jeudi 29 décembre 2011

болка и надежда...

До болка липсваш ми
в дните ни последни...
Празници сега са,
а в мене тъй е празно...
В мислите ми ти си,
щом денят навън е.
В сънищата идваш,
с мрака на нощта...
Дните ги броя през час,
които ни разделят нас...
Уж са преброени те,
но толкова безкрайни...
Ще отпия глътка вино
в онзи час, дванайсти...
Не ще си тялом ти до мен,
но в сърцето мое ти си...
Ще се усмихна тихо,
сълза ще блесне в очите,
тъмнината ще я скрие,
с надежда ще я замени...
С надежда много скоро
в погледа ти да се видя...
Да ме прегърнеш нежно,
да се сгуша тихо в теб
и пак да се усетя твоя,
и с любов да те опия...
За острова далечен,
с теб да помечтаем,
за мястото без студ
и само двама да сме...

Защото те обичам...


samedi 17 décembre 2011

натъжих те...

My Worlds - Drago
Натъжих те вчера, знам.
Разочаровах те отново.
Добра да съм, опитвам
всеки ден, за всичко.
Сигурно е, че греша,
но кое е вярното не знам.
Вярно е, научих много,
но не стига, няма правила.
Все опитвам със надежда
да успея, за да те радвам.
Знам, че ще успея аз,
но дали търпението
ще е с тебе дотогава?
Подкрепата ти ми помага,
не ме е тъй подкрепял никой.
Благодаря ти с обич затова!
Искам да съм по-добра за теб!
И го искам страшно много!
Обичам те и ще успея 
да съм по-добра заради мен, 
заради теб, заради нас...
Обичам те и ти обещавам,
никога не ще те натъжавам!


vendredi 9 décembre 2011

днес да ти разказвам...

My Worlds

С устните си искам
днес да ти разказвам:
за слънчеви поляни
от усмивките огряни...
за росата във очите
щом далече ти си...
за огъня в сърцето,
който ти запали...
за мечтите полетели
на криле от пеперуди...
за спомените палави
от дните минали...
за слънчев лъч изгрял
със всяка мисъл с теб...
за обичта ми, която 
с нежност те прегръща...
за денят удовлетворен
щом с теб е споделен...
За любовта в живота
и за живота със любов
днес да ти разказвам
с устните си искам...


mercredi 7 décembre 2011

повярвай в мен...

My Worlds

С обич те прегръщам,
чувствам се желана,
искрата в мене палиш
на живота ми усмихнат...
Жена щастлива с теб съм,
негативното забравям,
мечтите си събуждам
за всеки ден напред...
Подай ръка, повярвай
в мен и любовта ми,
тъй както аз се доверих
в онази нощ от пролетта...
Вярвам в теб и зная,
с онзи, вътрешния глас,
че искам теб и никой друг
защото ти си ми живота...
Животът в мене съживи,
с подадена ръка във мрака,
с една целувка плаха,
с безкрайната си нежност...
А днес, обичам те безкрайно,
с онази, не първата любов,
но чувството е тъй вълшебно,
по следите на сърдечен зов...
Ти си мойта обич осъзната,
ти си моят прероден живот,
повярвай в мен и обичта ми,
тъй както аз се доверих на теб...


dimanche 4 décembre 2011

да те обичам

Да те обичам само мога...
Това са думи от сърцето,
на което ти живот дари,
с целувка плаха във нощта.
В тази нощ съдбата заигра се
и на среща късна ни събра.
Свали от разума ни тя години,
душите ни със свобода дари,
в танц съдбовен ни понесе
и криле ни подари да полетим.
Дали игра е на съдбата
или пътят ни е начертан...
Да летя със теб не ме е страх,
сигурно ми е и тъй спокойно,
тъй както никога до този ден.
Опора искам да ти бъда аз,
тъй както ти за мен си,
подай ръка и ми повярвай,
думите не са напразни,
нито са преувеличени...

Да те обичам само мога...
И на съдбата да благодаря...


samedi 3 décembre 2011


Don't worry, be happy...

Безсънна е нощта за мен,
подрежда ми вината
и грешките неволни,
от казаните думи
и от неизречените...
Мислите оплита,
на възли ги заплита,
мигове пропуснати
пред мен реди ги...
Нощта безсънна е
и ме преследва 
с въпросите бодливи,
въпросите без отговори
или с отговори сиви...
Нощта подрежда пъзел,
с разума ми си играе,
будни сънища нарежда... 

Безсънна е нощта за мен...

lundi 28 novembre 2011

да съм с теб...

Объркваща работа

Обичам да съм с теб...
В следобедите късни
преминаващи във вечер...
Унесени във разговори,
заиграли се със ласки,
разменящи си нежност,
даряващи си обич...
Наше си е времето
на края на деня,
на прага на нощта...
Срещат ни усмивки,
погледи искрящи
се изпращат в тъмнината...
И животът хубав е...
Когато с теб е споделен...


защото те обичам

My Worlds

Слънцето огря деня
и даже в мен изгря.
С усмивка заредих се
и бързо споделих я.
Денят пред мен е,
с желания го заредих
и очаквания подредих,
слънцето ще задържа
защото аз го искам тъй.
Силна съм с усмивка
и по-силна съм със обич. 
Обичта, която в мен е,
която с теб споделям...
Защото те обичам...
просто, ей, така...  ;)


mardi 15 novembre 2011

с чаша чай...

снимка от нета

Прегръщам те... 
искам чай да ти направя... 
помогни ми... 
направи го и... 
мисли за мен... 
трудно ли е?...
Мисля си, че не... ;)
Далече днес си,
само с мисли
мога аз да те достигна.
И да те обичам мога,
както никой друг...
В сърцето ми,
за теб е обичта ми,
в душата ми,
са чувствата за теб...
до сега назнайни,
но истински
и тъй приятни даже...
без маска и без грим,
съвсем реални,
и тъй лесни са дори...
До теб съм себе си,
тъй истинска
и жива с любовта...
На съдбата 
благодарност аз дължа,
че срещна ни във ден, 
уж обикновен.
С времето се случи...
Любовта е тук,
невярвана, че е за мен...
И с времето,
все по-хубаво е...
и на Съдбата и на теб,
че част,
от живота мой, си ти!
И те обичам,
с цялото сърце,
на което живот отново, 
даде ти...
Прегръщам те...
и чаша чай споделям с теб,
днес в мислите си само...


jeudi 10 novembre 2011

в рая...

