white? Come on. This is ridiculous and an insult on so many levels. To anyone who witnessed this beating, please contact the Rock Hill police department. These thugs need to be taken off the streets.

UPDATE#1: I received an email from Rebecca Masters, Assistant to the President for Public Affairs at Winthrop University, seeking to clarify the reporting by the local station. It would appear that the professor's comments were taken out of context, much like Andrew Breitbart's smearing of former USDA director Shirley Sherrod. Character assassination isn't what we are about. Here's Ms. Masters' email to us in its entirety:

Hi, Janet – Your story came up in Google News this morning. A couple of corrections:

n Mr. Esskew is not (and never has been) a Winthrop student. The awful attack on him occurred miles from our campus. The assumption he is our student apparently came from the fact that a Charlotte TV station chose to interview a professor of criminology here at Winthrop. That, however, caused another set of issues.

n Dr. James’ words – meant to be an ironic observation about NOT wanting to tell students in 2011 to “act straight” -- were characterized inaccurately in an edited-for-TV interview, and were taken out of a much broader context of her work with and support for gay students. Winthrop University provides a safe and supportive environment for all its students, and encourages them to live authentically and respect others who do so as well. In the process of editing that interview, the station did a great disservice to the professor personally and professionally. She attempted to get a correction on this after seeing the interview at 11 pm the night it had also aired at

The editors yesterday posted a clarification on that point themselves at: : (Scroll down to bottom of story before comment begin.)

Thanks for considering posting your own clarification. I understand how it happened – just want your readers to as well.

Rebecca Masters
Assistant to the President for Public Affairs
114 Tillman Hall
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, SC 29733

Watch the video:

mercredi 20 avril 2011


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Усмивка в очите твои,
ми каза много днес...

Did Longtime Princeton University Spanish Lecturer Antonio Calvo Commit Suicide After Being Terminated?

Did longtime Princeton University lecturer Antonio Calvo commit suicide and the university is covering it up? That seems to be the view held by some of his colleagues, saying it seems highly suspect that Calvo, a senior Spanish lecturer, died in mysterious circumstances after going on leave 'personal reasons.' According to the Daily Mail, he is believed to have committed suicide last Tuesday in New York City after being terminated from the university without notice.
But his employer has remained mysteriously tight lipped, refusing to comment on any circumstances surrounding his death. Friends of Mr Calvo, however, claimed his 'leave of absence' was a smoke screen to cover the fact that he had been fired against his department's wishes. Source
Oh what a tangled web we weave.......

Tyler Perry Says Critic & Fellow Black Filmmaker, Spike Lee, "Can Go Straight to Hell"

Can we all get along? Tyler Perry and Spike Lee are at each other's throats again. Perry, whose latest installation in the "Madea" series is due to hit the silver screens in May, offered some tough words for his critics, specifically Spike Lee: "Spike can go straight to hell." Wow. Tough words. Quite frankly, I am a little sick of Madea now and it's time for Perry to bury her. She has overstayed her welcome.
Tyler Perry, director, writer and star of Madea's Big Happy Family and all of the films in the popular Madea series, offered some harsh words to his critics in the entertainment industry, in particular filmmaker Spike Lee. "I'm so sick of hearing about damn Spike Lee," Perry said during a press conference Tuesday in Beverly Hills, Calif. "Spike can go straight to hell! You can print that. I am sick of him talking about me, I am sick of him saying, ‘this is a coon, this is a buffoon.' I am sick of him talking about black people going to see movies. This is what he said: ‘you vote by what you see,' as if black people don't know what they want to see." Source
Seriously, I can't seem to picture Madea as anything but a buffoon. What about David Mann? He's the guy who always wear the brightly-colored clothes in his movies. I think in "Meet the Browns" he was one of Madea's baby daddies. That's in the tradition of "Sanford & Son," an era long gone. If Tyler Perry is getting so touchy about this, it simply means it's getting under his skin and there's some truth to Lee's assertions. Why not find the best in the black experience in this country and make a movie around it instead of treating us as the butt of jokes?

Group of 30 Teens Attack Riders on Atlanta Train Chanting B. F. P. L.

