mardi 13 juillet 2010

Comedian Whoopi Goldberg Defends Woman Beater Mel Gibson, Says She Won't Call him a Racist

Comedian Whoopi Goldberg defends actor Mel Gibson, accused of domestic violence against former girlfriend, saying she will not call him a racist.

I must admit, I find Whoopi Goldberg very funny, but I cannot ignore the fact that she has made some controversial comments in the past, with the latest occurring Monday, when she defended woman abuser and racist, Mel Gibson, on The View. She spoke up in support of Gibson, not vehmently, but faint enough to spark outrage.

From Mediaite:

On The View this morning Goldberg said she was unwilling to call Gibson a racist, despite the offensive and abusive language he has been caught on tape using. Said Goldberg:

You can say he’s being a bonehead but I can’t sit and say that he’s a racist having spent time with him in my house with my kids. I can’t say it and so I really just need to say that. I don’t like what he’s done. Make no mistake.

At which point Joy Behar asked Goldberg to explain Gibson’s anti-semitic remarks to police officers a few years ago

Drunks say stupid stuff to people all the time because they’re drunk. They’re out of control. They are not thinking they are idiotic. That’s why I don’t like alcohol. I can’t say anything about that because I know what people are like when they’re drunk. This rant, I don’t think he’s drunk on this rant.
I will second Joy Behar for pointing out that a lot of people get drunk and don't use such deplorable language. Mel Gibson is a disgrace and he should be shunned from Hollywood, even though, I seriously doubt that will occur since the standards there are set so low, as evidenced from the fact that Roman Polanksi, who raped a 13 year old girl, is still adored and embraced. Mel Gibson, despite all the good he has done, is a woman beater and an abuser. He should be behind bars and afforded the same treatment as Chris Brown, for example. It is a disgrace that Whoopi Goldberg would defend Gibson for these acts of violence and his verbal outbursts. Speaks volumes about her character.

Watch the video of Whoopi Goldberg's defense of Mel Gibson:

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