lundi 31 août 2009

Jon Voight Appears on Mike Huckabee's Show: Says President Obama 'Arrogant,' Causing 'Civil Unrest' (VIDEO)

Actor Jon Voight is giving his two cents about the arrogance of President Barack Obama. I have no issue with him criticizing the president, but how is his relationship with his daughter, Angelina Jolie? I thought she wasn't speaking to him. What's the relevance here? Well, if he can't get his relationship right with his own daughter, I think he should be the last person to call anyone arrogant. I have yet to see Jon Voight in the forefront rallying for all the poor senior citizens in this country.

He appeared on Mike Huckabee's show on Faux News last weekend. He also accused the president of playing God when it comes to healthcare.
I'm here to validate all the millions of people who are opposed to the Obama healthcare. We're witnessing a slow and steady takeover of our true freedoms. We're becoming a socialist nation, and Obama is causing civil unrest in this country... The stimulus didn't work... We're being told what cars we can drive, how much we can make...

Obama has made this [healthcare} a personal crusade now... As we can see it really is about him. He is arrogant and he's adamant that he's going to get this passed...

He's trying everything, even the so-called God card. If you love God, he tells us, then it's your duty to vote this healthcare bill in... They're taking away God's first gift to man. Our free will. Source: Huffington Post
Gee, I can't seem to remember any time in recent memory when I saw Jon Voight crusading for anything other than a role in a movie. Here's someone with zero credibility trying to sound knowledgeable.

dimanche 30 août 2009

Benjamin Hilburn, 10, Charged with the Death of his Father, Byron Hilburn, Said His Father Disciplined Him too Harshly and Too Often

Benjamin Hilburn, 10, has been charged by Belen, New Mexico, police with first degree murder in the shooting death of his father, Bryon Hilburn, 42. The boy called police Thursday evening after the shooting. According to media reports, when the police arrived, they found the father with a gun shot wound to the head. He was pronounced dead at the University of New Mexico Hospital in Albuquerque. Police have said they believe Benjamin used his own rifle to fatally shoot his father. The boy reportedly told police he felt his father was disciplining him too harshly and too often. Well, when I was a child, I couldn't muster up the courage to talk back to my parents because I knew what the result of that would have been. My parents loved me unconditionally and I respected them too much to talk back. It seems to me that there is certainly more to this than is being told. This little boy obviously had a lot of rage in him. It is being reported that he father gained custody of him when he and his wife divorced.
Police believe Benjamin's 6-year-old sister saw the entire event. The sister is now with family members, authorities said. According to KOAT, Romaine Serna with the Children, Youth and Families Department said the agency had been called to check on the family more than seven times since 2003, after anonymous reports of child abuse and neglect."We had concerns about this family. There were red flags," Serna said. Serna said the agency interviewed family, close friends, school officials and doctors, but "not one of them had concerns about this household," she said.

Serna said CYFD didn't have enough evidence to remove the children from the household."There were no bruises. There were no marks," said Serna. Serna also said there were a lot of weapons in this home."It was a family sport, they were avid shooters," she said.bNew Mexico state law says only handguns are restricted for people under the age of 18. By law, Benjamin was allowed to own a rifle and use it with parental supervision. Source: KOAT-TV
Benjamin is too young to be arrested, but he is in state custody and is currently undergoing a mental evaluation. Children and guns make a deadly combination. I don't understand why the gun laws in this country don't restrict ownership by minors. This boy clearly does not have the capacity to make a sound decision, as evidenced from the fact that he shot his father to death.

samedi 29 août 2009

Susan Graham's Rendition of "Ave Maria" Moves Senator Kennedy's Daughter, Kara, to Tears, During Funeral Mass

There are a few songs that will bring me to tears and Susan Graham's rendition of "Ave Maria" during the late Ted Kennedy's funeral mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help this morning, did just that. The song even drew tears from Kara Kennedy, the senator's daughter and a visible sadness from his wife Vicki Kennedy. Gosh, as the cameras panned on President Bill Clinton, he even looked visibly moved. His wife is a tower of strength, grace and exuded a quiet determination to send her husband home in style.

The most poignant moment for me during the mass was the story Ted Kennedy Jr. told about how his father helped him time and time again to sled a snowy hill after he lost his leg to cancer at age 12.  He recalled that his father spent the entire day telling him that he could do it and they did. The lesson I took away from that, besides being reduced to tears, was that his father had some confidence and belief in him beyond words. He also taught him in that one moment that your adversity should not define you or even limit how high you can soar. It should instead be a springboard to higher things and loftier ambitions. That story had a profound effect on me and as a parent I can fully understand the senator's unyielding belief in his children and their goodness.

Though I never really followed the career of Ted Kennedy, I knew about the contributions he made to social programs, immigration and above all, to the civil rights movement. I am pained when I see what has been occurring on a daily basis in this country -- the divisiveness, the inner city gun violence, the lagging educational standards in our schools, especially in the inner city schools, the racial hatred that still exists and is being exacerbated by the health care reform and the historical presidency of Barack Obama. This isn't what John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and yes, Ted Kennedy envisioned for our country. Ted Kennedy fought for the ordinary American citizen and for that we must resolve to carry on his legacy, not withstanding our political affiliations.

vendredi 28 août 2009

Louis Ross and Jennifer Campbell, Foster Parents of Missing Five-Year Old Hasanni Campbell Arrested on Charges of Suspicion of Homicide and Charges Related to Homicide

Louis Ross, 38, and Jennifer Campbell, 33, foster parents of missing five-year old boy, Hasanni Campbell, who suffers from cerebral palsy, have been arrested today on suspicion of homicide and charges related to homicide. The police were conducting a search of their property. I think we all saw an arrest coming because it was literally unbelievable that this child could disappear from a crowded area without being seen by anyone.

Ross is being held on suspicion of murder, while Campbell is being held on charges related to homicide. This precious little boy was reported missing Aug. 10 after Ross said he vanished at the rear door of a Rockridge neighborhood shoe store in Oakland, California, where Campbell worked.

The couple was the prime suspects in this case from the start. Investigators scoured their Fremont home with dogs two days after Hasanni vanished, questioning both parents. Campbell is Hasanni's aunt and Ross' fiancee. Ross also was given a polygraph examination; Campbell, who is more than six months pregnant, refused to take one, saying that she feared it might harm her fetus.

Here's a hitch, which I am sure raised an enormous red flag to the investigators: court documents showed Ross sent Campbell an angry text message 10 days before Hasanni vanished, threatening to leave the boy alone on a BART platform. Ross has described the message as part of a dispute with his fiancee that quickly passed. Right and a tree grows on the moon. I recall seeing Mr. Ross on the Nancy Grace Show a few weeks ago and I found his story to be suspicious. He claims the area was a crowded one, so I cannot see how this little boy could disappear without anyone seeing this unfold. The bottom line is that child was never at the back of the store as his foster father claimed. The sad reality is that this little boy was failed by his biological parents and now his foster parents.

Photo credit: Jennifer Campbell & Louis Ross (Photo: Lea Suzuki / The Chronicle)

The Gospel of Hatred and Vile Racism According to Pastor Steven Anderson and His Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ

I came across a snake in the pulpit, Steven Anderson, yesterday and I wasn't really surprised when I learned all the vitriol he spews from his pulpit. It is a stark reminder of why church membership is plummeting across the United States. This wolf preaches from the pulpit at Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona. Besides the fact that he demands that all gays and lesbians face the death penalty, he has been praying for President Barack Obama to drop dead. Wow, is that what we should expect to hear from a preacher? The bottom line is that the Secret Service and the FBI ought to be taking a really hard look at this extremist nut. It is unconscionable to think that he is in a position to influence people in his church.

In his Aug. 16 sermon titled "I Hate Barack Obama," he not only openly avowed his complete and utter hatred of the president, but openly wished for his death -- because of his support for abortion rights and the "lewdness" he supposedly has brought to American society. Inspired by one of King David's prayers against his enemies, this nutjob compared Barack Obama to a slug or snail and wishing he could pour salt on him:
Yeah, God appointed him to destroy this country for the wickedness of the United States of America. God appointed him because that's what our country has turned into. That's who we deserve as a president.

But let me tell you something: I don't love Barack Obama. I don't respect Barack Obama. I don't obey Barack Obama. And I'd like Barack Obama to melt like a snail tonight. Because he needs to recompense, he needs to reap what he's sown.

You see, any Christian will tell you that someone who commits murder should get the death penalty. Because that's what it says in Genesis Chapter 9, that's what it says in the Mosaic Law, that's what it teaches us throughout the Bible. 'Who so sheds man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed.' 'From the image of God created he Man.'

