jeudi 22 juillet 2010

Modern-Day Lynching of Shirley Sherrod by Andrew Breitbart Continues, Rep. Steve King Calls for Investigation in her Hiring

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) says former black USDA official, Shirley Sherrod's initial hiring at USDA should be investigated.

The modern-day lynching of former USDA official Shirley Sherrod continues at the hands of the right wing. Scumbag Andrew Breitbart just can't let it go since he has been proven once more to be a POS and a liar. This time, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) tells radio talk show host Ben Shapiro that there are very curious circumstances behind Shirley Sherrod's initial hiring at the USDA and calls for investigations into the matter. Really? More curious than people embracing known Ku Klux Klan member the late Sen. Robert Byrd and racist Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond, as well as Sen. Jeff Sessions, who has a racist past? What a bunch of hypocrites.

All I can say to Andrew Breitbart is that what goes around comes around and payback is a bitch.

Watch the video if you can stomach listening to crap:

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