lundi 29 mars 2010

RNC Chairman Michael Steele Spent GOP Funds Lavishly, Expenses Include $1.9K to Bondage-Themed Club

RNC chairman Michael Steele spent GOP funds lavishly, even at Voyeur West Hollywood, a bondage-themed nightclub. Where's the outrage?

DRAMA: RNC head honcho Michael Steele is in the news, thanks to the Daily Caller's Jonathan Strong. It seems that Steele has a penchant for spending donations of Republican supporters lavishly. In view of the latest developments, it's time for Michael Steele to exit the stage. He has just reinforced the opinions of many, including me, that he is tone deaf.

Here's an excerpt from Jonathan Strong's article:

While Steele has not purchased a plane, he continues to charter them. According to federal disclosure records, the RNC spent $17,514 on private aircraft in the month of February alone (as well as $12,691 on limousines during the same period). There are no readily identifiable private plane expenses for Democratic National Committee chairman Tim Kaine in the DNC’s last three months of filings.

The RNC explains that Steele charters jets only when commercial service is unavailable, or when his tight schedule requires it. “Anytime the chairman has taken any private travel has been a either to a route that doesn’t exist or because of connections and multiple travel to where he just wasn’t able to do so,” Heye said. Yet Steele’s office repeatedly refused to explain in specific terms the circumstances of the February charter flights.

Once on the ground, FEC filings suggest, Steele travels in style. A February RNC trip to California, for example, included a $9,099 stop at the Beverly Hills Hotel, $6,596 dropped at the nearby Four Seasons, and $1,620.71 spent [update: the amount is actually $1,946.25] at Voyeur West Hollywood, a bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless women dancers imitating lesbian sex.

RNC trips to other cities produced bills from a long list of chic and costly hotels such as the Venetian and the M Resort in Las Vegas, and the W (for a total of $19,443) in Washington. A midwinter trip to Hawaii cost the RNC $43,828, not including airfare.
It's also interesting to learn some of the receipts point to shenanigans at a bondage-themed nightclub. I am sure that's one detail the RNC didn't want the general public to learn about. The RNC has issued a statement saying the Steele had no knowledge of the bondage-themed nightclub. Really? That raises eyebrows. You draw your own conclusions, but donors should be rather upset at this juncture. It undermines any effort the Republican Party is pushing to fool the us into thinking they are fiscally responsible. They are big spenders of other people's money. It's also ironic that this story is nowhere to be found on the Drudge Report. Here's a screen shot to back this up.
The Drudge Report
Read more:

SHOP AMAZON.COM:  Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto

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