And when Barack Obama is gonna push his partial birth abortion, his salty saline solution abortion, hey, he deserves to be punished for what he's done. I'm not going to pray for God to bless Barack Obama. This is my prayer tonight to Barack Obama.

...Now, look, if somebody wants me, it somebody twisted my arm and tells me to pray for Barack Obama, this is what I'm going to pray, because this is the only prayer that applies to him: 'Break his teeth, O God, in his mouth. You know, as a snail which melteth, let him pass away. Like the untimely birth of a woman, that he thinks -- he calls it a woman's right to choose, you know, he thinks it's so wonderful. He ought to be aborted. It ought to be, 'Abort Obama.' Source: Crooks and Liars
I am curious about the board of directors at that church and their ideology. There is no way anyone in their right minds would tolerate such hatred and racist statements coming from a pastor. The hatefest continued. He equated the president to Hitler, Stalin, and Jeffrey Dahmer. Then he explains:
You say why are you preaching this, you know what? Because it makes me mad. I'm mad. I don't know about you, but I'm fed up tonight. I'm angry tonight. Because I'm angered by a bunch of preachers who want to sit back, and let America go to hell, let our freedoms go to hell, let the souls of Americans go to hell, and we all just sit back and just, we're comfortable, we're lazy, we're lukewarm, we're neither cold nor hot, and we want to come to church and have our ears tickled. Hey! This isn't to tickle your ears, it's to give you a swift kick in the pants tonight! 'Cuz that's what you need every once in awhile!

... But I'm here to tell you tonight, that God is a God of wrath and vengeance. And that's the message that oughta be thundering from every pulpit in America today. People oughta be trembling today. People in America oughta be scared to death and trembling! And saying, 'Oh God! What are you gonna do to our country?! Oh, God! Are we gonna be able to survive?! Oh, God! Are you gonna allow us to go into the depths of socialism, and communism with Barack Obama!?'

Let me tell you something: Barack Obama has wrought lewdness in America. America has become lewd. What does lewd mean? L-E-W-D? [Pause] Obscene. Right? Dirty. Filthy. Homosexuality. Promiscuity. All of the -- everything that's on the billboard, the TV. Sensuality. Lewdness! We don't even know what lewdness means anymore! We're just surrounded by it, inundated with it!

... And yet you're going to tell me that I'm supposed to pray for the socialist devil, murderer, infanticide, who wants to see young children and he wants to see babies killed through abortion and partial-birth abortion and all these different things -- you're gonna tell me I'm supposed to pray for God to give him a good lunch tomorrow while he's in Phoenix, Arizona.

Nope. I'm not gonna pray for his good. I'm going to pray that he dies and goes to hell. When I go to bed tonight, that's what I'm going to pray. And you say, 'Are you just saying that?' No. When I go to bed tonight, Steven L. Anderson is going to pray for Barack Obama to die and go to hell. Source: Crooks and Liars
There is also another facet that bears some attention. Since he is obviously taking a political stand, it's time for the Internal Revenue Service to revisit his church's exempt status. His church shouldn't be getting tax breaks on the backs of the American taxpayers. Equally disturbing is the fact that the African American man who has the assault rifle outside an event President Obama attended in Arizona is a member of his church. He lauded him with praise for carrying the weapon just because he could.

Rep. Diane Watson (D.-Calif.) at Town Hall Meeting Says Opponents are "Trying to see that the First President who looks Like Me -- Fails"

I am getting a little ticked off with the ridiculous comments coming from our elected officials on both sides of the aisle over health care reform. The latest comments to raise eyebrows came from Rep. Diane E. Watson (D-Calif.) last night during a town hall meeting at Wade AME Church. She claimed that "those opposed to health care reform are attempting to destroy a president “who looks like me.” Her exact words were, "They are spreading fear and they're trying to see that the first president who looks like me -- fails."

Of course, she wasn't through putting her foot in her mouth. She went on to praise the healthcare system in Cuba, and apparently the Cuban revolution itself. She deliberately chose to ignore the fact that the people living in Cuba are living under communist rule and they are technologically years behind the United States. It's amazing that the left is mysteriously silent on this racial dig, but they landed like a ton of bricks on Republican Rep. Lynn Jenkins who mentioned the "great white hope" in her comments at a town hall meeting in Kansas. Sorry, but this is ridiculous and counterproductive on both sides of the aisle.

Pastor Carol Daniels, 61, Murdered in Church She Pastors, Investigators Offer $10K Reward for Tips

Oklahoma City resident Pastor Carol Daniels, 61, was killed at her church, Christ Holy Sanctified Church, in Anadarko, Oklahoma, last Sunday. Prosecutors have described the murder as "horrific" and investigators have offered a $10,000 reward for this senseless killing.

Her son, Alvin Daniels said she traveled many Sundays to Anadarko, which is about 50 miles southwest of her home, to the church "in case people came in to worship." Investigators found her body inside the church around noon Sunday.

According to CNN, District Attorney Bret Burns called the crime scene the worst he'd ever seen in 17 years as a prosecutor, but he would not say why. He has described a "horrific" scene inside the church but declined to elaborate. He also met with religious leaders from area churches and told them to be observant and have a security plan in place at their churches. The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation's spokeswoman Jessica Brown said the body was "staged" after the killing but declined to say more.

It has been a long time since I have heard of woman being murdered in a place of worship. Clearly there is something that has made the investigators offer $10,000 right away. I hope the suspect is apprehended sooner rather than later. This is reprehensible and very disturbing.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson and His BOND Action Group Come Out in Support of Fox News' Glenn Beck and his Incendiary Comments About President Obama

BOND Action Inc., an African American cultural action organization, has come out in favor of Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck, who has been under attack for calling President Barack Obama a racist. You will recall that ColorofChange mounted an attack on Beck for his comments and many companies, including Ally Bank, Geico, Sargento Cheese, have stopped advertising on his show. BOND Action, Inc.'s founder and president Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, said it will be working to expose the source behind the boycott and counter it. Wow, why am I not surprised by Rev. Peterson's actions. This is the same man who would have no qualms about throwing President Obama under a bus on Fox News. Much of Glenn Beck's ire in this boycott is directed at Van Jones, a co-founder of ColorofChange and the White House environmental advisor.
"Glenn Beck is right, Obama is a racist!" added Rev. Peterson. "Where were the boycotts and outraged activists when President George W. Bush was being falsely maligned as a 'racist'? This is a blatant double standard. This boycott is an attempt to silence Beck from continuing his expose' of Barack Obama's socialist agenda and his radical 'green jobs czar' Van Jones."

Rev. Peterson said, " claims that it exists to 'strengthen Black America's political voice'--but it's clear that they are a left-wing, racist political group that deal in lies. This attempt to silence Beck is an attack on free speech and must be countered."Source: Christian News Wire
In the spirit of fairness, I must note that's claims some 33 advertisers have pulled their ads off The Glenn Beck Show, is reportedly exaggerated. The group has had its own issues. It reportedly endorsed ridiculous and inflammatory statements by rapper Kanye West that former President Bush gave troops permission to go to New Orleans and shoot black people during Hurricane Katrina. That was unfounded and just a dirty lie. The chances that Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson and his group will blunt the effects of ColorofChange's campaign is virtually nil. So, Rev., do us a favor, find another cause to fight for instead of being Fox News Channel's Uncle Tom. I could find a few choice words to describe the so-called reverend, but I'll leave that to your imagination.

jeudi 27 août 2009

President Barack Obama Seen Biking on Lobsterville Beach in Aquinnah Without a Helmet

Here we go again. The Obamas are under the microscope. President Barack Obama was spotted biking on Lobsterville Beach in Aquinnah and he was the only one without a helmet. Also riding with the Obamas were Konrad Ng, the president's brother-in-law, his daughter Suhaila, family friend Eric Whitaker, and a few other unidentified children.

Would you like the president to wear a helmet? Personally, I don't think this is a big deal, but since President George W. Bush was held to such high standards and was a paragon of virtue, then I guess we should expect no less from President Obama. Of course, I am being sarcastic.

