mardi 21 juin 2011

Newt Gingrich's Campaign Sinking Even Faster as Top Fundraisers Jody Thomas & Mary Heitman Quit

Newt Gingrich's presidential bid continues to falter as top fundraisers Jody Thomas and Mary Heitman abruptly quit.

Newt Gingrich's presidential aspirations are coming to an end, FAST. Only he doesn't want to accept reality and face facts. The word is that his top fundraisers, Jody Thomas and Mary Heitman, have left the team. In other words, they jumped off that sinking ship! His presidential campaign has been experiencing an exodus of sorts amid anemic fundraising and heavy spending. Just like his private life. Do you really want this idiot to represent this country? Newt Gingrich in 2012 is TOAST.

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