Don't worry, be happy
Думите не стигат и не трябват,
устните говорят със целувки, 
ръцете с ласки ни разказват...
От щастие, в очите наши,   
усмивки със сълзи блестят...
Днес в рая се намерих,
ден прекрасен ти ми подари!
Благодаря ти, обич моя!


vendredi 4 novembre 2011

тъжно ми е...

Don't worry, be happy

Тъжно ми е днеска някак...
Навън е цветно, слънчево 
и даже топло е на припек...
Не искам в тъгата да се вглеждам, 
но тя ме вика... 
даже някак ме примамва...
Ако включа разума в играта, 
причина няма за тъгата...
От дни не се познавам,
есента ли днес да обвинявам
или в мен причината е...
Пак ли с мислите сгреших
или в недоволство от делата
на дните ежедневни...
Днес не искам аз да знам,
причината не ми се търси...
Без тъгата искам  днес
напред в деня да продължа 
и усмивката си аз да срещна,
в прегръдката й да се стопля...


mercredi 2 novembre 2011

The Hinterland Gazette Has Moved to WordPress

The Hinterland Gazette has moved from Blogger and it's old Black Political Thought name to WordPress. Visit us at

mardi 1 novembre 2011


The young woman is clearly in distress. She has come to me for counsel. I have no absolutes for her. Whenever I share, I do my best not to tell people what they ought to do no matter how much I want to give advice rather than counsel (yes, there is a difference); everyone has to take responsibility for the decisions they make. This will not happen if the decision they make is based on what I tell them to do. I can only point the young woman to God’s word, encourage her to seek His face, and clear away the clutter and distractions so that she might clearly hear what He has to say.

It frustrates me to see the negative situation in an individual’s life and yet not be able to take hold of it and make it right for all the parties involved. It burdens my heart to see pain in a person’s eyes and realize I have no power to take it away. It makes me so angry to know the heartache people inflict on others even as they name the name of Christ and profess to love Him with all their heart, mind, soul and strength. In the words of Marvin Gaye, it “makes me wanna holler……” I feel so ineffective and impotent even as I am also absolutely sure that God can, and will, handle every sin committed against us if we will absolutely trust Him for the outcome.

Yes, there are times when I do muse on, and trip over, Romans 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” My humanity wants to know why I must wade my way through the bad to get to the “all things work together for good,” part. Why can’t it always be good all the time because I love the God who is good all the time?!

I turned on the radio just as the radio bible teacher was saying, “Relationships take patience and perseverance,” his point being that we must press our way through those prickly patches in any relationship with patience and perseverance. In other words, we cannot jump ship because my spouse is not right; my mother gets on my nerves; my children have lost their minds; my co-workers drive me crazy; those church members irk me, etc., etc., etc.

Do you know that God has a sense of humor? Well, He does, and I know it because He sent this message to me on the heels of my conversation with the young woman, just as I was thinking, “Everyone has a right to peace and harmony in their lives; why can’t we just cut bait and run?” Not only was I thinking it; I was seriously considering sharing this "message" with her.

Patience and perseverance are two words that can be anathema in this “I WANT IT NOW!” society. I cannot even remember the last time I was in a bible study, or heard a sermon, about patience and perseverance. James’ declaration, “Count it all joy,” is just one big irritant when I can see nothing in my life for which to be joyful. Patience and perseverance in this chaos called life? Are you kidding me? Seriously, God, patience and perseverance in this quagmire of a relationship in which I now find myself stuck?

The Truth: Running from adversity and conflict in relationships does not solve problems, but compounds them. Patience and perseverance are the keys to relational transformation.

7Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains.
8You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near.
9Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door! 10Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. 11As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy. 12Above all, my brothers, do not swear—not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. Let your "Yes" be yes, and your "No," no, or you will be condemned. James 5:7-12 (NIV)

~From “Five Lies That Ruin Relationships: Why a Change in Scenery Rarely Improves the View” ~Chip Ingram/Living On The Edge Radio Broadcast, October 2011

The only way I will learn to be patient and to persevere in times of adversity is to be patient and persevere in times of adversity. This may sound like circular reasoning, but it is fact, hard and cold. Just as I learned to drive by driving, just as I learned to cook by cooking, just as I learned to do anything by doing it, so it is with patience and perseverance in those upside down relationships. We may never reach perfection, but we should at least try. We must kick to the curb the idea of convenience, comfort, and no challenge in this life-journey. I am not saying this will be an easy or challenge free process. I am saying that we must begin to trust Him who is still able to do more than we can ask or think, one day at a time, one step at a time, one moment at a time.

Patience and perseverance, now that's a thought!

dimanche 30 octobre 2011

The Hinterland Gazette is Moving!

We are pleased to announce The Hinterland Gazette is moving from Blogger to a self-hosted site! Please bear with us as we make this transition. It is your support that has helped us to outgrow Blogger. The move will be seamless and will be the beginning of great things! The site may go down for a few hours, but I can assure you, we will back on track quickly! Please bear with us.

samedi 29 octobre 2011

Dion Evans & RMG Radio, Candlelights For Community...

I am pleased to see my friend Dion Evans of RMG Radio, Oakland California organize and execute a non-violent vigil in his community. Many of us in one way or another, have seen or witnessed some form of violence. It doesn't matter whether the violence affects you personally in the form of violence against your person or against some one you know, the fact is all of us need to be aware of the damaging effcts of violence in our community. Read more:

Bloody Weekend in Chicago, Two Dead, 16 Wounded in Gun Violence Since Friday Afternoon

MURDER CITY CHICAGO: Chicago is in the throes of yet another bloody weekend that has seen two killed and 16 shot since Friday afternoon. According to NBC Chicago, a 74 year old man and a 50 year old man, were fatally shot. Read more:

Christian-Affiliated Shorter University Requiring Employees to Sign Statement Rejecting Homosexuality or Face Termination

Shorter University now requiring employees to sign "Personal Lifestyle Statement" rejecting homosexuality or face termination.

SHAME: Christian-based Shorter University is now requiring its employees to sign a "Personal Lifestyle Statement" rejecting homosexuality.
Don Dowless, president of the Christian university in Rome, said anyone not signing the statement, which also requires staffers to reject premarital sex and adultery, faces termination.

“I think that anybody who adheres to a lifestyle that is outside of what the biblical mandate is and of what the board has passed, including the president, would not be allowed to continue here,” Dowless told Channel 2 Action News. Source
Students are not required to sign this statement. I don't quite know what to make of this mess, but I think it's a violation of one's rights.

Glendale AZ Police Officer Brad Jones Dies After Being Shot by Suspect During Probation Meeting

Police Officer Brad Jones dies after being wounded by Ryan Heisler who shot him during meeting with probation officer in Glendale, AZ.

