lundi 16 août 2010

Rep. John Mizuno (D-HI) Plans to Introduce Resolution Banning the N-Word

Rep. John Mizuno (D-HI) to introduce symbolic resolution to ban use of the N-word after hearing Dr. Laura Schlessinger utter racial slur on the air.

Rep. John Mizuno (D-HI) plans to introduce a resolution to ban the N-word after he heard talk show radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger uttering the word on the air last week. He said the resolution wouldn’t have an effect on the law, but he hopes it would send a message that the word is hateful and offensive. The resolution would be considered when the state legislature returns to the Capitol in January.

Er, waste of time, but good luck Rep. Mizuno. There is a provision in the Constitution that says freedom of speech is afforded to all Americans. The word is despicable, but you can't force people not to say it. That's what makes it so hypocritical when black rappers and comedians, such as Kanye West, Jamie Foxx and Whoopi Goldberg seem to think it's okay to use the word, but it's so wrong when a white person dares to.

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