lundi 29 mars 2010

British Author, Philip Pullman, Risks Offending Christians with Latest Book, "The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ"

Bestselling British author Philip Pullman's latest novel, "The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ," may offend many Christians.

According to Reuters, bestselling British author Philip Pullman risks offending Christians with his latest book, a fictional account of the "good man Jesus" and the "scoundrel Christ." This will no doubt rile Christians, as much as "The DaVinci Code" did when the book was first released and then opened old wounds when the movie was released to box office acclaim. The same holds true for "Passion of the Christ," which sparked widespread controversy.
The 63-year-old, an outspoken atheist, angered some members of the Catholic Church with a thinly veiled attack on organized religion in his hugely successful "His Dark Materials" trilogy, the first of which was turned into a Hollywood blockbuster.

But "The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ" is a far more direct exploration of the foundations of Christianity and the church as well as an examination of the fascination and power of storytelling. In the novel, Jesus has a twin brother called Christ who secretly records and embellishes his brother's teachings.

Speaking about the book to an audience in Oxford on Sunday, Pullman acknowledged that it was likely to cause offense. Source: Reuters
The controversy the book will most likely spark, will undoubted push it to the top of the bestsellers' lists across the globe.

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SHOP AMAZON:  His Dark Materials Trilogy: "Northern Lights", "Subtle Knife", "Amber Spyglass" & The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ (Reserve your copy now!)

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