Racially Charged Memo Asking to Support Atlanta Mayoral Candidate Lisa Borders Causes Sparks In Mayoral Race

I am appalled to learn that a racially charged memo is making the rounds in Atlanta. A letter, asking to support mayoral candidate Lisa Borders because she is “the best black candidate in the race,” warns that “for the first time in 25 years, African Americans could lose the Mayoral seat in Atlanta, Georgia, especially if there is a run-off.” Say what? This is an affront to all Atlantans and the writer of this garbage needs to apologize. The e-mail entitled "The Struggle for Unity by Aaron Turpeau," who donated $500 to Ms. Borders' campaign. The last time there was a white mayor (Sam Massell) running the city of Atlanta was prior to Maynard Jackson being elected in 1973. Mayor Shirley Franklin started off as a great mayor but she managed to create a firestorm everywhere she went. That's a real shame. She was touted by many as a trailblazer and a potential candidate for higher office.  The memo was written by political scientists, William Boone and Keith Jennings, two academics from Clark Atlanta University. 

The memo also states “time is of the essence … in order to defeat a Norwood mayoral candidacy.” Mary Norwood is a white candidate and is reportedly said to be the front-runner. “We have to get out now and work in a manner to defeat her without a runoff, and the key is a significant Black turnout in the general election,” the letter stated.

Sorry, but the reality is that the last thing we need in this country is such vitriol and race-baiting. I am sure the person who wrote this would be screaming racism had the shoe been on the other foot. Well, if race wasn't a part of the equation in the upcoming mayoral race, Aaron Turpeau and the two college professors he claimed wrote this inflammatory and racist letter, made sure that it will be front and center now. This isn't the way we should be forced to discuss racial matters. This is just terrible and divisive.

Here's a portion of the memo.


The debate over the best strategic option for black leadership and the African American community as we approach the Mayoral election in Atlanta has become critical based on the fact that for the last 25 years Atlanta has represented the breakthrough for black political empowerment in the South.

It is debatable to what extent the objective socio-economic and political position of the African American community has improved. At the same time, most would agree that the Jackson breakthrough represented an unprecedented opportunity for black political representation nationwide.

A passionate argument has been made for us to develop a unity of purpose and position, and for that to be defined immediately, given the short amount of time remaining between now and November 2009 election day (two and ½ months from now).

There are unstated assumptions that need to be examined. Perhaps the most critical factor is the lack of an agenda against which to evaluate candidates. An agenda, beyond just electing a Black Mayor, would allow us to move from the margins of the debate to controlling the expectations associated with gaining our support.

Three basic assertions have been made. They are as follows:

1. There is a chance for the first time in 25 years that African Americans could lose the Mayoral seat in Atlanta, Georgia, especially if there is a run-off;

2. Time is of the essence because in order to defeat a Norwood (white) mayoral candidacy we have to get out now and work in a manner to defeat her without a runoff, and the key is a significant Black turnout in the general election;

3. The reasons support should be given to Lisa Borders is: 1) she is the best black candidate in the race who has a chance to win the election because she can attract downtown white support; and 2) based on polling data drawn from a host of sources between May 2009 and July 2009, the numbers suggest Borders is growing stronger as we move closer to the election, while the most recent polling data suggests that the other black candidates are falling further behind over the same period.

READ: Entire Memo Here

The real shame is that had this been written by two white professors, all hell would break lose. The same standards should apply to everyone and these two professors should be ashamed of themselves

Anti-War Protester Cindy Sheehan Sets Sights on President Barack Obama, Stages Protest at Media Center on Martha's Vineyard

She's baaaaacck! Cindy Sheehan, that is. You will recall that she spent weeks dogging George W. Bush's presidential vacations, now the anti-war protester is now trying to make life uncomfortable for President Barack Obama on his Martha's Vineyard vacation. Sheehan pitched a peace camp near Bush's Crawford, Texas, ranch and she became a symbol of the anti-war movement after her son Casey died in action in Iraq. I found her to be annoying, but she had a point and I give her some credit for popping up again on the other side of the aisle.

Sheehan and a band of anti-war protesters turned up Thursday outside the media center used by journalists covering Obama's vacation on the well-heeled east coast resort island of Martha's Vineyard. "The reason I am here is because ... even though the facade has changed in Washington D.C., the policies are still the same," Sheehan told a handful of journalists, against a backdrop of her "Camp Casey" banner.

She also told peace activists to wake up and protest Obama's escalation of the war in Afghanistan and complained that despite the president's anti-war stance, US troops remained in Iraq. Gee, I didn't think he could just snap a finger and bring the troops home. Any withdrawal from this ill-advised and unfounded war will take months. I will give her credit for recognizing that though then-candidate Barack Obama said he would bring the troops home, now as President, his hands are tied and it is clear that there is still no exit strategy to end this war.

Robin Starr, Critic of Michael Vick & his Dogfighting Activities, Leaves 16 YO Blind, Deaf Dog in Hot Car, Dog Dies of Kidney Failure

If you live in a glass house, don't throw stones.... This goes for Robin Starr, CEO of the Richmond Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. You see Ms. Starr said she accidentally left her 16 year old blind and deaf dog in her hot car for four hours and the dog died. The problem for me is that this woman was a vocal critic of Michael Vick. No charges will be filed in this matter, but it still shows a deep level of hypocrisy. Gee, I wonder, if that were someone else, what would Ms. Starr have said of their actions?

Starr said in an interview that she didn't realize "Louie" was in the car until noon. Starr's husband, Ed, told the Richmond Times-Dispatch he put the dog in her car's cargo area as she got ready for work Aug. 19 but forgot to tell her. She often took the dog to work with her. Robin Starr took the dog to two clinics, but he died of kidney failure.

Starr has been a vocal critic of Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick who was released from federal custody July 20 after serving 18 months of a 23-month sentence for his role in running a dogfighting ring. When she learned of his reinstatement, she said "The action of the NFL commissioner to reinstate Michael Vick is both premature and unwise. Vick has not yet demonstrated that his remorse is sincere or that his irresponsible, cruel and criminal behaviors are likely to change. The NFL and its leadership apparently lack the integrity to require civilized behavior from their players. This would reflect poorly on any team that adds Vick to its roster."

So how does she feel now, knowing that a lack of communication between her and her husband led to the death of their dog? Don't get me wrong, what Michael Vick did was reprehensible, but he paid his debt to society and should be given a second chance, much as Martha Stewart and others have received.

Jaycee Dugard, 29, Kidnapped 18 Years Ago From South Lake Tahoe, Walks into Concord, Ca., Police Station, Phillip & Nancy Garrido Arrested

UPDATESex Offender Phillip Garrido & Wife Nancy Garrido

Jaycee Dugard was held by a sex offender, Phillip Garrido, 58, and his wife Nancy Garrido, 54. She was reportedly held for the entire time as a virtual slave, living in tents, sheds and outbuildings in his backyard in suburban Antioch. I don't advocate violence, but this man needs to get the beating of a lifetime.
He needs to be shot.

Jaycee Dugard, who was kidnapped in 1991 when she was 11 years old, walked into a police station in Concord California yesterday, alive and as well as could be expected. Authorities are planning a news conference at 6 p.m. ET. "It's like winning the Lotto," said Dugard's stepfather Carl Probyn, who said he remained under suspicion all these years.

Dugard was reportedly kidnapped by a woman 18 years ago from her California home. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer is reporting that two people have been taken into custody. Dugard was last seen on June 10, 1991, as she was walking to a bus stop in South Lake Tahoe. The Chronicle reports that her stepfather was watching helplessly from the family's driveway on a hill about two blocks away when a two-tone gray sedan pulled up and someone yanked the girl into the car and sped off. Officers reportedly responded within minutes, but the girl and the car vanished without a trace.

If this is really Jaycee Dugard, thank God for this miracle because all too often the kidnapped children are killed.

Prince Michael Malahi Jet Jackson, 24, Claims to be Long Lost Love Child of the Late Michael Jackson

Brace yourselves. Another Michael Jackson love child has surfaced. Prince Michael Malahi Jet Jackson, 24, has come forward this week claiming to to be a long lost love child of Michael Jackson ahd his attorney, LaRue Grim claims he isn't motivated by money. You will recall there was a lot of news swirling around the paternity of Omer Bhatti recently.

"Malachi has been told his entire life that he is Michael Jackson's son. His primary goal is to have closure on whether or not Michael was his father, and he wants a DNA test to prove it. Prince Michael Malachi Jet Jackson, who goes by Malachi, turns 25 in September, and is currently enrolled in "a special needs college at an undisclosed location."

Grim says Malachi's mother, Zerline Lavette Dixon, had trouble with drugs so Malachi's grandmother raised him. But, you know who his long-lost dad is. "Malachi looks exactly like Michael Jackson," Grim added. Really, which version of Michael Jackson does he resemble?"I'm seeking a DNA test and I'm very concerned that it be reliable and that no one slips in DNA from a stranger. Malachi never met Michael ... from what I understand Michael Jackson was very private about his personal life." The attorney was asked about the alleged relationshipbetween Zerline and Michael, and the response was: "I don't know about that now. I'm gathering that information."

