jeudi 26 août 2010

Catholics Upset President Obama Will Speak at Xavier University in NOLA

Another new controversy involving President Obama is making the rounds in the media, albeit a repackaged one. It seems that some Catholics are peeved that he will be speaking at Xavier University, a Catholic institution. Why? They are regurgitating an old controversy -- his stance on abortion and stem cell research. He will be in New Orleans Saturday to remember the devastation of Hurricane Katrina five years after the storm roared ashore, but the location the White House has picked for his remarks is stirring an old controversy -- and it has nothing to do with storm or the rebuilding of the Gulf. The disgruntled and misguided Catholics who take offense to his presence say he should not be given the chance to speak so openly at a Catholic university on that basis. Absolutely hypocritical on their part because President Obama was on the university's campus in 2006 and I can't recall hearing any opposition then.

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