mardi 30 mars 2010

Fox News: Arrested Hutaree Militia Leader, David Brian Stone, is a Ron Paul Fanatic

Hutaree militia leader, David Brian Stone, is a Ron Paul fanatic, his ex-fiancee, Andrea Harsh, told Fox News. He was ticked off by the historic election of President Obama.

It seems that the Fox News has uncovered something very interesting about Hutaree Militia leader, David Brian Stone. His ex-fiancee, Andrea Harsh, said Stone, who was recently arrested for plotting against police in Michigan, was ticked off by the election of President Barack Obama and that he was a Ron Paul fanatic, who thought the government would try to take away his guns. Ron Paul fanatic. That's very interesting since this isn't the first time we have heard his name associated with racist people. You see, some of the hatemongers who were big supporters of Paul include Holocaust Museum shooter, James von Brunn; Pittsburgh cop killer, Richard Paplowski and Pentagon shooter, John Patrick Bedell.

If that revelation doesn't cause one to stop and think, then I don't know what else will. Why am I not surprised that this barbaric plot to harm Michigan police officers was hatched in a trailer home in a rural area of the state. According to Fox News, David Brian Stone's personal theology partly destroyed his marriage, at least that's how his ex-wife put it. The aim of these scumbags was to kill police officers in the hope of sparking an uprising against the government. So, while we worry about al-Qaida and other extremists from the Middle East, we have to worry about the homegrown terrorists in our midst. For all those Ron Paul supporters out there, you'd better think twice about the scumbags that support him and his philosophy. So when Sarah "Tea Party" Palin says "lock and load," she's talking to people like these nine domestic terrorists who believe the literal interpretation of her words.

SHOP AMAZON.COM:  Ron Paul: The Revolution: A Manifesto

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