jeudi 26 août 2010

Bruce Majors Pushes Visitor Guide Warning Glenn Beck Rallygoers to Stay Out of Certain D.C. Neighborhoods

Openly gay blogger Bruce Majors creates visitor guide for Glenn Beck Washington D.C. rally attendees warning that certain neighborhoods aren't safe.

Openly gay blogger Bruce Majors has created a visitor guide that has sparked controversy. The guide reportedly warns that attendees at Glenn Beck's upcoming rally to stay out of certain neighborhoods. There are some neighborhoods that aren't safe even for a black person to walk alone. Still, the problem I have is whether or not safe predominantly black neighborhoods are on the list. Which would make this a deliberate targeting of black areas of Washington D. C. Of course, Andrew Breitbart pulled out Rev. Jesse Jackson's comments: "I hate to admit it, but I have reached a stage in my life that if I am walking down a dark street late at night and I see that the person behind me is white, I subconsciously feel relieved."

Here's an excerpt from Majors' guide:

Many parts of DC are safe beyond the areas I will list here, but why chance it if you don't know where you are? If you are on the subway stay on the Red line between Union Station and Shady Grove, Maryland. If you are on the Blue or Orange line do not go past Eastern Market (Capitol Hill) toward the Potomac Avenue stop and beyond; stay in NW DC and points in Virginia. Do not use the Green line or the Yellow line. These rules are even more important at night. There is of course nothing wrong with many other areas; but you don't know where you are, so you should not explore them.

If on foot or in a cab or bus, stay in Bethesda, Arlington (preferably north Arlington), Crystal City, Falls Church, Annandale, or Alexandria, or in DC only in northwest DC west (i.e. larger street numbers) of 14th or 16th streets, or if on Capitol Hill only in SE Capitol Hill (zip 20003) between 1st and 8th Streets, not farther out than 8th (e.g. 9th, 10th etc). (Or stay on the Mall and at the various monuments.) Again there are many other lovely places, from the Catholic University of America to Silver Spring, Maryland. But you don't know where you are so you cannot go, especially at night, unless you take me with you.
Of course, he manages to insult people of color in the process:
DC's population includes refugees from every country, as the families of embassy staffs of third world countries tend to stay in DC whenever a revolution in their homeland means that anyone in their family would be in danger if they went back. Most taxi drivers and many waiters/waitresses (especially in local coffee shops like the Bread and Chocolate chain) are immigrants, frequently from east Africa or Arab countries. As a rule, African immigrants do not like for you to assume they are African Americans and especially do not like for you to guess they are from a neighboring country (e.g. Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia) with whom they may have political or military tensions. It's rare to meet anyone who gets really offended, but you can still be aware of the issue.

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