Glendale AZ police officer Brad Jones, 27, was fatally shot while accompanying a probation officer on a meeting with a convict, Ryan Heisler, at an apartment complex Friday night. According to Officer Down Memorial Page, during the meeting, the suspect pulled a weapon and fired at Officer Jones.
The suspect fled in the officer's vehicle after shooting him. Officer Jones was able to make a radio call and responding officers pursued the suspect until he crashed on west Glendale Avenue. The suspect attempted to flee, but exchanged gunfire with the officers and was critically wounded. Officer Jones was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix where he died from his injuries.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Officer Jones, who served with the Glendale Police Department for four years. He is survived by a wife and two young children. According to the Arizona Republic, Heisler remains in critical condition at the Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center.

RMG Radio is Kicking Off 10 Hours of Programming Devoted to the Violence & Other Issues in Oakland, Calif.

RMG Radio is set up in the Eastmont Town Center Transit Station area in Oakland and kicking off 10 hours of non-stop programming dealing with issues confronting the city through its "Candlelight's for Community," to bring back hope to the community and put an end to the violence. If you are in the Oakland area, stop by and visit Dion Evans and his crew. The city of Oakland seems to have a bad reputation in the media, because they tend to accentuate the negative, but there are many, many good people in Oakland and RMG Radio is making a difference in changing that image.

RMG's PRAYDIO will be on location and on the air from 12 noon to 10 p.m. Remember, you have the power the change the world. Stop by and let your voice be heard! Join the conversation in person or check out RMG's Facebook page: Listen live at: The Christopher Lavell Jones Foundation is also giving away some t-shirts today. The Khadafy Foundation is also giving away calendars highlighting deaths in Oakland.

Words of wisdom from PRAYDIO: Fathers shouldn't just send the family to church. Join the mother and children in service. Don't kiss them goodbye as they depart to church. The time of worship that comes back into your home with you. There is peace in your home because there is peace in your spirit. It's time to end the violence in our communities, not just Oakland. It starts in the home!

Donna Williams, co-host of "Issues After Dark," is talking about how we can be instruments of peace in the community. She said "if the church isn't careful, we are going to wind up being an exclusive club, such as a sorority. Involvement with community-based organizations is important."

I would urge all our readers to support Dion Evans and RMG Radio. They are making a difference across the globe, one listener and one community at a time. Visit for more information.

Pastor James Miller Arrested by Clearwater Police for Sexual Battery of a Minor

Another pastor has been arrested for sexually abusing a minor. Pastor James Miller, who lived in Delaware, was arrested by Clearwater, Fla., police on a charge of sexual battery of a child. The warrant was issued by Delaware State Police.

vendredi 28 octobre 2011

Chicago Teen Kelli O'Laughlin Found Stabbed to Death in Indian Head Park Home, Death Considered a Homicide

Chicago teen Kelli O'Laughlin was found stabbed to death in her home in far southwest suburban Indian Head Park Thursday evening. She was a freshman at Lyons Township High School. According to NBC Chicago, investigators are considering her death a homicide and are looking for a suspect. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Kelli O'Laughlin.

Philly Judge Kevin Dougherty Gave Convicted Murderer & Now-Basement Kidnapping Ringleader Linda Ann Weston Custody of Niece Beatrice Weston

How does a judge give custody of a child to someone who served time for murder? That would be Judge Kevin Dougherty who gave custody to basement kidnapping and fraud ringleader Linda Ann Weston, of her niece Beatrice Weston, who was also found among the six kids and four teens being held by Weston.

View more videos at:

Koran-Burning FL Pastor Terry Jones Announces 2012 Presidential Run as Independent Against Barack Obama

George W. Bush set the bar so low, that any natural-born American fool can run for the presidency. Enter Koran-burning Florida pastor Terry Jones, who announced his bid for the White House as an Independent. Um, hell will literally freeze over and donkeys will be flying if this moron becomes our next president. According to the International Business Times, he said he was motivated to announce his "candidacy" (hysterically funny), because of the country's harsh economic reality. This is a man who doesn't know the meaning of the word diplomacy. He said he would "endorse" Herman Cain if his bid is unsuccessful. Yeah, the blind leading the blind.

AJC Cartoonist Mike Luckovich Mocks Mayor Kasim Reed Over Occupy Atlanta Protesters' Eviction

AJC cartoonist targets Atlanta mayor over Occupy Atlanta protesters' eviction from Woodruff Park.

Atlanta Journal Constitution cartoonist Mike Luckovich mocked Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed in a cartoon yesterday in which he placed Reed behind a desk grappling to explain to Martin Luther King's image on the newly minted King statue in Washington, D.C. The cartoon was released as protesters set up shot behind the King Center.

jeudi 27 octobre 2011


Her name was Fannie Lou Hamer, a fierce '60s Civil Rights activist in mean old "we ain't gone never change" Mississippi. She was sick and tired of being sick and tired and decided to do something about it, even to the extent of taking on the Democratic National Convention to challenging the seating of the all white Mississippi delegates at the convention.

Not too long ago, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I began to ask myself some hard questions. How could I, as a firm believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, still find myself in a place of worry and anxiety? Why was I still wrestling with the past rather than trusting God not only for my future, but also for my present? Why was I still putting my trust in mankind (that had already proven it should not be trusted) rather than in a God who had proven Himself to me over and over and over? "Why," as one woman asked me those many years ago, "was I being made out to be the bad guy?" And why was I still pitching my tent in that miserable valley? Why was I rehearsing my misery as if I were preparing for some big production of "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen?" I do know I am wired for worry; what I finally realized back then was that I needed to submit that predisposition to the authority of God. But how?

I eventually declared to myself, "Enough is enough," and determined to fast and pray on the matter. I entered into the fast with the thought that I would fast until God declared "The End." This time I also decided that each time a hunger pang hit I would think on the Word of God and pray. In times past, when the hunger pangs hit, I only thought about food. This time I turned my appetite to God to feast on His Word and to hunger for His righteousness. This became my daily routine and the stronger the hunger pangs, the stronger my prayers.

It is not important how long I fasted, but when I came out of that fast, I came out with the calm assurance that through it all Jehovah Shammah is indeed with me. These days my worry switch is not so easily flipped; after all, if God is for me who (or what) can be against me. I have a peace that confounds even me. When I do feel the tickle of worry, I immediately turn to God (Phillipians 4:6-7).