According to Grim, back in the 1980s Zerline was a fashion designer and had a fashion line under the company name of Michael Jackson."Michael seemed to be a very smart businessman. I don't think he would have let anybody run a company with his name on it without his approval." Funny, isn't Michael Jackson the same person who, according to Mark Lester, asked him to donate sperm because of his own idiosyncrasies? This is nothing but hogwash.

mercredi 26 août 2009

Dominick Dunne, 83, Best-Selling Crime Writer, Dies in New York City After Long Battle with Cancer

Best-selling author and former Hollywood producer Dominick Dunne, 83, died Wednesday in New York City after a long battle with cancer. Dunne wrote five best selling books and covered high society crimes for Vanity Fair magazine.

I recall seeing Dunne on cable television commenting on the most famous trials of our times -- Claus von Bulow, William Kennedy Smith, the Menendez brothers, Michael Skakel and Phil Spector. He was one of the best crime writers of all times. The fact that he personally knew many of the people he wrote about, helped to set him apart for his peers.

Microsoft Corp. Edits Black Man Out of Photo, Replaces with White Man, Company Apologizes

Software giant Microsoft Corp. has a new controversy on its hands. The company is apologizing for altering a photo on its Web site to change the race of one of the people shown in the picture -- from black to white.

A photo on the company's U.S. Web site shows two men, one Asian and one black, and a white woman seated at a conference room table. But on the Web site of Microsoft's Polish business unit, the black man's head has been replaced with that of a white man. The color of his hand remains unchanged. Ooops! You can't have black folks showing up on your Polish website, now can you? That's a low-down dirty shame and I am appalled at Microsoft for this.

The company has apologized and said that they are looking into the matter. Doesn't the company pride itself on being exclusive and diverse? I am sure they will try to blame it on Poland's ethnic homogeneity.

Senator Edward Kennedy, 77, Dies Late Tuesday, After Lengthy Battle With Cancer, RIP Teddy!

Rest in peace Senator Ted Kennedy! This is truly the end of an era. Statement from The Kennedy Family:

“Edward M. Kennedy – the husband, father, grandfather, brother and
uncle we loved so deeply – died late Tuesday night at home in Hyannis
Port. We’ve lost the irreplaceable center of our family and joyous
light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism, and
perseverance will live on in our hearts forever. We thank everyone
who gave him care and support over this last year, and everyone who
stood with him for so many years in his tireless march for progress
toward justice, fairness and opportunity for all. He loved this
country and devoted his life to serving it. He always believed that
our best days were still ahead, but it’s hard to imagine any of them
without him.”

mardi 25 août 2009

Hassan Nemazee, Fundraiser for President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Arrested for Trying to Defraud Citibank of $74 Million

Hassan Nemazee, the chairman and chief executive of Nemazee Capital Corp., and a fundraiser for both President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has been arrested for trying to defraud Citigroup Inc.'s Citibank of $74 million. He allegedly submitted false documents showing that he held accounts in his name containing millions of dollars. The charge carries a maximum prison term of 30 years.

Nemazee also served as national finance chairman for the DSCC when it was headed by Sen. Chuck Schumer. According to the NY Daily News, he has reportedly maxed out in contributions to both Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, giving them a total of $4,800 each (two $2,400 checks to Schumer in April - one for the primary, one for the general - and two of the same amount to Gillibrand in June). He also gave Gillibrand $1,000 in 2005 and another $1,000 in 2006. He gave two $2,000 donations to Rep. Carolyn Maloney in 2005. There was also $151,700 to the DSCC between March 2006 and March 2009, according to the NY Daily News.

It's amazing that Hillary Clinton's name is mentioned because she was also linked to another criminal, Norman Hsu, who was one of her biggest donors.

Photo credit:  Hassan Nemazee, NY Times.

Chris Brown Placed on Felony Probation for 60 Months, Judge Requests Reports from Domestic Violence Program, Must Stay Away from Rihanna

Chris Brown has been sentenced to 60 months probation and cannot have any contact with singer Rihanna under any circumstance. The judge admonished him for the chatter she heard out there that he has had some contact with Rihanna. Here's a summary of the proceedings as reported by TMZ:
TERMS OF SENTENCE. The judge placed Brown on felony probation for 60 months. He must obey all laws. He must report to probation within 72 hours. Brown can perform community labor in Virginia. She wants reports from the domestic violence program in Richmond, VA. Brown must keep in touch with the Probation Department. He is subject to search and seizure 24/7 for the next 5 years. He can't own any dangerous weapon, including guns or knives.

The judge will issue a protective order ... staying away from Rihanna. He must provide DNA samples as requested by authorities. He must complete a 52 week domestic violence program sponsored by the Commonwealth Catholic Charities. Brown must personally come to court every 3 months during his probation. The first appearance will be November 19.

Brown must perform 180 days of community labor. He must also pay $2,500 in restitution. He'll have to pay another $2,500 in probation expenses. He must also pay a $30 criminal conviction fee --BARGAIN! He must also pay $400 that goes into a domestic violence fund.

The judge issued a protective order. Brown is ordered not to harass, assault, threaten, molest, threaten, etc. Rihanna. He must surrender all firearms within 24 hours. He can't have any contact with Rihanna, even on the phone or through a 3rd person. He must stay 100 yards away from her, unless there's an entertainment-related event, in which he must stay 10 yards away. The protective order lasts 5 years. Brown must get prior approval before leaving the country. 
I hope Chris Brown has learned a valuable lesson -- you cannot beat a woman because you had an argument with her, no matter who is right or wrong. This is a lesson to all the men out there who do this to their wives and girlfriends. Love doesn't hurt.

Sunda Croonquist Sued by Mother-in-law, Ruth Zafrin, After Making Her the Butt of Too Many of Her Jokes

Comedienne Sunda Croonquist has been sued by her mother-in-law, Ruth Zafrin, for using her as the butt of jokes in her comedy routines. Well, I guess "take my mother-in-law" is off limits for her. Ms. Zafrin is accusing Croonquist of spreading false, defamatory and racist lies with her in-law jokes that have become a staple part of her routine in nightclubs and on television channels such as Comedy Central. Croonquist is half-black, half-Swedish, grew up Roman Catholic and married into a Jewish family. Well, guess who's not welcome at any family functions her in-laws are having? In addition to Ms. Zafrin, her daughter, Shelley Edelman, and Shelley's husband, Neil. Neither Zafrin are plaintiffs on the lawsuit.
Take the one about her mother-in-law's reaction to news she was pregnant with her first child: "OK, now that we know you're having a little girl I want to know what you're naming that little tchotchke. Now we don't want a name that's difficult to pronounce like Shaniqua. We're thinking a name short but delicious. Like Hadassah or Goldie."

Or her first visit to her mother-in-law's house: "I walk in, I say, 'Thank you so much for having me here, Ruthie.' She says, 'The pleasure's all mine, have a seat.'" Then, in a loud aside, 'Harriet, put my pocketbook away.'" Croonquist said there was a time when her in-laws would laugh with everyone else at the black-member-of-a-Jewish-family jokes. "They played my tape at Passover one year, and they loved it!" she said. Source: Google News
Things went sour when she posted information on her web site that, according to her in-laws, allowed pretty much anyone to figure out their identities. She was sued in April in the U.S. District Court in New Jersey, where they currently reside.  The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages and demands that Croonquist remove any offensive statements from her Web site, routines and recordings. In response, Croonquist said she would
drop any language her family finds offensive, but refuses to pay any settlement. Her lawyer has filed a motion to have the suit dismissed, and a judge is scheduled to hear it on Sept. 8. It's amazing how money can literally divide families. If the mother-in-law wants to stop being the butt of her jokes, why does she need a monetary settlement to make it right? This woman is the mother of her son's children. Surely an amicable and peaceful resolution outside of the legal system can be attained. The love of money is the root of all evil.

Attorney Alan Howard Gives Jesse Ray Beard, the Youngest of the Jena Six, a Second Chance to Excel

I fervently believe in giving people a second chance to prove themselves and their mettle. I was deeply moved when I read about Jesse Ray Beard, one of the Jena Six, who has turned his life around and is well on his way to realizing his potentials. He would not have changed courses in such a remarkable way had it not been for his attorney Alan Howard, a white man, who saw the goodness and the potential this young man holds. Mr. Howard met Beard, the youngest of African American kids who made up the Jena Six, when he represented him in a lawsuit filed by beating victim Justin Barker. Howard said in an interview with CNN that his first impression of Beard -- that he had "tremendous character, tremendous resilience and tremendous potential" -- was so strong he invited the teen to live with his family in New England. This meeting has forever changed Jesse Ray Beard's life.

