mercredi 22 juin 2011

Are you ready for 2012 or Would You Rather Wait for 2014

Some years ago in my book Visions I wrote about a dream I had in which certain catastrophic events take place in the year 2014. A few days ago, I sat down to watch the movie "2012" and I was amazed at the similarities between my book and the movie. The premise of the movie is based on a recognized date on the ancient Mayan calendar which says the world will come to an end on December 21, 2012.

As the date approaches, climatologists and scientists were able to predict the most likely date these climatic events would take place. It’s a movie so the twist involves a turn of events while preparations were being made to place a certain number of human beings placed on a Star Trek era device that would sail until the earth movements subsided. Of course because we are human only a select few were able to access and pay the fee to board the ship. The purchase price for the ticket was $1 billion Euros.

As I watched the movie, I remembered in my book Visions the vivid dreams I had capturing the climatic changes I had seen in dreams. The difference between the movie and my dreams were not only the dates but in my dream what caused the seas to rise and overtake land masses were huge meteors which fell from the sky into the sea. The impact affected the earth’s magnetic force and shifted the earth off its axis causing the seas to rise. Now in the movie, they used the Plate Tectonics Theory to explain the shifting of continents and rise and fall in land masses.

The movie was good and had great special effects. The story retained my interest long after the movie was over. Now I must admit I found the ending a little similar to the story of Noah’s Ark in the Bible where the ark came to rest on top of a mountain. There were other similarities too. Such as some species of animals were placed on the ark-like device for preservation and reproduction once the earth had calmed and some level of civilization would continue.

In Visions in my dream I saw as the meteor fell into the seas, how the waters rose as tall as the highest skyscrapers and people swam to try to hold onto anything to avoid drowning. Eventually the waters receded and whilst nothing was normal for awhile, to some degree, we managed to restore some level of order.

It was sometime before I felt comfortable enough to understand the significance of this dream. To be honest it is quite troubling as I wrestle with the idea that I could dream of something that could possibly happen.
When I had this dream the year 2014 was so far into the distant future, I kept telling myself I had more than enough time to figure it out. Time now seems elusive as the year approaches.

It seems very clear to me, that something catastrophic could happen. It no longer seems farfetched to imagine a meteor falling from the sky. Maybe in today’s world, we would avert disaster by using rockets to fire at it and break it into pieces before it hits our seas. I don’t know I leave the science to the scientists. But there’s one thing I do know I am going to do, and that is to pray.

Whether or not it will be 2012 as the ancient Mayan calendar suggests or 2014 based on my 20th century dreams indicate, maybe we need to formulate a plan. In my dream, I lived in Orlando, Florida a peninsula state parts of which are surrounded by water. I now live in Michigan another peninsula state bordered by the Great Lakes! I can’t seem to run from it can I? I decided to write this after watching the movie as the two events seem somehow related. I am not sure if its destiny but I plan to return to Orlando to live. I am beginning to think I’ll take the 2014 idea.

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