No, I have not reached perfection. There are still days when the enemy points out the losses, what I do not, and probably never will, have. There are days when I still wonder "What the heck happened?" There are times when Mr. Screwtape pokes me in my spirit and asks, "So, where is the love?" But, when those moments show up, I remind myself that I am the apple of God's eye. He has my name written on His hand. He catches my tears in a bottle. He will be my vindicator long after I've forgotten the hurt and gotten over the heartache. He truly is my light and my salvation. He fills the voids in my life and I am (thank you, Marvin Sapp) stronger and wiser and so much better.

I get joy when I think about what He's done for me!

Skokie IL Man in Police Custody for Stabbing Deaths of Daughter & 27 Month-Old Granddaughter

SHOCK: A Skokie, Ill., man is in police custody after he called 911 and told a dispatcher he had just killed his 18 year old daughter and 27 month-old granddaughter. No charges have been filed yet, but the man reportedly had blood all over his hands, according to NBC Chicago. The murders occurred at a home in the 4600 block of Main Street. Developing.

Little Known Black History Fact: Black Soldiers Played an Integral Role in Building Alcan Alaskan Highway

Black history fact: Black troops in segregated units played integral role in the completion of Alcan Alaskan Highway & the Sikanni Chief Bridge, connecting Alaska to the rest of North America, and saw the breakdown of "segregation in the military" on October 28, 1942.

Little known black history fact: October 28, 1942, marked "the first step in the breakdown of segregation in the military," Dr. Ronald Myers told . That is date when crews completed the highway -- the Alaska-Canadian Highway, or Alcan, that connects Alaska to the rest of North America. Thanks in great part to the black soldiers who played in role, working with hand tools, to make it a reality.
The story that astonished Myers involves the construction of the Sikanni Chief Bridge, 162 miles out of Dawson Creek. Black troops in segregated units worked on the road with minimal supplies in miserable conditions. They faced a fast-moving river 300 feet wide, but their heavy equipment had been sent to white divisions. The officers said there was no way the men could build a bridge across it on schedule.

The men thought otherwise. They bet their paychecks that they could finish the bridge in less than three days. With hand tools, saws and axes, they prepared the lumber from nearby trees. Tied to the shore with ropes, they plunged chest-deep into the rapid, freezing water and set the trestles. They sang work chants and chain-gang songs. They used the headlights of trucks to keep working in the dark. They finished the bridge ahead of schedule. Source
It is so important for us to learn about the achievements of the foot soldiers in the struggle for racial equality and justice in this country. Many fought for the rights some of us take for granted today.

OH Youth Pastor Travis Bransetter Charged with 3 Counts of Sexual Battery Against 15 YO Female Member of his Church

SHAME: Travis Bransetter, a former youth pastor at the Church of the Nazarene in Logan, OH, was charged with three counts of sexual battery against a minor, who happens to be a 15 year old member of his church. His bond was set at $100,000. According to WOUB, Bransetter reportedly confessed to investigators he had had a sexual relationship, which took place between Nov. 2010 and Feb. 2011.

Harriet's Blog: Lindsay Lohan's Dad, Michael Charged with Domestic...

Harriet's Blog: Lindsay Lohan's Dad, Michael Charged with Domestic...: Once again violence against women is in the spotlight as another high profile woman is subjected to violence from an intimate partner. M...

mercredi 26 octobre 2011

East Providence RI Police Investigating Possible Murder-Suicide at Home Owned by Jeffrey & Amber Arruda

East Providence, RI, police are investigating a possible murder-suicide. According to the Providence Journal, a couple, police are investigating the murder-suicide of Jeffrey and Amber Arruda at their home located at 94 Hazard Avenue. Developing....

Georgia Seeking to Overturn Portion of Voting Rights Act of 1964

The state of Georgia is seeking to strike down a portion of the Voting Rights Act of 1964 that sought to protect black voters during the period of American history that saw Jim Crow and racial discrimination running rampant all across the country, moreso in the Deep South.

From the Atlanta Journal Constitution:
Georgia filed suit earlier this month asking that the court approve Republican-backed plans to redraw the state's legislative and congressional districts. But in that filing, the state asks that if the court rejects its redistricting plans, that it also rule the law that requires that approval to be unconstitutional.

Georgia is one of nine states that must get any change in election law, including district maps, pre-approved by either the Justice Department or the federal court in Washington. That preclearance is required by Section V of the Voting Rights Act, the landmark 1964 law passed in the wake of Jim Crow and voting laws aimed at limiting the ability of African-Americans to vote.

Attorney General Sam Olens said the state's argument against the Voting Rights Act is simple: "we're no longer in 1964, there's no longer poll taxes, there's no longer cases where less than 50 percent of the minority population is voting." Of Georgia's 5.7 million registered voters about one-third are minorities.

The suit is the beginning of what could be a lengthy process for approval of its new maps, which are designed to take effect in next year's elections. While Georgia has sued in court for preclearance, it is also simultaneously asking for Justice Department approval. If Justice signs off on its plan, the state would drop its lawsuit.
I would urge Georgia voters to take the time to read about this new lawsuit and what it means for voters in the state. This is much bigger than being told you must have a photo ID to vote. I believe everyone should have a photo ID to establish identity. You can't open a bank account without a picture ID, so why should you vote without one? But, it seems to me that the Republicans in the state legislature want to go much further.

Civil Rights Leader Joe Beasley Says Mayor Kasim Reed is a "Waterboy for the Rich" for Pushing Occupy Atlanta Protesters from Park

Atlanta civil rights leader Joe Beasley says Mayor Kasim Reed is a "waterboy for the rich" and a "tyrant" for forcing Occupy Atlanta protesters by police force from Woodruff Park.

Joe Beasley
I came across an interesting commentary on the Redding News Review -- a so-called Atlanta civil rights leader, Joe Beasley, called Mayor Kasim Reed a "water boy for the rich" and a "tyrant" for his insistence on removing Occupy Atlanta protesters from Woodruff Park. I might add, the protesters have been removed, some peacefully, some arrested.
"The corporate leadership is actually calling the shots in Atlanta and not water boys, like the mayor," Joe Beasley told Redding News Review's radio program.

"Bull Connor was a chief of police," he said. "Chief Turner is a thoughtful man but he is under the orders of a tyrant." Source
But why do we have to sink to name calling? Racist name calling at that? Joe Beasley serves as the southern regional director for Rainbow/PUSH Coalition. Don't get me wrong, I am sure Joe Beasley has done a lot of good things in his life for racial justice and equality in this country, but why resort to name calling? That's counterproductive and only breeds animosity. Why minimize Kasim Reed to a "house negro" or an Uncle Tom?

mardi 25 octobre 2011

Bette Midler Mocks Gov. Rick Perry's Foray in Birther Movement

The Divine Ms. M, Bette Midler, appeared on "Joy Behar Show" and lit into GOP presidential hopeful Rick Perry foray into the birther muck, saying maybe he doesn't know where he was born. She also said President Obama was the first "sitting president to have to show his birth certificate." I guess she'll be dissed by Rush Limbaugh.

