mardi 20 juillet 2010

Alvin Greene Says Fair Tax is More Like a Sales Tax During Interview with Rocky D

Alvin Greene, SC Democratic senatorial candidate says Fair Tax more like sales tax and asks Rocky D during interview what are GOP opponent's Jim DeMint's positions.

Alvin Greene was recently interviewed by Rocky D on 1250 WTMA and this further confirms my position that this man is a bumbling idiot who had no clue what the Fair Tax debate was all about. He asked Rocky was the Fair Tax is. Besides, he said he had invitations for speaking engagements in other counties, but yet when asked what was next in the pipeline, he said he had nothing planned. Huh? This is further proof that this man has no clue what he is up against, much less having a clear understanding of the issues. As I said in a previous blog post, a real Stepin Fetchit.

Here's the link the the podcast, have a good laugh. Rocky D interviews Alvin Greene

Hat tip to Riley Hart for sending me this link.

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