Beard, 18, now interns at a New York law firm as he prepares for his senior year next month at Canterbury School, a Connecticut prep academy where Beard is highly regarded among peers and teachers. There is always a lesson to be learned from the most adverse situation we can find ourselves in. Had it not been for the palpable racial tension in the small Louisiana town of Jena and the controversy surrounding the Jena Six, this young man would never have crossed paths with Mr. Howard. He removed him from everything he has ever known and forced him to fly -- to soar the skies -- and chart a new course for his life.

Beard's mother, Stella, made "the ultimate sacrifice," to allow her son a shot at a better life. She allowed Howard to pursue guardianship and sent her son 1,500 miles to the New England town of Bedford. Howard said she put aside Jena Six donations to help Howard pay Canterbury's $40,000-a-year tuition. The best thing Beard did was to leave Jena in 2008 and the past behind him. This act of kindness by a white man, Alan Howard, has forever changed Jesse Ray Beard's life for the best.

To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.

Photo credit: Jesse Ray Beard & Alan Howard, CNN

RNC Chairman Michael Steele Says Veterans Affairs Manual, "Death Book" is Encouraging Veterans to Commit Suicide

RNC chairman Michael Steele is at it again. This time he jumped on the-government-will-kill-you bandwagon saying that a Veterans Affairs manual is "encouraging them [veterans] to commit suicide." "I mean, this is crazy coming from the government, and this is exactly what concerns people and puts them in fear of what the government control of health care will look like," Steele said. Wow, Michael Steele, you thought of that all by yourself? This ridiculous drivel about a so-called "death book," stems from a VA pamphlet on setting up advance directives such as living wills. It started with an op-ed last Tuesday written by George W. Bush's "faith czar," Jim Towey, conservative media has been swarming over claims that the pamphlet encourages disabled veterans to evaluate whether they're a "burden" to their families, in effect telling them to commit suicide. Of course, the pamphlet does nothing of the sort and it's just typical right wing smear tactics.

The White House has released a fact sheet says it was pulled for revision in 2007, when a panel found it "to be too negative in tone and not sufficiently sensitive to the perspectives of veterans with pro-life perspectives and veterans living with life-long disabling conditions."

Sorry, but if Michael Steele is the best African American the Republican National Committee could find to be a trailblazer and a voice for the party, then they have made the mother of all blunders. The guy has no substance and when he tries to criticize President Obama, he comes off looking like a complete moron. He has insulted millions of veterans in this country by claiming that they are being driven to commit suicide by reading a pamphlet.

"Ghetto Girls Rock" T-Shirts Hit the Market as First Lady Michelle Obama and Family Vacation on Martha's Vineyard

Now that First Lady Michelle Obama and her family are vacationing on Martha's Vineyard, the whole dust-up about Mrs. Obama being a "ghetto girl" who wasn't fit for this exclusive community is back on the front burner. New York magazine published the article, written by veteran journalist Touré, titled "Black and White on Martha's Vineyard." In this tribute to the affluent Black community called Oak Bluffs in the popular New England vacation spot, Touré quoted an anonymous member (a coward is more like it) of Black high society in Martha's Vineyard saying, "[Michelle Obama] is basically a ghetto girl. Now comes an article written by Belva Davis in the San Francisco Chronicle that mentions a new t-shirt that touts being a "ghetto girl."
My friend Abigail McGrath sent me this graphic of a t-shirt she expects to sell a ton of over the next week. Frankly, I didn't know what to make of it. From her press release:

The very idea of confusing "ghetto" with negativity rather than historical disenfranchisement is wrong and offensive, says Vineyard resident Abigail McGrath: " Folks are confusing cash with class."

Only on the most poorly informed television networks and fictionalized TV series is "ghetto" equated with gum-chewing, finger-snapping air heads and gun-toting thugs.

So Ms. McGrath has designed a T-shirt bearing the slogan "Ghetto Girls Rock!!!," listing on it the names of 48 famous women who came from "the ghetto" and made the world a better place. Women such as Mother Theresa, Mother Hale, and Fannie Lou Hamer grace the shirt with dignity and aplomb. Source: San Francisco Chronicle
Personally I believe that the term "ghetto girl" has negative connotations and it is nothing to celebrate. I scarcely think that Mother Theresa, Mother Hale, Fannie Lou Hamer, Golda Meir, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Bella Azbug, Anita Hill, Sonia Sotomayor and all the other women mentioned, would consider themselves "ghetto girls." Though the intent of the t-shirt is to show others that there are many great women of modest means who have accomplished a great deal in life, it can also be perceived as another ploy to sell t-shirts and make money. We must strive to dispel such negative stereotypes, not embrace them for monetary gain. Michelle Obama deserves the same level of respect afforded to all our first ladies -- Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Bush, Roslyn Carter, to name a few.

Photo credit:  "Ghetto Girls" t-shirt design, by Abigail McGrath (San Francisco Chronicle)

lundi 24 août 2009

Michael Vick Seen Drinking in Philadelphia Airport Bar, Philadelphia Eagles' Spokesman Says He is not Barred from Drinking

Former Atlanta Falcon quarterback Michael Vick has found himself in another storm, albeit a ridiculous one. He was seen in a recent photograph, published in the New York Post, drinking vodka and pineapple juice at a Philadelphia airport bar. Tony Dungy, who has served as a mentor to Vick, told that he confronted him with the incident and told him, "Michael, you can't do that."It is unclear when the photograph was published whether Vick violated conditions mandated by the NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.

In a letter to Vick upon his reinstatement July 27, Goodell wrote that "prohibitions regarding drug and alcohol use" were included; however a spokesman for the Eagles, in an email to The Philadelphia Inquirer, confirmed it was OK for Vick to drink alcohol, that it was "not in conflict with terms of his probation or reinstatement with the NFL."

The New York Post and others are hellbent on making this man's life miserable by scrutinizing every move he makes, but if memory serves me correctly, he was imprisoned for dog fighting, not a drinking problem. It is amazing that Rupert Murdoch's rags seem to focus on the wrong things while there are serious economic issues confronting New Yorkers and dare I say the entire U.S. The last time I checked the unemployment rate for New York was 9.6% and climbing. Shouldn't the NY Post be focused on issues of that nature? Leave Michael Vick alone. He paid his debt to society.

Steve Coffman, the owner of Sandpoint, Idaho, bar Slates Prime Time Grill and Sports Bar, has also jumped on the "crucify" Michael Vick bandwagon. He said that fans of the NFL's Philadelphia Eagles and their new quarterback Michael Vick will have to go elsewhere to watch Eagles games. He said that the boycott also extends to Eagles' corporate sponsors Molson Coors, brewers of Coors beer products. Ooooh, I am sure the Eagles are afraid, very afraid of this boycott!

Is the Mystery Woman who Aided Murderer Ryan Jenkins Evade Law Enforcement for the Death of Jasmine Fiore, Actress Paulina Chmielecka?

The RCMP has identified the "mystery" woman who checked in scumbag fugitive Ryan Jenkins into the Thunderbird Motel where he was later found dead in an apparent suicide on Sunday in Hope. Though the police did not reveal the woman's identity, it has been reported by TMZ that the motel manager Kevin Walker said that he is "100% sure" that woman was model and former fiancee to Jenkins, Paulina Chmielecka. The police said that she isn't the woman they are seeking. They have described the woman as a "person of interest" in the investigation. Jenkins, a Canadian and a former reality show contestant, was accused of brutally murdering his ex-wife, Jasmine Fiore, in a case that triggered an international manhunt. This guy is proof that being wealthy doesn't automatically make you a decent, law-abiding person. There are many rich dirtbags in our midst -- male and female.

The manager of the Thunderbird Motel, Kevin Walker, said a woman checked in on Aug. 20, saying she needed a room for at least three days, maybe longer, and paid cash through Sunday. Outside, a man waited in a PT Cruiser with Alberta licence plates. Walker couldn’t remember the woman’s name and said RCMP have seized the slip of information she filled out for the hotel room. He could see there was a man in the vehicle but thought nothing of the fact he didn’t come in, he said.

Walker has since told that he is "100% sure" that woman was model and former fiancee to Jenkins, Paulina Chmielecka, though investigators are reportedly saying she's not the woman in question. Police on Monday did not confirm whether the woman in question is Chmielecka.

After entering the motel room, the mystery woman described as as being in her early to mid-20s stayed for about 20 minutes, then left. On Sunday, when no one came to check out by the required time of 11 a.m., Walker went to the room and discovered the body.

