jeudi 22 juillet 2010

Join the "Stop Andrew Breitbart Now" Facebook Group to Stamp Out Racial Hatred

The Hinterland Gazette launches the "Stop Andrew Breitbart Now" Facebook group to address the modern-day lynching of former USDA director Shirley Sherrod.

The Hinterland Gazette has launched the "Stop Andrew Breitbart Now" Facebook group. Please follow the link below and join. We have to stop racial hatred and bigotry at all costs. He isn't representative of all conservatives in this country, but it is a sad commentary that he thinks he speaks for all and is the judge and jury of what the NAACP does. Andrew Breitbart has a long history of sleazy reporting on his website. He literally lynched Shirley Sherrod by his actions of deliberately putting out edited material to vilify her in the media. This is a disgrace and we must say no to racism and no to sleazy journalism!

Join now: Stop Andrew Breitbart Now Facebook Group

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