Actor Orlando Jones Tweets "If Liberals Want Respect...Stop Listening to Aretha, Kill Sarah Palin

Actor/comedian Orlando Jones Tweets "If Liberals Want Respect...Stop Listening to Aretha, Kill Sarah Palin."

Brandon DeQuan Harper, Justin Harper & 17 YO Juvenile Arrested Tuscaloosa Waffle House Fight Caught on Video

Tuscaloosa police arrested Brandon DeQuan Harper, 21, Justin Darnell Harper, 19, and a 17 year old male in a Sunday morning brawl at a Waffle House.

The men were charged with disorderly conduct and their bonds were set at $300. That's quite laughable because such a low bond isn't a deterrent to future criminal behavior. I'm sure they will get in trouble again. According to, investigators have determined that the fight was linked to an August robbery. The suspect in the case saw the victim in the Waffle House, then started an altercation that led to the fight.

Georgia Pastor Donald Crosby Files Federal Lawsuit Over Warner Robins High School Red-Horned "Demon" Mascot

Macon pastor Donald Crosby files federal lawsuit accusing city of Warner Robins of violating his rights when they arrested him for protesting high school's red-horned "demon" mascot because it was "offensive to Christians."

FRIVOLOUS LAWSUIT: Pastor Donald Crosby, who leads God’s Kingdom Builders Church of Jesus Christ in Macon, has filed a federal lawsuit claiming the city of Warner Robins violated his First Amendment rights when he was arrested for protesting Warner Robins High School's red-horned "demon" mascot. According to the AJC, Crosby was locked up in August 2010 after he failed to show officers a permit while protesting the school's mascot. He obtained a permit a few days later, but was arrested again during a second protest at the school, the newspaper said.
Crosby said in the lawsuit, filed in U.S. District Court in Macon, that he was shaken by the experience and forced to move out of the central Georgia town for fear of continued harassment. "Maybe I'm completely crazy and I don't know what I'm talking about. Or maybe all of their allegations are true," Crosby said in an interview. "But the fact of the matter is I believe I have the right to be heard."


Crosby and about 25 members of his congregation, God's Kingdom Builders Church of Jesus Christ in Macon, gathered outside the high school on the first day of classes in 2010. Waving "Warner Robins Must Repent" signs, they urged the school to abandon the team's name, which Crosby said was offensive to Christians. Source
Um, yes, completely crazy is right. Another pastor picking a fight over a very insignificant matter. I am sure there are a myriad of social issues Pastor Crosby could tackle, such as high unemployment and foreclosure rates. This is a waste of time for everyone involved.

Black Owned Radio One to Hold Conference Call to Discuss 3Q Fiscal Quarter's Results

For all those readers who watch black-owned TV One, visit Newsone, and support Radio One, the company will be holding a conference call for investors or anyone interested in how it is being run, to discuss its results for third fiscal quarter of 2011.

The conference call is scheduled for Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. EDT. To participate on this call, U.S. callers may dial toll-free 1-800-230-1074; international callers may dial direct (+1) 612-234-9960. I would urge my readers to listen and get an understanding of how this company is being run, particularly to get a sense about its profitability. (PR News)

Longtime Chicago Nurse Virgie Perillo Found Beaten to Death

Longtime Chicago registered nurse Virgie Perillo found beaten to death in garage of her home, police suspect robbery as the motive in her murder.

Virgie Perillo, a longtime Chicago registered nurse, was found beaten to death in her house on 33rd and Parnell. According to NBC Chicago, Ms. Perillo, who worked at Rush University Medical for the past 40 years, was found when her supervisor found her body, after going to her home to see if anything was wrong since she could not contact her. Her face was smashed with what police believes was either a metal pipe or a baseball bat. Investigators believe robbery was the motive, since her cell phone and some garden tools were missing from the garage.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Virgie Perillo. We would urge anyone to contact the police if they saw anything suspicious in and around her home on the night of this unspeakable act of violence.

Woman, Man Die in Apparent Murder-Suicide Near Washington, Louisiana

Murder-suicide near the town of Washington, La., as an unidentified man fatally shot a woman with whom he was driving Monday evening. The shooter died in the hospital several hours later. The St. Landry Parish Sheriff's office is still investigating the death s.The sheriff's office said the woman died at the scene and the relationship between the two was unknown as of Monday afternoon. Developing....

According to St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office, Russell Clark, 44, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound in an Opelousas hospital Monday after he fatally shot Kathleen Clark, 40, on La. 103.

lundi 24 octobre 2011

Harriet's Blog: Violence Against Women-October 2011

Harriet's Blog: Violence Against Women-October 2011: It seems to me that this has to be one of the deadliest months on record as it relates to violence against women. It brings to mind the h...

Charles Christine, 88, Shoots Wife, Betty Jane Christine, 85, in Apparent Murder-Suicide in Quakertown PA Apartment

What's up with elderly spouses committing murder-suicidesCharles Christine, 88, shot and killed his wife, Betty Jane Christine, 85, in their Quakertown apartment this morning in an apparent murder-suicide. The bodies were reportedly found by the couple's daughter, who called police at about 8:40 a.m. in the J Building of the Quakertown West Apartments in the 400 block of South Ninth Street, said. Christine reportedly shot his wife in the back of the head and then killed himself, police told the newspaper.

Clarence Porter, 76, Kills Ailing Sister, Avis M. Whitley, 85, in Apparent Murder-Suicide in Grayson, Ga., Church Parking Lot

Clarence Porter, 76, killed his ailing sister, Avis M. Whitley, 85, in the parking lot of First Baptist Church of Grayson, Ga., Sunday in an apparent murder-suicide. The siblings lived in Loganville, Ga. Police was able to determine Porter shot his sister in the head and then killed himself inside a white 1996 Mercury Villager van in the church parking lot. According to the AJC, investigators said that Whitley had suffered a severe stroke several weeks ago and was in poor health. The church's pastor, Rev. Tim Brogan said the siblings had attended the 140-member church “a long time,” long before his four-year tenure.

Possible Husband-Wife Murder-Suicide at National Lutheran Communities Assisted Living Facility

Possible husband-wife murder-suicide at the National Lutheran Home (Village at Rockville) assisted living facility in Rockville, Md.