The accused killer was found hanging inside a room at the Thunderbird Motel, according to the Orange County district attorney’s office. The district attorney’s office has no intention of charging anybody else with the murder of Jenkins' ex-wife, Los Angeles swimsuit model Jasmine Fiore, said district attorney spokeswoman Farrah Emami. Source: The Vancouver Sun
Jenkins, 32, was charged Aug. 20 in California with the murder of Fiore, 28, whose mutilated body was discovered in a trash receptacle on Aug. 15 in Buena Park, Calif., about 30 kilometers southeast of Los Angeles. I am just sorry that this dirtbag wasn't found alive so that he could be brought to justice. He took the easy way out and left nothing but devastation for Ms. Fiore's family and his.

Photo credit: Paulina Chmielecka -- TMZ

"Lethal Levels" of Anesthetic Propofol Killed Singer Michael Jackson, Death Ruled a Homicide by LA Coroner

It is a sad commentary that Michael Jackson led such a tormented life. The fallout from his death continues. According to a search warrant obtained by the Los Angeles Times, the late singer had lethal levels of Propofol in his system when he died. The report states that Dr. Conrad Murray told cops he had been treating Jackson for six weeks for insomnia and giving him 50 milligrams of Propofol every night through an IV. He also told the cops that he feared Jackson was getting addicted so he reduced the dosage to 25 mg and reportedly mixed it with two other sedatives -- lorazepam and midazolam. On June 23, two days before Jackson's death, he reportedly administered those two medications and withheld the propofol. Michael Jackson was murdered and those doctors who fed him such dangerous drugs should be brought to justice and their medical licenses should be revoked immediately.

On the morning Jackson died, Murray tried to induce sleep without using propofol, according to the affidavit. He said he gave Jackson valium at 1:30 a.m. When that didn't work, he said, he injected lorazepam intravenously at 2 a.m. At 3 a.m., when Jackson was still awake, Murray administered midazolam. Over the next few hours, Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs. Then at 10:40 a.m., Murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol after Jackson repeatedly demanded the drug, according to the court records.

Although Murray acknowledged to police that he administered propofol, authorities said they could find no evidence that he had purchased, ordered or obtained the medication under his medical license or Drug Enforcement Administration tracking number. However, police detectives saw about eight bottles of propofol in the house along with other vials and pills that had been prescribed to Jackson by Dr. Murray, Dr. Arnold Klein and Dr. Allan Metzger.

Other drugs that were confiscated in the search included valium, tamsulosin, lorazepam, temazepam, clonazepam, trazodone and tizanidine. They also found propofol in Murray’s medical bag. Murray told detectives that he was not the first doctor to administer the powerful anesthetic to Jackson.

Murray said he noticed injection marks on Jackson’s hands and feet. When he asked Jackson about them, the pop star told him he had been given a “cocktail” to help him. In addition to Murray, authorities subpoenaed medical records from Dr. Arnold Klein, Dr. Allan Metzger and Dr. David Adams, the affidavit states. They also asked for medical records from Dr. David Slavitt, who conducted the independent medical examination of Jackson for Anschuntz Entertainment Group, Dr. Randy Rosen and nurse practitioner Cherilyn Lee. They also subpoenaed records from Dr. Mark Tadrissi, who stored medical records with Adams.

Jackson’s doctor told authorities he left Jackson’s bedside for no more than two minutes before returning to find the pop star not breathing. Jackson reportedly fell asleep at 10:40 a.m. Source: LA Times
This is, indeed, a very sad end to a life that had an impact on so many people across this world. I don't want to blame his family for his downfall, but I have to wonder if they couldn't have done more to help Michael Jackson, rather than use him as their meal ticket. It is equally amazing that Dr. Arnold Klein said on the Larry King Show that he repeatedly told Michael Jackson that propofol was a dangerous drug, but it seems that there is some evidence that he clearly knew more than he professed. Dr. Murray had no business administering such dangerous drugs when he clearly did not possess the expertise to do so.

Attorney General Eric Holder to Appoint Prosecutor to Investigate CIA Terror Interrogations

Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. has decided to appoint a prosecutor to examine nearly a dozen cases in which CIA interrogators and contractors may have violated anti-torture laws and other statutes when they allegedly threatened suspected terrorists, according the The Washington Post. This is move is contrary to President Barack Obama's position, but shows that Holder and his office operates independently of the president, quite unlike former President George W. Bush and his lackey AG Alberto Reynaldo Gonzales.
Holder is poised to name John Durham, a career Justice Department prosecutor from Connecticut, to lead the inquiry, according to the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the process is not complete.

Durham's mandate, the sources added, will be relatively narrow: to look at whether there is enough evidence to launch a full-scale criminal investigation of current and former CIA personnel who may have broken the law in their dealings with detainees. Many of the harshest CIA interrogation techniques have not been employed against terrorism suspects for four years or more.

The attorney general selected Durham in part because the longtime prosecutor is familiar with the CIA and its past interrogation regime. For nearly two years, Durham has been probing whether laws against obstruction or false statements were violated in connection with the 2005 destruction of CIA videotapes. The tapes allegedly depicted brutal scenes including waterboarding of some of the agency's high value detainees. That inquiry is proceeding before a grand jury in Alexandria, although lawyers following the investigation have cast doubt on whether it will result in any criminal charges. Source: Washington Post
Ironically, this latest move comes on the same day as that the Obama administration will issue a 2004 report by the former CIA-Inspector General in which the effectiveness of harsh interrogation tactics were criticized. Let's see how vocal former VP Dick Cheney will be with this latest move, since he claimed the tactics used were correct.

To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.

New York Gov. David Paterson tells Political Blogger "People get Nervous if there are too Many Minorities in Office"

Gov. David Paterson (Xanthos/NY Daily News)

Never mind the fact that New York's Governor David Paterson's record of accomplishment is abysmal, he's now complaining that he's being sandbagged because of his race. After complaining to the New Daily News' Errol Louis during a radio interview last Friday that he is the victim of an "orchestrated" campaign to push him out of office, he told political blogger Gerson Borrero that some people are uncomfortable with too many black people in power. Wow, that's the way to tell 'em governor. Just go ahead and pull the race card when it's convenient for you! What a moron. I guess he hasn't come to realization yet that his tenure in office has not amounted to anything worthy of touting, just a lot of confusion. Apparently the White House has already asked Paterson to tone down his rhetoric after he said last Friday that President Barack Obama will be the next target of a racist media.
Defensive and at time self pitying, Paterson indicated he's been stewing for some time "I have been quiet for 17 months on this issue," he said. "I played by the rules. It was a very difficult position to find myself in and I've given it my best. I've done the best I can under the very trying circumstances the state is facing."

"It seems I have to work twice as hard as others," he said in his interview with Borrero. And it still bothers him that people refer to him as the "accidental governor." He took office in 2008 after former Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned amid a prostitution scandal. "It was not an accident. It is a constitutional mandate," he said. "I became governor by a constitutional mandate."
He said the successors to disgraced governors Jim McGreevey of New Jersey and John Rowland of Connecticut were not dubbed "accidental governors." "I've had to endure this for 17 months and quite frankly on Friday when I spoke to Errol Louis on his radio show, it all came to a head," he said. Source: NY Daily News
Gov. Paterson needs to step aside and let Attorney General Andrew Cuomo run for the governorship for the Democratic Party. He has a record of accomplishment. While some of Paterson's claims of racism may be valid, they are a moot point because he has not accomplished anything since he has become the governor and yes, it was quite by accident. It's a sad commentary when even people of his own race want him out. His wife, Michelle Paterson pulled the same race card in April, 2009, when she claimed that the reason her husband was unpopular and most likely would not secure the Democratic nomination for governor in 2010 was because he's black. In all honesty, I think the Patersons' ability to pull the race card expired on January 20, 2009, at noon, when President Barack Obama was sworn in as the first African American president of the United States.

Gov. Paterson needs to take a look at the polls and see that his fate is sealed. A new Siena Research Institute poll released this morning shows his job approval rating at 23% and his favorability rating at 32%. A staggering 68% of New Yorkers said that they would prefer someone else if Paterson runs for a full four-year term next year. The same poll also shows that AG Andrew Cuomo would soundly trounce him in a hypothetical Democratic primary match-up. The same poll also found that he would most definitely be beaten by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani in a general election match-up. So, why should the Democratic Party risk having such a liability on their hands and essentially guarantee the GOP a win in New York?

dimanche 23 août 2009

Egyptian Fruit Sellers Name Their Best Dates After President Barack Obama for Ramadan

Obama dates in Egypt for Ramadan (Yahoo News)

For the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, Egyptian fruit sellers have named their best dates of the year after President Barack Obama, in a tribute to the president for his outreach to the Muslim world. Dates are the traditional food for Ramadan, which commenced on Saturday in most of the Islamic world. Shops in Egypt have created a new tradition of naming their best and worst dates in a move to let others know the political mood of the country.