A group of teens attacked riders on a MARTA train in Atlanta Sunday night, chanting "B. F. P. L." Two Delta Air Lines employees, Parker Stanea and Jose Souza, were attacked and one robbed. An investigation has been launched into the incident.
Around midnight, a MARTA train pulled up to the Garnett Station in Downtown Atlanta, authorities said. The witness said up to 30 people boarded the southbound train.

"Once the doors opened, it was like a bum rush of people," he told Byfield. "The next thing you know, they started just beating him. There was blood everywhere. People were hollering and screaming," he said.

A MARTA police report identified two victims as Delta Airlines employees. The report said one victim had a soda can smashed in his face and his wallet stolen, while the other was punched repeatedly in his face. Source: WSBTV
The devil finds work for idle hands and I am sure the parents of these young thugs would say their kids are angels. Right. A group of teens on the streets at that time of the night spells trouble and their parents need to lead by example and not let their young thugs terrorize innocent people.

GMA Host George Stephanopoulos Corners Michele Bachmann on Birther Views with Certified Copy of Obama's Birth Certificate

Republican presidential wannabe Michele Bachmann cornered by GMA host George Stephanopoulos with certified copy of President Obama's live birth certificate, says matter should be put to rest.

Presidential wannabe Michele Bachmann got cornered on her birther views about President Barack Obama and conveniently put the issue to rest after ABC News' "Good Morning America" host George Stephanopoulos showed her a certified copy of the president live birth certificate.
"According to the bill a candidate for president or vice president shall attach to and file with the affidavit a copy of the candidate's birth certificate certified by the appropriate official in the candidate's state of birth.'

"That's right," said Bachmann.

"Well I have the president's certificate right here," Stephanopoulos replied. "It's certified, it's got a certification number, it's got the registrar of the state, signed. It's got a seal on it. And it says: 'This copy serves as prima facie evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding.'"

"Well, then that should settle it," said Bachmann. She added: "That's what should settle it. I take the president at his word and I think -- again I would have no problem and apparently the president wouldn't, either. Introduce that, we're done. Move on, end of story."

"Well, but so does the president," Stephanopoulos replied. Source: TPM
Well, let's see if she's lying through her teeth about the matter being settled or will find another reason to push that flawed position to pander to the birther wingnuts. Donald Trump is coming across dumber and dumber by the day pushing this mess and how smart he by scoffing the millions of small business owners in this country.

Watch the video:

Paul Gonzalez Beats Estranged Wife Catherine Scott-Gonzalez in Florida Judge's Chambers During Divorce Proceeding

Ex-Marine Paul Gonzalez beats estranged wife Catherine Scott-Gonzalez in Florida judge's chambers during divorce hearings.

SHOCK: Catherine Scott-Gonzalez got the shock of her life when she showed up for the final hearing in her divorce case -- being beaten by her estranged husband, Paul Gonzalez in the judge's chambers. Sorry, but words can't express the anger I feel towards this man right now. What an animal! Divorce is never a pleasant event in one's life, but to attack the woman in a judge's chambers just takes the cake. This man just sank to a new low and is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.
"The incident was disturbing and shocking," Broward County Circuit Court Judge Ronald Rothschild recalled Tuesday, adding, "In addition to the violence, the fact is that it happened in a court proceeding."

The proceeding that took place Friday in Judge Rothschild's chambers was the last hearing in the divorce of Scott-Gonzalez and her husband of about five years, Paul Gonzalez.

Thirty-five minutes into the hearing, when the issue of child support was brought up Gonzalez -- acting as his own attorney -- decided to leave the room, according to Michael Dunleavy, the attorney for Scott-Gonzalez. The couple, both former Marines, are the parents of two young children.

"He goes, 'I'm not going to pay child support,' and Judge Rothschild says, 'You know all parents have to pay child support, we all have to support our children,' and he (Gonzalez) stalked out of the room," said Dunleavy.

"He went calmly," remembered Judge Rothschild, "not happily, but calmly walked out of chambers, took one step out of the door, then in a blink of an eye -- I mean literally one step -- he came back in."

