jeudi 30 juin 2011

NOI Louis Farrakhan Says President Obama has Done Something for Gays, Unions But Nothing for Blacks

NOI leader Louis Farrakhan says any black man who stands up for "white" concerns is backed by powers that you don't see, in reference to President Barack Obama, and adds "the Dragon" is speaking through the "frog" (Obama)

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan says blacks should not be deceived by the fact President Obama (who is termed as the "frog" through whom the "Dragon" speaks) is in the White House because he hasn't helped the black community. He said "he's done something for Gays; he's done something for Unions; he's done something this one, something for that one… Let's see what he does for Black people and for Africa—not sending Hillary Clinton to Addis Ababa to tell Africans what to do! The nerve of her!"
You hear the frog, “beep-beep, beep-beep,” but it ain't the Frog—it's The Dragon talking through The Frog! He's not in power! He acts in power, but the powers are behind him, and you ought to know it! Any Black man that stands up for White concerns is backed by powers that you don't see—but he feels it! And that's why he acts and reacts the way he does.
There's more. He also called the U.S. and its allies such as Great Britain and France. He continues to maintain that Libyan dictator Moammor Gadhafi doesn't deserve NATO forces trying to root him out of power. Read the entire transcript of his June 15th press conference at Landmark View Room of the Millenium UN Plaza Hotel:

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