samedi 27 mars 2010

Andrew Breitbart Offers $10K for Proof Rep. John Lewis Was Called a Nigger at Capitol

Andrew Breitbart offering $10,000 for proof Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)was called a nigger by Tea Party demonstrators on Capitol Hill last Saturday. Says black lawmakers' walk to Capitol was meant "to goad" demonstrators.

Andrew Breitbart is offering $10,000 for proof that U.S. Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) was called a nigger by one of the Tea Party demonstrators at the Capitol last weekend. Breitbart, on his Big Government web site, is no stranger to smear tactics. You will recall he was front and center in the ACORN pimp scandal in Baltimore, in which some staffers gave advice on how to avoid paying taxes on cash acquired through prostitution. Andrew Breitbart has the nerve to infer that Rep. Lewis, a man who has fought tirelessly for civil rights in this country, would stoop so low as to say he was called a nigger by a white person.

Here's an excerpt from his Big Government website:
As I have said over and over and over, the left has one trick that it will use again and again when its back is in the corner: shout ‘racist’ in a crowded country.

On Saturday, during the peaceful and patriotic tea party protest at the Capitol, the Democrats staged a series of symbolic acts meant to manipulate the media to do its bidding. The Congressional Black Caucus pulled the Selma card and chose to walk through the crowd in the hopes of creating a YouTube incident.

There is no reason in 21st century America on an issue that is not a black or white or a civil rights issue to have a bloc of black people walk slowly through a mostly white crowd to make a racial point. The walk in and of itself — with two of the participants holding their handheld cameras above their heads hoping to document “proof” — was an act of racism meant to create a contrast between the tea party crowd and themselves.

This is the same failed symbolism that Janeane Garofalo and MSNBC have been trying to implant for the last year. The only supposed evidence of white-on-black racism at a tea party that MSNBC was able to find was a man carrying a gun at an Arizona Obama rally. But, wait, MSNBC cut off the man’s head with a photo editing software. That Second Amendment fan was actually black. Never mind.
So, in his eyes, the beating that John Lewis took in Alabama was his fault. You know, he had no right to stand up for his rights against the racist white establishment. Give me a break.

Dick Gregory- Wake Up Call DVD

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