Obama's honor is the result of the landmark address he gave in Cairo in June, in which he said that he wants to improve American ties with Muslims around the world. Those ties were deeply strained under his predecessor, George W. Bush, who was widely resented in the Arab world and whose name was given to the worst quality dates in Egypt in past Ramadans.

Huge barrels in one fruit seller's shop were piled with "Obama" dates, selling for just under $2.50 a pound ($5 a kilogram). For an additional dollar, there is an even better date, labeled on a sign as "Super Obama."

One fruit seller named his poorer dates after Israeli Foreign Minister Avidgor Lieberman, who is considered a hard-liner who is particularly disliked in Egypt for once saying its president, Hosni Mubarak, can "go to hell."

Other low-quality dates were named after Lieberman's predecessor, Tzipi Livni, and after Bush. They all go for about 17 cents a pound (36 cents a kilogram). Source: Yahoo News
During the lunar month of Ramadan, observant Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, smoking and sex from sunrise to sunset. The observers believe that God began revealing the Quran to Muhammad during Ramadan, and the faithful are supposed to spend the month in religious reflection, prayer and remembrance of the poor.

Brian Milligan, 18, Severely Beaten by 10 -12 Black Males because he's Dating a Black Girl, Being Investigated as a Hate Crime

Brian Milligan, a white 18-year old man, was reportedly severely beaten with a piece of concrete last Tuesday and the assault is being investigated by the Buffalo, NY, police as a hate crime. According to media reports, the victim is listed in critical condition and is in the intensive care unit of Erie County Medical Center, where he is being treated for a head injury. He was reportedly beaten by a group of about 10 - 12 black males believed to be between 15 and 17 years old. The police are investigating the possibility that the beating may have resulted from a dispute involving a friend of the victim. I am amazed that this incident has flown under the mainstream media radar. This incident is outrageous and the thugs who inflicted this beating should be brought to justice.
The victim’s mother reportedly told police that about a week ago her son was approached by a group and told “not to mess with our girls.” Family members believe the incidents may be related, police reports stated.

Following the attack, which occurred at about 10:50 p. m. at Genesee Street and Floss Avenue, the victim managed to make his way to his nearby home. Police fielded calls about a gang assault, and they followed the trail of blood to the man’s home. Detectives say they have been hindered in their investigation by the victim’s reluctance to talk about the crime. Source: The Buffalo News
I am amazed at how much hatred there is in this country that has been festering for so long. What difference does it make it a couple is interracial? Don't we all want the same things out of life? I hope the victim starts talking to the police so that the perpetrators can be apprehended. Like the late King of Pop, Michael Jackson said in one of his songs, "it doesn't matter if you are black or white."

DOJ: Horace M. Cooper, Former VOA Chief of Staff Indicted In Connection With Abramoff Investigation

Another one bites the dust..... Horace M. Cooper, a former employee of ex-Majority Leader Dick Armey, was indicted Friday on five public corruption charges for exchanging political favors for gifts from disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff. He has been charged with soliciting and accepting thousands of dollars worth of sporting event and concert tickets, free meals and a Superbowl party hosted at Abramoff's restaurant. He allegedly accepted these gifts while he was on the staff of Dick Armey, while he was chief of staff for Voice of America and while he was chief of staff for an agency within the Department of Labor. 

He has also been accused of failing to report these gifts and of lying to a grand jury. He faces a maximum of 40 years in prison if convicted on all charges. Cooper is set to appear in court Sept. 9. What a shame. I hope he has a good lawyer because a prison sentence is a very real possibility for this man.

Annie Leibovitz, Photographer to the Stars, Faces Financial Ruin, May be Forced into Bankruptcy

It is always a shame when the ordinary working class citizen has problems making ends meet, but it is a low-down dirty shame when a wealthy person falls flat on his or her face after living the high life. One such person is Annie Leibovitz, photographer to the stars. She is reportedly close to financial ruin and some say that she is a victim of her own relentless artistic ambition. She is, without a doubt, one of the most sought after portrait photographer in the world. Some of her cutting-edge portraits include current California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on top of a mountain, actress Whoopi Goldberg submerged in a bath of milk, Miley Cyrus posing half-naked for Vanity Fair (that caused a great deal of unease to Disney Co. and others), a portrait of a nude and pregnant Demi Moore, a nude portrait of John Lennon and Yoko Ono and she even had France's Versailles palace closed to shoot Kirsten Dunst as Marie-Antoinette. In short, Leibovitz pushed the boundaries on all fronts to attain the perfect picture, while ironically her finances were a hot mess. Do I feel pity for her? Heck no!

Behind this facade of opulence and no-expense spared, Leibovitz was literally spending her way into this nightmare. She made an enormous financial gamble when she took a $24 million loan from Art Capital Group in December 2008, using her own photographs (a definite no-no) as collateral. The debt is due September 8 and she reportedly isn't in a position to make good on the payment, which means she could lose her life's work. The company's spokesman Montieth Illingworth said in a statement that she must "comply with the sales agreement she signed authorizing Art Capital to sell the fine art and real estate assets and to pay the invoices that are due." Ms. Leibovitz runs the risk of not only losing her photo archives, which has been estimated to be worth $50 million, but she could also lose her home in Manhattan's trendy Greenwich Village and a second home outside the city.

The vultures are circling the wagon. Goldman Sachs joined the fray last week and claimed to own part of Ms. Leibovitz' debt. If she is forced into bankruptcy, then the courts will have to decide how to distribute the assets. Of course, declaring bankruptcy is no longer stigmatized as it once was, but when you have massive amounts of assets, then it is very devastating. It is a sad commentary that despite the fact that Ms. Leibovitz moved in glamorous circles, she never bothered to get good counsel for her financial affairs or even kept her financial house in order. Her downfall is spectacular and it is so ironic that she was called a perfectionist at work, but was a bumbling idiot and spendthrift where her finances were concerned. Well, the moral of this story is that a fool and his money will soon be parted. You must live within your means and yes, the word budgeting must enter your consciousness.

samedi 22 août 2009

Sen. Arlen Specter (D - Pa.) Mocks Town Hall Protesters, Sarah Palin and Viagra in Comedy Appearance at Pittsburgh Improv

Wasn't Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) the same person who was talked down by an angry constituent at a recent health care town hall meeting? Wow, it's amazing that he suddenly got his mojo back when he took to the stage at the Pittsburgh Improv on Thursday night to benefit Allegheny county's Music Festival Fund for children, or maybe, as Joan Specter said, he always loved stand up comedy. He mocks town hall protesters and Sarah "Caribou Barbie" Palin.

Here's the video of his 2007 appearance at the "Funniest Celebrity in DC Contest:"

vendredi 21 août 2009

Celebrity Briefs: LeAnn Rimes, Grammy Award Winning Country Singer, Involved in Traffic Collision in West Los Angeles, No One was Hurt

Grammy award winning country music singer LeAnn Rimes was involved in a traffic collision in West Los Angeles yesterday evening. Authorities said no one was hurt and the 26-year old singer was questioned by officers as part of an ongoing investigation.

Susan Novak, a spokeswoman for Rimes, said in a media interview that a police report had been filed and she was confident Rimes, a Mississippi native, will be cleared.

Still developing. More to follow....

Allyson Felix Beats Veronica Campbell-Brown in Women's 200m Race in Berlin

The tables were turned for Jamaica's Veronica Campbell-Brown in the 200m race in Berlin. USA's Allyson Felix beats her handily to win gold! Campbell-Brown takes silver! Allyson Felix is a real class act and she deserves to win top prize!

More to come......

jeudi 20 août 2009

Plaxico Burress Pleads Guilty to One Count of Second-Degree Attempted Criminal Possession of a Weapon, to Get Two Years in Prison

Former New York Giant Plaxico Burress pleaded guilty this morning to one count of second-degree attempted criminal possession of a weapon. His attorney reached a deal with prosecutors that will send him to prison for two years. He will also be subject to two years post-prison supervision.

The deal, reached between prosecutors in the Manattan District Attorney's Offfice and his lawyer, was the result of negotiations ongoing since his arrest last November. Burress was indicted earlier this month on gun possession charges for accidentally shooting himself in the thigh in a nightclub.