According to ABC affililate ABC 7, Montgomery County police said two people are dead and investigators have characterized the deaths as a murder-suicide. The victims were a husband and his wife, who was a patient at the National Lutheran Communities & Services complex, where the bodies were found.
An elderly man signed himself into the National Lutheran Home (also called Village at Rockville) on Veirs Drive at about 9:30 a.m. He later shot his elderly wife before shooting himself, police spokesman Rebecca Innocenti said. The wife was a resident of the home, but the husband was not, she said. Police were called at about 10 a.m. Source: Washington Post
It seems like we are seeing an uptick in murder-suicides in the last week. Stay tuned. Developing.

Albert Ballard, 80, shot his 74-year-old wife, Sandra Ballard at The Village at Rockville.

Possible Murder-Suicide in Quakertown, PA, at the J Building

Police reportedly are investigating a possible murder-suicide in Quakertown, PA, Monday morning.

According to, the incident happened about 8:40 a.m. in the J Building of the Quakertown West Apartments, said Cpl. Scott Fogel. Fogel said no other information was being released at this time, including the number of fatalities. Breaking News Network said a man and woman were found shot to death in an apartment in the building, with a gun found next to the man. Developing.....

Charles Christine shoots wife, Betty Jane Christian in Quakertown apartment.

Ephren Taylor Jr. Tells AP "I'm Taking Action to Make Things Right" in Response to Lawsuit Filed by New Birth Members Against Him, New Birth & Bishop Eddie Long Over "Ponzi Scheme"

Ephren Taylor Jr., NC businessman at the center of federal investigation & GA Secy of State probe stemming from lawsuit brought by New Birth members against him, the church and Bishop Long over lost money through wealth building seminars, says "I am taking action to make things right."

Ephren Taylor Jr., the businessman at the center of a lawsuit filed by members of New Birth Baptist Church against he, the church and Bishop Eddie L. Long, has issued a statement to the Associated Press. He claims he is taking action to "make things right." Um, that might be a little too late. He belongs behind bars, along with the people at New Birth who pushed this Ponzi scheme on its members. The only action Ephren Taylor Jr. needs to take is to get ready for a lengthy prison sentence that will be coming his way. He's no different from Bernard Madoff.
"In my case and that of my former company, some of the negative effects of a situation with very complex economics impacted businesses, individuals and families despite our best intentions," Taylor said in a statement to The Associated Press. "Don't assume that I am just another greedy businessman," Taylor said in the statement. "I am taking action to make things right." Source
That might include Bishop Eddie Long too. I would love to know what cut out of the proceeds from Taylor's presentation during the "wealth-building" seminars and sermons did the church or Bishop Long receive in 2009. What I want to know is why people are still attending New Birth? What will it take these members to see that Bishop Long is on a dangerous course for sure destruction. It has been scandal after scandal at New Birth.

The Marine Corps to Teach Story of First Black Marines - The Montford Point Marines

The Marines will teach the story of the first black Marines, which very few Americans, even Marines know anything about. According to media reports, unlike the Army's Buffalo Soldiers or the Air Force's Tuskegee Airmen, the Montford Point Marines have never been featured in popular songs or Hollywood films, or recognized nationally.

Read more:

NC Pastor Bob Ritter Tells Sean Hannity President Obama "Treats God Like a Spare Tire"

Pastor Bob Ritter of Eastside Baptist Church in NC, tells Sean Hannity, President Obama "treats God like a spare tire."

Pastor Bob Ritter, who leads the Eastside Baptist Church in Nebo, NC, says President Obama treats God like a "spare tire." He recently met with the president as he traveled through North Carolina, but uttered the comments on Sean Hannity's show:
"Well, they call this the Bible Belt, and sometimes I question that [when] we don't act much like it...But this president's treated God like a spare tire. And honestly, a lot of government does that."

But what exactly does Ritter mean saying the President treats "God like spare tire"? Pastor Ritter explains to Hannity:

"When a crisis comes, we pull God out of the trunk and we call for pastors to come to schools when there's been a shooting; we called for prayer after 9/11...But then the sad thing is when it all works and God gives our country peace of heart and protects us, since 9/11 we've put God back in the trunk...God's not a spare wheel...He's supposed to be the steering wheel." Source
Wow, another right wing evangelical spewing hypocrisy. I wonder how he viewed former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton's treatment of God?

Democratic Lawmakers Running From Obama Events as Approval Numbers Continue to Dip

Lawmakers running like crazy from Obama events. Politico reports that as Obama's approval numbers continue to fall, "many Democratic politicians don't want to get too close to him."
"In trips to Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania -- all states that he carried in 2008 -- members of Congress were notably missing from the president's side. Though none came out and said they were deliberately avoiding him, they didn't have to: Dodging a presidential candidate who's riding low in the polls is a time-honored political practice... For Obama, who's led a charmed political life since bursting onto the national stage in 2004 -- he was in high demand on the campaign trail even before he won his Senate seat that year -- it's a harbinger of a humbling election year to come."

President Obama to Work Around Congress with Housing & Student Loan Plans

President Obama to announce plans to aid homeowners and those with student loans, though his past efforts to save the housing market and jumpstart the economy have fallen short.

President Obama is set to work around Congress to help the people on Main Street, but I am sure his detractors will find another reason to call him a Socialist and with dictator-like qualities. Quite frankly, it's high time something substantive was done to help people on Main Street and not another tax break for the wealthy and well-connected. It may be too little and too late but I suppose he's trying.
From Reuters: President Barack Obama this week will announce a series of actions to help the economy that will not require congressional approval, including an initiative to make it easier for homeowners to refinance their mortgages, according to a White House official. The actions come as Obama is facing resistance from Republicans to a $447 billion jobs package he has urged Congress to pass.

The first of the initiatives will be unveiled during Obama's three-day trip to western states beginning Monday. He will discuss the changes in mortgage rules at a stop in Nevada, which has one of the hardest-hit housing markets in the country.

The Obama administration has been working with the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the regulator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to find ways to make it easier for borrowers to switch to cheaper loans even if they have little to no equity in their homes.

The FHFA intends to loosen the terms of the two-year-old Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP), which helps borrowers who have been making mortgage payments on time but who have not been able to refinance as their home values have dropped.
It should be noted that a president doesn't have to get approval from Congress for everything and I believe he's doing the right thing in this case. We all know that Congress, particularly the Republicans and some Democrats will find a way to not work with Obama, so why bother? This is to help the average American homeowner or parent with a kid in college. The situation in the housing market is getting dire.

