dimanche 25 juillet 2010

Mega-Church Pastors T. D. Jakes & Joel Osteen Form Unlikely Partnership

Mega-church pastors T. D. Jakes and Joel Osteen have formed a new partnership of sorts. According to ABC affiliate, KTRK-TV, Jakes called Osteen to see if he could get Lakewood, Osteen's church, to host a men's conference. So, a quick tour of the church led to an all-day session between the two men. They reportedly discovered they had a lot in common -- mega-church pastors, preached to millions more on television, made millions outside the pulpit from best-selling books and in Jakes' case, also from movies. Osteen invited Jakes to preach at this church.

Why is this newsworthy? Well, some have said both men are running out of ideas, so this new bond would bring in more money into their coffers, considering that the country is in a recession and funds are tight.

"I think that this is a new model, because whether people want to admit it or not, there's often a lot of jealousy in the ministry among clergy and I think it's a wonderful indication when a ministry like Lakewood and Pastor Osteen can come together with Potter's House TD Jakes without regard to race and theology and anything else and just worship God as his sons," said Jakes. Source
I, for one, don't ascribe to the brand of gospel being preached by either man, especially Joel Osteen. He rarely bases his sermons on Bible verses. He just talks and talks. Hey, I am going to the church for spiritual direction, not to hear him talk in general terms. I want concrete applications of every day issues to Biblical truth. T. D. Jakes, on the other hand, has been criticized for his opulent lifestyle and simply preaching the gospel of prosperity. That is an unrealistic way to win souls for Christ. Not everyone will be financially well-off in life. You will always have rich and poor. No amount of twisting the words of the Bible will ever change that.

Last year, Steve Lawson rebuked Joel Osteen, when Osteen was asked on the Larry King show, about going to heaven.  King stated, echoing his words of you either believe in Christ or you don't. If you believe in Christ you are going to heaven. If you don't, no matter what you do in life, you won't go to heaven. Osteen said he didn't know if those words were true. What happens if one is a Jew or Muslim? Where do you go? He said he is very careful about saying who will go or not to heaven. In other words, he flip-flopped.

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