samedi 13 mars 2010

Aswad Ayinde's Horrific Sex Slave Operation Part of a Culture of Violence Against Women and Girls

Thomas McGill, AKA Aswad Ayinde, ran a sex slave operation from his home, indicative of a culture of violence against women and girls.

I am appalled at the revelations of Thomas McGill, also known as Aswad Ayinde, used his children as sex slaves. At the time these crimes were perpetrated, Mr. Ayinde won awards as a video director. Sometimes we don't know what happens behind closed doors. We don't know what people do when the lights and the cameras are off. While we are not nailing him to a cross, he is representative of the significant problems of violence against women and children in this country.

You might ask why wasn't his wife doing something about it. In these situations, the wife is as much a part of the sex slave ring as the children are. Tactics used by men such as him include violence and threats of violence, starvation, intimidation, torture, robbing individuals of basic rights, using rewards systems to encourage children to spy one another. It is designed to make the victim feel that it is better to cooperate and the consequences for not cooperating are severe.  These individuals can be quite charming and are diabolical in behavior patterns. They display extreme range of emotions; angry one minute and loving the next.

It is time for the society to become aware that violence against women and children is right on our doorstep if not next door. It is time we do a better job of monitoring and identifying signs and symptoms of the disease. And take action when correctly diagnosed. You don't have to become super hero and place 'S' on your chest, but you can report any observations to the proper authorities.

This man's actions are reprehensible and disgusting to contemplate. The worst part is; he was doing this while presenting another face tot he public, and probably came across other innocent children. Make no mistake about it, violence against women and children is a very real threat in our society, We have to become our brother's keeper. Remember "each one need one; each one teach one; each one feed one." Violence against women and children has to stop.

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