President Obama had promised to help homeowners stay in their homes, but of the $50 billion promised to help to that end, only $2.4 billion has been spent and only 1.7 million homeowners have been helped. Many homeowners, who are still in their homes, are still struggling and it is clear President Obama and his "advisers" have fallen short in taking more dramatic actions to help people on Main Street. They have consistently unveiled programs that under-performed or were just plain weak and did nothing to reduce the mortgage nightmare. Doing more to fix the mortgage problem in this country is paramount. It will help to jumpstart the economy and greatly aid in Obama's prospects for re-election. So, I guess going around Congress isn't a luxury, it's a necessity for his own presidential survival.

dimanche 23 octobre 2011

Veteran LA Teacher Mildred Russ Arrested After Choking 6 Year Old "Problem" Student Kiya Rogers

Mildred Russ, a veteran teacher a Baker, Louisiana elementary school, was arrested and placed on administrative leave from the school, after she choked Kiya Rogers, a six year old girl, with her own sweater and dragged her across a playground to the office.

According to the Daily Mail, Russ, who is black, dragged the child with such force that she was pulled out of her shoes, left behind in the sand. She immobilized the girl by wrapping her legs around her body. The child's mother admitted that her daughter oftentimes acts up, but doesn't deserve what the teacher did. Two wrongs don't make a right, but this teacher may have been at her wits end with this kid.

Parents, this is a lesson to you, be better parents to your kids and don't let them become nuisances at school -- plain and simple. This teacher could have taken the kid to the principal's office to be disciplined. The mother thinks moving her daughter to another school will fix the problem. Um, the problem started at home and that's where it needs to be fixed.

National Guardsman Michael Hodges Shot & Killed GA Sheriff's Deputy James D. Paugh

Christopher Michael Hodges, a National Guardsman, who appeared to be drunk and had been firing at passing cars shot and killed Richmond County, Ga., sheriff's deputy James D. Paugh Sunday morning. Hodges reportedly fired 35 rounds from his M4 semiautomatic rifle.
Gay said Paugh had been with the department for 17 years and was an avid motorcycle rider and cook. He said Paugh would cook turkey for his fellow deputies during Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Authorities said Hodges had been having some sort of dispute with a female, though it does not appear Paugh knew about that. Gay said authorities took the woman into custody for questioning.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Deputy Paugh.

"Harry's Law" Star Kathy Bates Wants "Obama to Stand Up on Hind Legs & Fight Rat Bastards"

Harry's Law star, Kathy Bates: I Want Obama 'to Stand Up on His Hind Legs and Fight These Rat Bastards.' That would be the Republicans who just don't want to work with him.

Andrew Holness Set to Become Jamaica's 9th Prime Minister as Bruce Golding Steps Down

Andrew Holness will become the ninth prime minister of Jamaica when he takes oath Sunday afternoon. He is replacing the embattled Bruce Golding, whose career in public office has taken a severe beating in the aftermath of the Christopher "Dudus" Coke scandal. Bruce Golding's career was also impacted by the global economic crisis and a lack of trust in his administration.

Paratransit Driver Eddie Hall Arrested for Intentional Ramming & Murder of Hells Angel Motorcyclist on I-580

Oakland, CA, paratransit driver Eddie Hall arrested on suspicion of felony hit-and-run & murder in ramming and dragging Hells Angel motorcyclist after two had altercation.

Eddie Hall, an East Bay Paratransit driver from Oakland, Calif., has been arrested on suspicion of felony hit-and-run and murder in the death of a Hells Angel motorcyclist. According to the Oakland Tribune, a Paratransit van struck the motorcyclist and dragged the motorcycle under the van for several miles before the van pulled over just east of the 150th Avenue on-ramp in San Leandro Saturday afternoon.

Hall reportedly tried to flee the scene, but was arrested by Alameda County Sheriff's deputies. The police believe the incident followed an altercation between the driver and the motorcyclist, who was traveling in a group of seven or eight other motorcyclists. The motorcyclist, who was treated by Alameda County Fire Department personnel and then transported to a nearby hospital, was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at the hospital, the Oakland Tribune reports.

Richard Jones Surrenders to Police After Shooting Up West Philly Bar with AK-47 Rifle

Richard Jones, 26, surrendered to police Saturday after being accused of shooting up a West Philadelphia bar with an AK-47 rifle.

As you can see from the video below, a man matching Jones' description, drove up to a Philly bar last Tuesday night, got out of his car, which continued to roll back, reached for the door and when he could not enter, started shooting. Thankfully, no one was hurt. According to NBCPhiladelphia, investigators said as he sped off when he was finished shooting up the bar, he fired one shot at police officers but missed.

His family said someone called him from the bar on the night in question saying his brother was being held hostage. His father is calling for safety of his son, but did he consider the safety of the bar patrons last Tuesday night or even the safety of the police officer he allegedly fired at? Two wrongs don't make a right. The young man, who a family member said isn't a saint, was very tearful during his surrender to police. I hope that's a sign that he will turn his life around. The family did the right thing when they urged him to surrender to the police.

Secy of State Hillary Clinton Backs Proposal Calling for Investigation of Moammar Gadhafi's Death

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tells NBC's "Meet the Press" that she supports a proposal calling for an investigation into the death of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi as part of the country's transition from a dictatorship to a democracy.

The bloody images of a wounded and later dead Gadhafi has been shown worldwide over and over. He was taunted and beaten by his captors. Some said he died in a crossfire and others said he was executed. He got what he deserved but it's time for his burial. No use defying Islam law by keeping him on display.

Clinton says she backs a proposal calling for the United Nations to launch an investigation in the matter. She also backed an investigation by Libya's Transitional National Council by saying a democratic Libya should begin with the rule of law and accountability, as well as unity and reconciliation. She says investigating Gadhafi's death is part of the process.

Former PA Black Pastor Michael Wilkerson Sr. Gets Prison Sentence for $111K Bad Check for Mercedes Benz Car, Facing Federal Fraud & Attempted Murder Charges

Former PA black pastor Michael Wilkerson Sr. gets prison sentence for writing $111,000 bad check for Mercedes Benz car, still faces federal fraud and attempted murder charges.

Another pastor bites the dust.... Michael Wilkerson Sr., who is black and is the former pastor of the Freedom Christian Deliverance Center in Pottstown, Pa., was sentenced to 11/2 to seven years Friday for writing an $111,000 bad check to purchase a Mercedes Benz. Yeah, gotta have that Benz no matter what. Shameful. He is still facing federal bank fraud and attempted murder charges in Philadelphia.
Assistant District Attorney Jeremy Abidiwan-Lupo, referring to a presentence investigation of Wilkerson, told a judge that Wilkerson still faces a charge of attempted murder stemming from an alleged domestic-related incident during which he had a violent confrontation with a female friend's boyfriend in Philadelphia. Additional information about the pending Philadelphia charges was not available.