Upon returning, Gonzalez suddenly started punching his estranged wife, according to those in the chambers. "It was from behind, I was blindsided, I was knocked out after the first punch," said Scott-Gonzalez. Source: CNN
From what I read, this woman sought to get a restraining order twice against this man and was denied. If he isn't punished to the full extent of the law, he will hurt this her again and possibly kill her. There's no way to gloss this over. This is domestic violence in the same vein as Osbourne Whitton, Scott Peterson and others.

mardi 19 avril 2011

Three Kids Injured After Loaded Gun Brought to School by 6 YO Discharges in Cafeteria at Houston Elementary School

SHAME: Three children were injured at Ross Elementary in Houston, TX, after a loaded gun brought to school by a six year old child discharged.
A pistol brought to Ross Elementary School by a 6-year-old kindergarten student fell to the cafeteria floor and discharged today, slightly injuring three children, a Houston school district spokesman said.

The injuries were not considered life-threatening, spokesman Jason Spencer said. The incident occurred about 10:22 a.m in the school at 2819 Bay, he said..

The boy who brought the gun was wounded in the foot, another 6-year-old boy was wounded in the leg and a 5-year-old girl was wounded in the foot when the gun fell out of the boy's pocket, Spencer said.

The students were either hit by a single bullet and/or fragments. The children were taken to Texas Children's Hospital and their parents notified, officials said. Police were investigating how the child obtained the gun. Source
I can't wait to hear the parents' explanation as to how their son came by this gun. Unless he found it on the school bus, there is no excuse and they should be jailed for negligence. That is assuming he of she lives in a home with both parents.

Kalamazoo Officer Eric Zapata Shot & Killed Responding to Call, Suspect Dies from Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound

Kalamazoo Public Safety Officer Eric Zapata fatally killed in line of duty by Leonard Statler in alley.

Kalamazoo Public Safety Officer Eric Zapata was shot & killed by Leonard Statler responding to a call at a home around 11:30 p.m. Monday night. According to Officer Down Memorial Page, Officer Zapata was shot and killed after responding to reports of a shots fired call on Hays Avenue.
Another officer had also responded to the call and approached a man standing on porch. As the officer asked the man if he had heard any shots the man suddenly pulled out a gun and exchanged shots with the officer.

The subject then ran in between two houses where he confronted Officer Zapata. More shots were exchanged and Officer Zapata was struck in the head and chest. The man then committed suicide. Source: ODMP
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Officer Zapata, who served on the Kalamazoo force for 10 years. It is a shame that we continue to lose our law enforcement agents, who are there to protect the public.

Detroit NAACP Wants District & State Records Over Concern for Burgeoning Classrooms for Mostly Black Students

The Detroit chapter of the NAACP is gunning for a fight with the Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder. The organization is seeking records from the city's public schools about the district's reorganization and Gov. Snyder's office on his plans to cut school funding statewide.
The district faces a $327 million deficit. Financial manager Robert Bobb submitted a plan to the state that called for closing about half of the district's 141 schools and increasing some classes to 60 students.

In a statement, Detroit Branch NAACP President Rev. Dr. Wendell Anthony said, “For the NAACP, this crosses a fundamental line in the sand. With 60 kids in a class, students can’t learn and teachers can’t teach. That’s not education at all. It’s warehousing. And it violates the law and our fundamental standards of decency. Source: Click on Detroit

“Michigan has a higher rate of incarceration than nearly any other state. And they just announced plans to build yet another jail at a cost of $300 million. Our public school system is being destroyed while the Prison Industrial Complex is making a lot of people rich. Lansing’s priorities are backward. Kids must come first.”
I agree that this may rise to the level of a second look, but I must also add that there is some parental responsibility necessary to change the course of what is happening in many schools in many cities across the U.S. You can't leave it up to the schools to be teachers and babysitters for your kids. You have to take an active role in their education, including education policy. If the NAACP succeeds and finds that city did the wrong thing by black kids, what's next?

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тъжно е, че теб те няма,
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Липсваш ми и много ме боли,
на парчета цялата съм днес,
търся си усмивка да се събера,
а ти дори не искаш да те чуя...

NYPD Release Video Showing Man Shooting Brooklyn Teen Andre Pitts Multiple Times

NYPD release video of black male murdering Brooklyn teen Andre Pitts in Brownsville Sunday night.

NYPD have released a video of a man fatally shooting teenager Andre Pitts in Brooklyn Sunday night. The teen was shot multiple times in the fourth-floor hallway of an apartment building on Lott Ave. in Brownsville, the New York Daily News said.

Police are looking for a black male in his 20s, about 5-foot-8, caught on video wearing a black jacket with a green hood and red sneakers.

