mercredi 21 juillet 2010

Ieshuh Griffin, Milwaukee Independent Candidate Barred from Using "NOT a Whiteman's Bitch" as Campaign Slogan

Ieshuh Griffin, Milwaukee independent candidate, barred by state election officials from using "Not a whiteman's bitch" as her campaign slogan.

Ieshuh Griffin, a Milwaukee independent running to replace retiring Democratic Rep. Annette "Polly" Williams is screaming that her freedom of speech was violated when state elections officials rejected her attempt to run with the slogan, "NOT the whiteman's bitch," according to the Journal Sentinel. In view of the fact that former USDA director Shirley Sherrod was thrown under the bus by the White House, the USDA and the NAACP after rightwing sleazebag Andrew Breitbart deliberately twisted her comments on race, we have a black person desirous of playing the race card. Which sane person would ever cast a vote for Ieshuh Griffin?

"I'm not making a derogatory statement toward an ethnic group. I'm stating what I'm not," Griffin told board members. "It's my constitutional right to freedom of speech." Source
So, I am guessing if a white candidate said he or she isn't a "black man's bitch" then that would be okay in her book. What are we teaching our children, that racial nitpicking is okay? If these are in fact Ms. Griffin's words, then she has no professionalism or decency whatsoever. She is akin to New Hampshire candidate Ryan Murdough who wants whites to ignore diversity and recapture the essence of their race. So much for improving race relations in this country.

Read more: Board rejects 'whiteman' ballot language from Milwaukee candidate | Journal Sentinel

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