Last month, Wilkerson, 45, formerly of East Coventry, was indicted in federal court on charges of bank fraud in connection with an alleged scheme to fraudulently obtain $6 million in home loans for properties in Schwenksville and Glenmoore between 2006 and 2008.

Joyce Wilkerson, his wife, age unavailable, Lee Garell, a real estate broker with Long & Foster, and Denise Haines, 45, of Birdsboro, Berks County, a mortgage broker with American Group Mortgage Corporation, each face identical charges for their alleged roles in the scheme, according to the 10-page federal indictment.

Wilkerson, the founder and former pastor of the Freedom Christian Deliverance Center on Walnut Street in Pottstown and a former television evangelist on PCTV, operated a real estate development business known as Agape Development Co., of which his wife was part owner, according to the indictment. Source
This man was a criminal from the moment he set foot in a church pulpit. They are no different from a thug roaming the streets. Wilkerson lied, cheated and stole. It's time people realized that some of the biggest crooks around are conducting their criminal activities from a pulpit. It should be noted that Michael Wilkerson Sr. is a recidivist criminal, who previously served prison time for a fraudulent financial scheme during the construction of his planned $1.7 million luxury home in Berks County. America is a risk from criminals masquerading as pastors.

Motorsports Mourning Second Death in a Week, After Moto GP Racer Marco Simoncelli Dies After Losing Control of Bike

Motorsports mourning second death in a week with death of Moto GP racer Marco Simoncelli, who lost control of his bike during Malaysian Moto GP.

Motorsports is mourning its second loss in a week with the death of Italian Marco Simoncelli, who was killed in a crash as the Malaysian Moto GP, when he lost control of his bike on the second lap of the circuit in Sepang and seems to have been hit by American Colin Edwards and then by Valentio Rossi as he slid across the track, the Daily Mail reports. His death comes one week after two-time winning Indy500 race champion, Dan Wheldon was killed in a 15-car pile-up at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.

CA Resident Christopher Ochoa Shot & Killed After Being Mistaken as a Black Bear by Gene Collier & Grandson

French Camp, Calif., Marine Reservist Christopher Ochoa shot and killed by Gene Collier, who was hunting with grandson in western Oregon field, after he mistook him for a black bear.

How does one mistake a human being for a bear? Well, that's what happened to Marine Reservist Christopher Ochoa, who was shot and killed in Oregon after police said a hunter, mistook him for a black bear. Ochoa, 20, from French Camp, Calif., and a friend were reportedly hiking through a field in Western Oregon on the way to Silver Creek Falls Park Friday evening, when an Oregon man, Gene Collier, shot him with a .270-caliber rifle. The man and his 12 year old grandson reportedly saw something moving in the bush and fired.

Collier, 67, hasn't been charged and the police said the shooting appeared to be accidental, though they turned the case over to the local district attorney's office. I have to ask, shouldn't you clearly see what you are shooting at before pulling the trigger, since other people could have been out hiking in the area as well? You can't just see the bushes move and shoot indiscriminately.

Emory University Black Studies Scholar Rudolph Byrd Dies After Long Battle with Cancer

Rudolph Byrd, a noted black and gay African American studies Emory University scholar, dies at 58 after long battle with cancer.

Rudolph Byrd
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Rudolph Byrd, who was a prominent scholar of black studies at Emory University in Atlanta. He died Friday after a long battle with multiple myeloma. He was 58.
"For many of us Rudolph was not only a symbol of dignity, propriety, determination, elegance and stamina, he embodied what it meant to live with purposefulness and grace, even to the very end," Earl Lewis, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, wrote Friday in announcing Byrd's death to the Emory community.

Byrd joined Emory's faculty in 1991 and he gained accolades with such honors as the Thomas Jefferson Award and the Andrew W. Mellon fellowship from Harvard University. He was a founder of the James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference, and the founding co-chair of the Alice Walker Literary Society, named for "The Color Purple" author. Source: CNN
I must also offer thoughts and prayers to a personal friend of mine and her family. Her 10 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with cancer. We pray for her speedy recovery and that the family leans on God and friends for strength to make it through this tough time.

Richmond County GA Sheriff's Deputy James D. Paugh Fatally Shot Investigating Domestic Dispute, Suspect Also Killed

Richmond County, Ga., Sheriff's Deputy James D. Paugh was shot and killed Sunday morning while investigating a domestic dispute.

According to media reports, Paugh approved a vehicle in a grassy area at about 1:18 a.m. and was shot several times with a M4 assault rifle by the suspect, who was found dead at the scene. Richmond county is located near the South Carolina border.

Sheriff's deputy James Paugh was shot & killed by National Guardsman Christopher Michael Hodges, who fired 35 rounds from his M4 rifle at passing cars.

samedi 22 octobre 2011


I am on my way home; I am on the train. I love riding the train. If I had the time, I would take a cross country trip on the train (with a sleeper reservation, of course).

My daughters cringe at the thought of riding any length of time on the train. "It takes too long," they say. They are part of the microwave generation, born into a time when you can get from point A to B point without breaking a sweat.

People are in such a hurry these days. Rather than stop to smell the roses, we have screen savers that flash pictures of nature in realistic vibrancy at us before we connect with the world wide web.

In our quest to seize the moment in the moment, we have lost touch with a sense of sanctity and internal harmony. Because we are wired for "Go, go, go" all the time, we cannot even enjoy the gift of those unexpected moments when we have absolutely nothing to do. We rush to fill such voids with background white noise, as we search our digital calendars to make sure we are not being unproductive slugs.

I wish for every hurry scurry making it happen all the time individual, the joy of genuine silence. A silence that embraces them in such a way that their soul is quieted and filled with a serenity beyond comprehension.

But this will require the patience of waiting and who has time for that?

vendredi 21 octobre 2011

болка в мен...

снимката е от нета
Болка в мен изгаря ме...
Защо и как се появи,
този път аз не разбрах...
Дали забравих себе си,
на другите отдадена,
за тях да има, те да са добре...
Както винаги, не се отчита,
приема се, че дълг е мой,
а аз с желание от обич,
с чувства искрени във мен,
дните си на другите отдавам....
А днес е болката във мен...
и безсмислена се чувствам...
Никому ненужна ли съм,
щом умората е в мен
и усмивката е някак сива...
щом от бързане за други,
в огледалото се не видях...
Като Светла искам
с опадали листа да се покрия,
сивото и бръчките да скрия
от душата и лицето мои...
А после в тишина да се открия
и слънце от любов да пия...
