mardi 8 décembre 2009

Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) Says President Obama Told Me to Stop ‘Demeaning’ Him

Food fight! Well, that's what the relationship between President Barack Obama and the Congressional Black Caucus is heading for.  The latest dust-up between the president and some African American lawmakers comes courtesy of John Conyers Jr. According to The Hill, the president recently called Rep. John Conyers Jr. to express his frustrations with the Judiciary Committee chairman's criticism. Conyers told The Hill that his opinions of President Obama's policies on healthcare reform and the war in Afghanistan have not sat well with the president. Further, Conyers states that the president called him several weeks ago to find out why he was "demeaning" him. Did Rep. Conyers have to really repeat those statements to the media? Couldn't he have worked out his differences with the president like any decent person would have?

Don't get me wrong, if President Obama is going to be touchy-feely and get mad when someone disagrees with him, then he's pulling a Sarah Palin on us all, but the fact still remains that the Congressional Black Caucus seems hellbent on creating an adversarial relationship with President Obama because they haven't been offered an open door to his office and aren't in his inner circle.
Conyers, the second-longest-serving member of the House, said, “[Obama] called me and told me that he heard that I was demeaning him and I had to explain to him that it wasn’t anything personal, it was an honest difference on the issues. And he said, ‘Well, let’s talk about it.’”

Sitting in the Judiciary Committee’s conference room two days after Obama delivered his speech on Afghanistan, the 23-term lawmaker said he wasn’t in the mood to “chat.” Obama’s move to send in 30,000 troops to Afghanistan by the summer of 2010 has clearly disappointed Conyers. He said he intends to press his case in writing soon.

“I want something so serious that he has to respond in writing, like I am responding in writing to him,” he said. “Calling in generals and admirals to discuss troop strength is like me taking my youngest to McDonald’s to ask if he likes french fries,” Conyers said. Source: The Hill
It seems to me that the president is saying that he wants to discuss the matter further, so why is John Conyers upset and running to the media? President Barack Obama should be the least of John Conyers Jr.'s worries. Didn't his wife, Monica Conyers, plead Conyers pleaded guilty to bribery charges and is to be sentenced on Jan. 15? I rest my case. It seems that we have two big egos in this equation.

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