In the security video footage, the suspect can be seen following his victim out of an elevator and firing his gun several times. His face is clearly visible on camera as he walks out of the building calmly after shooting the teen.
Take a good look at the man's face in the video below and call the NYPD's Crime Stoppers tip line at (800) 577-TIPS. Don't be silent. Call the police. This POS and murderer needs to be taken off the streets of New York City.

Watch the video:

Former Producer Tameika Dorman Claims She Was Fired by BET After Complaining About "Pervy" Cameraman & Being Pregnant

Tameika Dorman, former BET producer, files lawsuit against network alleging she was fired because she became pregnant and complained about "pervy" cameraman.

Tameika Dorman, a former Black Entertainment Television (BET) producer, has filed a lawsuit against the company alleging she was fired because she was pregnant and after she complained about working with Derek Clarke, a 'pervy' cameraman, during an interview with rapper Nicki Minaj last November.
In a lawsuit filed at the Bronx Supreme Court, Miss Dorman claims her bosses told her she wouldn't have to work with him again after he allegedly filmed up her miniskirt the previous year.

She accuses him of sexually harassing her when the pair were working together on a show she was producing and hosting in February 2009.

Miss Dorman claims they were editing the program together when he kept repeatedly showing her the footage, taken as she walked up the stairs in a short skirt. In the suit, her lawyer claims: 'During this editing session, Clarke subjected Ms Dorman to acts of sexual harassment by repeatedly re-playing video footage of her rear-end.'

According to the lawsuit, when Miss Dorman asked him why he kept replaying the video, he 'grabbed and repeatedly rubbed his crotch, began to moan, and said it was because he loved her butt, that she was sexy and that she did not know what he was going to do to her.' Source
We'll see how this plays out. I don't watch BET. I tried to watch Mo'Nique and gave up on that because she's entirely too ghetto for me. Seems a little hypocritical, if true, that this woman was fired because she was pregnant. The image the network projects is pure ghetto and a misogynistic one that continues to denigrate women. I'm sure most people aren't surprised the company has been sued for harassment.

Kalamazoo MI Police Officer Fatally Shot, Suspect Dies of Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound

Michigan police officer shot & killed by gunman who also dies at the scene of self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Another police officer has been gunned down in the line of duty. Authorities say officers encountered a 31 year old man on the porch of a home in Kalamazoo, MI, at about 11:18 p.m. Monday while investigating reports of gunfire. According to Click on Detroit, they said he advanced toward the officer, brandished a handgun and exchanged gunfire with the police officer before running between houses. One officer was found dead and the suspect committed suicide on the scene.

Developing story. More to follow.

lundi 18 avril 2011

Inmate Overpowers & Fatally Shoots Texas Deputy Sherri Jones During Transportation from Courtroom to Van

Texas Deputy Sherri Jones shot & killed after being overpowered by inmate as she transported him from Bowie county courtroom to van bound for state facility.

Sad news for the U.S. law enforcement community. Bowie, TX, Deputy Sherri Jones was shot and killed in the basement of the county courthouse while preparing to transport prison inmate Tucker Strickland this afternoon. According to Officer Down Memorial Page, Ms. Jones was moving the Strickland from a courtroom to a transport van to transport him to a state facility when he attacked her.

Eerily reminiscent to the March 11, 2005, shooting rampage Brian Nichols embarked on in a Fulton County court in Atlanta, the Bowie inmate overpowered the deputy, took her gun, and fatally shot her. The inmate then stole the transport van and fled to Arkansas where he was caught in the town of Ashdown and taken into police custody, according to the Houston Chronicle.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Deputy Jones' family. She served with the Bowie County Sheriff's Department for six years on a part-time basis.

Retired Jamaican Cop Osbourne Whitton Kills Married Lover, Officer Bevon Hutchinson-Anderson & Two Others Then Commits Suicide

More gun violence in Jamaica involving a law enforcement officer. According to the Jamaica Observer, retired police officer Osbourne Whitton went on a shooting spree in Manchester Sunday night after a female corporal Bevon Hutchinson-Anderson tried to break off a relationship with him. Whitton killed her, the child's father and her son before killing himself. The newspaper said he flew into a jealous rage upon seeing the woman with her child's father in her home.
Whitton then killed her, the child’s father Rohan Shaw, 45, of Rosedale Drive in Mandeville, and their son Keinon Shaw, 12, of Melrose Mews. Hutchinson-Anderson reportedly also had a husband in the United States with whom she has a 21-year-old son. Whitton also had a spouse in the US.

