mercredi 22 juin 2011

Bishop T. D. Jakes Says "Christians Have No Other Authority but to Pray" on the Eddie L. Long Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Megachurch pastor T.D. Jakes says "Christians have no other authority but to pray" for New Birth Missionary Baptist Church over the sexual misconduct allegations & settlements by Bishop Eddie L. Long.

Bishop T.D. Jakes, senior pastor of The Potter's House, is also coming to the rescue of his homeboy Bishop Eddie L. Long and the recent settlement for lawsuits alleging gay sexual coercion of four young men. Jakes told the Christian Post that Christians should still pray for Long's church because they have no authority to say anything else. What Jakes has done is to align himself with that hustler Creflo Dollar in coddling Bishop Long instead of condemning his misconduct. We ought to be taking a hard look at The Potter's House as well, specifically what Jakes is hiding through his ministry's lack of transparency.
"We have no other authority but to pray," said the prominent megachurch pastor before he took the stage at McDonald's Gospelfest event Saturday in Newark, N.J.

"The New Birth church is a church unto itself who has a board and it has a membership. How they choose to handle their leadership issues it's not something that we can control regardless of which side you stay on that issue. It is their church issue and their responsibility and their response," said Bishop Jakes.

"And I'm saying what I always said that we should just keep on praying for the New Birth church family." Source: Christian Post
Really Bishop Jakes, it is the church's responsibility alone to force Long out? What about the millions of supporters of his ministry worldwide? Shouldn't they have a say in what happens with Bishop Long? When the donations stop flowing in and the membership starts to dwindle, only then will the so-called 'board' be kicked into action. The church board is in bed with Bishop Long so they won't do anything about his behavior. There is a disturbing level of narcissism running through these megachurches, that the senior pastors can do no wrong and are given a blank check to spend the people's money as he or she sees fit. No, there's something very wrong with this mindset and it's bound to backfire one day.

Birds of a feather flock together and it is really disturbing that neither T.D. Jakes nor Creflo Dollar are willing to condemn the actions of Long but seek to protect him. Why hasn't one pastor of a black megachurch come out in condemnation of what Bishop Long has done to Spencer LeGrande, Jamal Parris, Maurice Robinson and Anthony Flagg? Why? If the allegations against Bishop Long are true, he should be called just who he really is a gay child molester and should be forced out of the pulpit. Mark my words, Bishop Long will pick another young boy to sexually molest and this time the allegations will stick. Look at the shocking downfall his mentor the late Bishop Earl Paulk took? He died in disgrace and on probation. People must pay attention to the ministries they donate their hard-earned money to. Visit for donor alerts.

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