His behavior was reckless and unwarranted. He has no-one to blame for his fate but himself. I hope he has realized the error of his ways and will be given a second chance to play football once he pays his debt to society.

Venus and Serena Williams to become Part-Owners of the Miami Dolphins

Venus and Serena Williams are trailblazers in the world of tennis. Now these two sisters are charting a new course -- part owners of the Miami Dolphins. According to media reports, the agreement is being finalized and I hope it will come to fruition. The two women live in Palm Beach Gardens, Fla., and this development would be significant because the NFL has no African-American majority team owner.
Musicians Gloria and Emilio Estefan and Marc Anthony recently bought small shares of the team. New Dolphins owner Stephen Ross also forged a partnership with singer Jimmy Buffett. The Dolphins have said the involvement of the celebrities reflects the diversity of South Florida and shows that the franchise is connected with the community.

"There's always so many opportunities out there, and Venus and I are always trying to expand our brand and do the best that we can do, and if an opportunity presents itself, we would love to see where it can take us," Serena Williams said. "Who knows what's going to happen, but hopefully we'll be able to hopefully continue to expand our brand." Source: Google News
The sisters have combined to win 18 Grand Slam titles, and they staged their latest sibling match last month at Wimbledon, where Serena beat Venus in the final. Serena Williams has won 11 major titles and big sister Venus has won seven. This latest development would have a tremendous effect on the fan base, especially where African Americans and Latinos are concerned.

mercredi 19 août 2009

Harry Jackson, Conservative Black Bishop, Calls Universal Health Care 'Reverse Classicism'

There's a fool preaching in a pulpit near you. Bishop Harry Jackson from Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Md., made some incendiary and inaccurate claims about health care reform, labeling it "reverse classicism." Say what? Jackson said the following in his speech at the National Press Club in Washington:
If I'm going to have to lessen the care of some folks and people who are worthy of service, worthy of care don't get served, we have a real problem. In other words, my life is not worth less because I'm worth more financially...There's a reverse classicism in this whole issue.

Bishop Jackson continued by picking up on a common misnomer that the right invented and then railed against, spending tax dollars to pay for abortions. "It's absolutely immoral to say that you're going to pay for an abortion," said Jackson. Source: Huffington Post
He got his digs in about his own race. He claimed that the health care reform would increase abortion rates especially among the Black community. The truth is that the politicians have not proposed spending tax dollars on abortion procedures except for instances of rape, incest or when the mother's life is in danger. Of course, Bishop Jackson in all his "glory" didn't bother to mention the fact that there are 47 million Americans without health insurance and I am sure there are a few in his congregation as well.

South African Caster Semenya, Women's 800M Gold Medal Favorite, Sparks Controversy: Is She Male or Female?

Is this a man or a woman? Well, South African Caster Semenya, 18, who took gold in the 800m World Athletics Championship, is being accused of being a man. She had to take a gender test after doubts were raised about her sex. She has sparked controversy because of her strikingly muscular physique. Officials at the IAAF, the world athletics body, disclosed that they have ordered her to take a gender test three weeks ago, but the results will not be confirmed for several week.  For starters, that's the flattest chest I have ever seen on a woman.
South African athletics chiefs furiously denied the claims and stated Semenya was definitely female. Molatelo Malehopo, general manager of Athletics South Africa, said: 'She is a female. We are completely sure about that and we wouldn't have entered her into the female competition if we had any doubts. 'We have not been absent-minded, we are very sure of her gender. We are aware of the claims that have been made but our aim at the moment is to prepare Caster for the race this evening.'

The teenager, from Polokwane in South Africa's Limpopo province, burst onto the running scene at last month's African Junior Championship in Mauritius where she clocked 1:56.72 in the 800 meters. The time was the best recorded in the world so far this year by more than a second. Source:  Daily Mail
Experts are reportedly concerned over the way she runs and the South African athletics body was urged to test her. The testing has sparked controversy in South Africa, where many have said the latest move is racially motivated. I can't imagine coming under such scrutiny and being able to perform to the best of one's ability. If she's a man, then she deserves to be kicked out of the competition and stripped of her medals for being a fraud. If she's a woman, then she'll be vindicated and continue with her career.

Calvin E. "Hitler" Lockner, White Supremacist, Arrested for Beating 76-Year Old James A. Privott, Police Treating Incident as a Hate Crime


Two teenagers have been arrested and charged in connection with the beating. According to the Baltimore Sun, Zachary Watson, 17, of the 900 block of Jack St. and Emmanuel Miller, 16, of the 1600 block of Spruce St. were arrested and have been charged with 18 counts of assault, murder, attempted murder and other offenses, along with Calvin E. Lockner, 28, who police arrested Tuesday.

Miller said the three had watched Privott and his wife fish and approached them to ask if they had water or cigarettes, according to charging documents. The group was walking away when Lockner shouted a racial epithet at Privott. They waited for Privott's wife to leave, and then Lockner started striking Privott; Watson described the weapon as a sledgehammer, Miller as a baseball bat, records show. After the assault, the three smoked marijuana near Federal Hill.

It is unconscionable that anyone could beat an innocent person, much less a 76-year old man. The victim, James A. Privott, is reportedly in serious condition after he was beaten while fishing with his wife. The police is treating this as a hate crime. Police said a suspect, Calvin E. Lockner, 28, AKA Hitler, who professed to be a white supremacist, was taken into custody. This scumbag is also a registered sex offender. Why am I not surprised that this thug has a record?
James A. Privott was at Fort Armistead Park in South Baltimore about 5 a.m. when three men began assaulting him while yelling racial epithets, police said. The attackers fled in the victim's vehicle.

He was taken to a local hospital, then transported to Maryland Shock Trauma Center because of the severity of the injuries to his head. The man was reported in serious but stable condition as of late Tuesday, police said. His wife was uninjured.

Police arrested Calvin E. Lockner, a convicted sex offender, after officers tracked down the victim's 2008 Chevy Tahoe using an anti-theft device, according to Anthony Guglielmi, the department's chief spokesman. Lockner, of the 3700 block of Pascal Ave., told officers that he was a white supremacist and "did not like people who were different from him," Guglielmi said. Police were searching for two additional suspects. Source: Baltimore Sun
This idiot should not see the outside of a prison for many years to come. It is a sad commentary that we still have vile and hateful people in our midst.

Rep. Barney Frank Confronts Constituent Who Asked Him Why He's Supporting a Nazi Policy (VIDEO)

Rep. Barney Frank confronts a constituent at his town hall meeting in Dartmouth, MA, when she asked, "Why are you supporting this Nazi policy?"

Frank's response: "On what planet do you spend most of your time?" He then calls her approach "vile, contemptible nonsense." He closes by saying: "Trying to have a conversation with you would be like arguing with a dining room table."

mardi 18 août 2009

Derryl Jenkins, 42, Beaten by Minnesota Police Officer Richard Walker Caught on Dash Cam, Investigation Launched

Derryl Jenkins, 42, was pulled over in February as he drove through north Minneapolis, and was stopped for speeding as he allegedly went 15 miles over the limit. The stop was recorded on a seven minute tape from the squad car of Officer Richard Walker.
Minneapolis Police Chief Tim Dolan said he reviewed the arrest video and said Officer Walker's actions all appear to be very appropriate. In a statement released Monday, Chief Dolan also said some of the actions of responding officers did give him concern and because of that he is asking for an outside review by the FBI.

"Additionally, the incident has been referred to my Internal Affairs and Training Units for a review of our arrest procedures in dealing with suspects resisting arrest," Dolan said.

Derryl Jenkins said Officer Walker refused to explain why he was stopped that night, and he asked for a police supervisor. When Walker said one wasn't available, Jenkins said he got out of the car to get his drivers license from his back pocket.

That's when he said Walker tried to tackle him. Backup arrived, and six officers helped Walker as Jenkins was punched, kicked and stunned three times with a Taser. Police claim Jenkins was uncooperative, that he smelled like alcohol and slurred his speech.

Jenkins said he drank three beers with dinner that night, but insisted he was not impaired, and is heard on the tape as he repeatedly asked, "What did I do wrong?"Source: WFIE-TV
This man did not deserve cuts, bruises, chipped teeth and permanent damage to his thumb at the hands of this officer. To make matters worse, Jenkins said, he was being criminally charged, accused of a felony for assaulting an officer. A judge has since dropped the charges. It would be wise for anyone stopped by the police, never to reach for your pocket without telling them you are retrieving your driver's license. I can see how any police would be agitated about one reaching into one's pocket. This does not excuse the beating this man suffered at the hands to this officer.