A neighbour, Delroy Martin, told the Observer that he heard gunshots, after which Whitton came over to his house to talk to him. The ex-cop asked to speak to Martin's wife, with whom he knew Hutchinson-Anderson had a friendship.

Martin said that he feared the ex cop wanted to kill his wife. He recounted that Whitton told him that Mr Shaw had reportedly pulled a gun on him but that it jammed, which was when he started firing.

After telling him this, Whitton then returned to the house and more shots were fired, Martin said. When the police arrived, a single shot was heard, believed to be from the former policeman killing himself. Source
This news comes on the heels of the shooting rampage Corporal Wayne Llewellyn went on earlier in April that led to the deaths of his estranged wife and four members of her family before he committed suicide. What a tangled web these Bevon Hutchinson-Anderson and Osbourne Whitton weaved! Adultery all the way around and an innocent child caught in the crossfire.

UPDATE#1: It would seem that Ms. Bevon Hutchinson-Anderson felt scared in the last days of her life. But the bigger issue for me is her compulsion and motivation to carry on an adulterous relationship. Nothing good can ever come out of a love triangle, but pain and death, as in this case. My heart goes out to the innocent child who was caught in the crossfire of the reckless behavior of the adults involved in this mess. This can't be all about sex. Why complicate matters by cheating? You play, you pay one way or another.

Photo credit: Osbourne Whitton, Facebook

12 Year Old Michigan Girl Charged with Armed Robbery, Father Says She was Trying to Get Money for House Payments

SHAME: A 12 year old girl was arrested for attempted armed robbery in Highland Township, MI. The father of the girl said she was trying to get money to make house payments, Click on Detroit reported. He also said he and his wife were going through a terrible divorce.
He said his wife informed him of the arrest and he went crazy. But the father told Local 4 the girl had a motivation to commit a robbery.

"Her mother told her that I was taking away the house that they live in, which is absolutely false and she was trying to get money to pay for the house is what I heard. It's terrible," the father said. In a 911 call obtained by Local 4, a woman can be heard telling a dispatcher Friday night that another employee is holding down a crying masked girl who just tried to rob the store with a gun.

The girl, whose father said turned 12 years old last month, has been charged as a juvenile with armed robbery. Police said she stole a gun and used it to try to take cash from Country Lake Market on North Milford Road. Source: Click on Detroit
Could someone please tell me where this 12 year old girl got a loaded 9 mm handgun from? This is a thug in the making if they don't rein her in. She will actually pull the trigger one day.

First Lady Michelle Obama Says "I Want to Embrace the Country that I Love"

First Lady Michelle Obama guest hosted on "The View" Monday and uttered some profound words that will certainly be twisted and taken apart by her detractors:
"What we have to do in this country is remember who we are and that's the reason why I like to travel and to get out because, look no matter what people say, when they see you.. They're excited and they're proud and you know, everybody, everybody has their detractors and that's part of what the political process is all about," First Lady Michelle Obama said today on "The View."

"I want to embrace the country that I love. The country that I know is positive and fair and there’s so much of that out there, that’s it very easy to kind of push the other stuff aside and not take it in. It's easier than you'd imagine," Mrs. Obama said.
The Drudge Report begs to differ with Mrs. Obama and want to keep pushing the comments about being "proud of America" uttered during the 2008 presidential campaign that the right twisted out of context.

Ziggy Marley, Son of Late Bob Marley, to Release Comic Book, Marijuanaman on April 20

Ziggy Marley, son of the late Reggae great Bob Marley, is slated to release a comic book, Marijuanaman, on April 20th.
The plot presents an extraterrestrial being whose home world is in desperate need of THC and whose giant bong spaceship crashes on Earth. Taking up (and toking up?) with a green-minded band of freedom-fighters, Marijuanaman begins a mission to save our planet’s weed from destruction by the evil corporation Pharma-Con and its minions, among them robo-biker assassin Cash Money.
Well, a comic book is a comic book, I guess. Read more, CLICK HERE.

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