dimanche 26 juin 2011

Lessons Learned From Atlanta Part III - Inside The Ego

This is the third in a series on “Lessons Learned from Atlanta; The Rise and Fall of the Mega Church”. In this section we are looking at the egos behind individuals who pastor these large congregations. You might be placed in an uncomfortable position as you might find yourself being described as a member of one of these facilities. Take comfort in the fact that I attended a mega church as part of my recent spiritual experience.

For many years I sat in congregations and watched as church leaders and pastors took advantage of the largely good intentions of people who attended their services.These individuals are a study in egotism. Typically they are from impoverished backgrounds or they are second or third generation preachers. This profession is the only one in which a man of color can access an executive position with all the trappings and benefits of that position without a college degree. I have found them to be experts at the art of manipulation. They know how to use their positions to control the people around them. Most pastors of mega churches have gained a foothold in the political, religious, and social life of their community.

It is not unlikely in any given election season to see politicians visiting large churches for the purpose of influencing voters. Pastors ensure that groups of politicians and people involved in public service pass through their services during election time and it becomes a bragging right next time he meets with other pastors. The larger the church, the more influential the pastor.

With more money comes more influence and more power. He/she makes sure you know how much power and influence he has. He/she will tell you from the pulpit on Sundays whom he/she met with in the week, and you will see a tangible display of his/her power by how large his/her entourage is.

Oh yes, every pastor has an entourage. These are made up of a group of persons who are on the church payroll oand/or some volunteers who are only too happy to be caught up in the limelight, and who serve as part of the personal security detail, and personal assistants of the pastor and his family. The goal of any large entourage is to make you feel intimidated that you cannot do or say anything against him/her, or he/she will have his minions pay you a visit.

The more money he/she has is the larger his/her fleet of vehicles will be. His/her transportation fleet includes private jets, limo rides, and a fleet of high priced vehicles all at their disposal. In most large churches, the pastor does not meet with the members individually. He/she passes that burden on to one of his/her many assistant pastors. Obviously if you are a large tither (i.e. giving of large sums of money consistently) you might just be lucky enough to earn a personal visit from him/her.

Due to their large egos, they see themselves as celebrities and develop a rock star complex. So they are driven by members of their staff.Members of their entorugae form a procession in, i.e. some drive before him and some drive behind him. What a pompous way of looking at yourself! To really beleive you are so important, you are treated in the same fashion as a visiting head of state!

Some years ago, I had read of a story of an influentional preacher, who had been invited to speak at a conference. When she arrived at the airport there was no limo waiting to pick her up. The church leaders who had invited her assumed that sending a Suburban was more than nice, she didn't agrre. She hired a limo and billed it to the church!

Pastors of these huge facilities demand and expect recognition.Their wives are given the same authority a first lady has. After all, they think, I’m not the pastor of just another store-front church, am I? The material things are designed to show a mega display of ego. It says to the world, HERE I AM. I AM SOMEBODY. WORSHIP ME.

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