mercredi 16 juin 2010

Police Issue All-Points Bulletin for Suspect After Laura Stone Mortimer, Mother & Two Children Found Dead in Mass. Home

Police issue all-points bulletin for Thomas Mortimer IV after his wife, mother-in-law and two small children found dead in Winchester, Ma. home.

If you have information about the whereabouts of Thomas Mortimer IV, please do not hesitate to contact the police. Why? Police are seeking him for questioning in the horrific deaths of his wife, Laura Stone Mortimer, 41, her two children, Thomas 4, and Charlotte, 2, as well as her mother, Ellen Stone, 64.

The bodies were found at the suburban home located in Winchester, north of Boston, after police and relatives responded for a well-being check after relatives were unable to contact the family since Monday, according to the Boston Globe.

Mortimer's husband is the fifth resident of the home and it is strange that he is missing in the wake of such a horrific crime. Laura Stone Mortimer was an economist at the commercial real estate firm CB Richard Ellis.

UPDATE#1: Thomas Mortimer IV has been apprehended by police hours after he was charged with four counts of murder in the deaths of his wife, mother-in-law and two small children. He was captured in Bernardston, about 100 miles from Boston. 

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