jeudi 24 juin 2010

Rabbi Yehuda Levin Denounces Elena Kagan's SCOTUS Nomination, Says She's Anti-Israel

Rabbi Yehuda Levin, on behalf of 850-member rabbinical group, says Elena Kagan shouldn't be confirmed because she is anti-Israel & has anti-sanctity agenda.

I am no fan of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, but I find it absolutely disgraceful that a bunch of rabbis could make such a big issue out of her nomination on the basis that she, somehow, has it in for Israel. Er, how is the nation of Israel relevant to her role on the Supreme Court? Does everything in this country have to revolve around Israel? According to a press release on the Christian News Wire, Rabbi Yehuda Levin, speaking on behalf of the members of the Rabbinical Alliance of America, issued a statement condemning her nomination as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court:

It is clear from Ms. Kagan's record on issues such as abortion-on-demand, Partial-Birth-Abortion, the radical homosexual and lesbian agenda, the "supremacy" of the anti-family panoply over religious liberties of Biblical adherents, et. al., that she will function as a flame-throwing radical, hastening society's already steep decline into Sodom and Gommorah.

It should be clear that Ms. Kagan's long line of forebearers, presumably tracing back to Sinai, would have sacrificed their lives rather than embrace the anti-G-d, counter-sanctity agenda that she has lived and promoted.

We are puzzled as to why President Obama would not honor a different minority with this nomination. We fear a backlash, fed by pent up grass-roots resentment over extremist decisions Ms. Kagan is bound to issue......

For the record, let this statement serve as an unequivocal protest, establishing that Ms. Kagan's philosophy and approach are antithetical to traditional Judaism. We emphatically reject her ascendancy to the Court! Source: Christian News Wire
Is it me or is Rabbi Levin trying to paint her as an incarnation of the Devil? This is ridiculous. Hit her on her thin resume. Shouldn't gays and lesbians be afforded their rights under the Constitution of America? I laugh at the religious right and their campaign to indoctrinate the rest of the country on their narrow interpretation of the Bible. Once again, this is much ado about nothing. Do we even know who serves on the Supreme Court of Israel and if they are pro-America? Do we even care?

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