jeudi 11 mars 2010

Growing Trend of School Closings in the U.S.A. Shocking and Sets Dangerous Precedent

Growing trend of school closings in the United States alarming and sets a bad precedent. Kansas City joins the fray with 29 school closures.

All over the country, there appears to be a growing trend of closing schools, with Kansas City being the latest to close 29 of 61 schools. It is particularly pervasive in poor-performing black school districts. The rising tide of these closures does not auger well for students who live in and around these communities. The schools though poor performing in the national averages in subjects like Math, Science, and English should not be closed. If the districts offer alternatives such as transporting children to nearby schools, then hopefully test scores will improve. However the school districts do not appear to be offering viable alternatives. What is wrong with this picture?

Where are educated African-Americans? Why aren't we letting our voices be heard. Are we really going to sit by idly and watch as the advances of the Civil Rights Movement and its message of equality for all be left in the hands of uncaring Administrators who are more concerned about lining their pockets at the end of the day and protecting their own turf? Are we really going to forget that education was how we crossed over? Are we not going to engage in a silent movement of writing, blogging and emailing and speaking using the various platforms we have been privileged to have been given as a a result of our education? These children have no voice. And as far as I can see will not have a voice in the future as their right to education has been determined by Administrators of school districts who are more concerned about budget and budget deficits?

The argument that the economy has contracted is not good enough. Here in Michigan, we have been faced with the same situation. Law makers ought to find ways of making sure that education is just as important as raising taxes on cigarettes and petroleum consumption. Education has to be a priority.

We need to fight back. Use the tools you have been given. Email, blog, write letters to the editors of your local and county newspapers. Contact your county executive state representative, congressman, Senator, etc. and let your voices be heard. Fight for these children. Remember Each One Need one, Each One Teach One, Each One Feed One. Let your voice and opinion be heard by state legislators, county board officials. Do it today. The children of tomorrow deserve a solid education.

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