jeudi 11 mars 2010

Police Officer Gary Clements Tests Positive for Cocaine, Allowed to Resign by Police Chief & Wasn't Charged with DUI

Gary Clements, College Park, Ga., police officer, tests positive for cocaine after backing into another car while transporting two prisoners.

Why in the world didn't College Park, Ga., interim police chief, Ron Fears, fire police officer Gary Clements when he tested positive for cocaine. He should not have been allowed to resign. He should have been fired on the spot and charges filed for driving under the influence.

According to investigators, Clements tested positive for having cocaine in his system when he backed into another car while transporting two prisoners. After the accident, he had to take a drug test.

Police said Clements told them he had the drug in his system after he tested the drug by tasting it after he pursued suspects who got away. "He did some of the old type of testing. He tested with his finger," said Fears. Right. He should have been fired on the spot and arrested for driving under the influence immediately. Smells like a cover-up to me.

Story from Georgia Juice

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