mardi 15 décembre 2009

Black Jesus Nativity Scene in Verona, Italy Draws Ire of the 'White Christmas' Northern League Party

Black nativity scene in Verona, Italy, angers "Operation White Christmas" Northern League Party.

Nativity Scene, similar to above, sparks controversy in Verona, Italy (howieluvzus/Flickr)
A few white politicians in Italy's anti-immigrant Northern League Party are angry over a nativity scene that depicts a dark-skinned Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The crèche is on display in a courthouse in the wealthy city Verona, Italy. According to Reuters, this outburst coincides with the Northern League's "Operation White Christmas," which is a bid to purge Coccaglio, a small town located east of Milan, of immigrants without proper identification. Northern League minister Luca Zaia, told a newspaper that "it is a useless act of provocation, just like the suggestion not to have a nativity scene at all, in order not to offend Muslims."

The nativity scene was the brainchild of Verona's chief public prosecutor, Mario Giulio Schinaia. He told Reuters that "history teaches us that baby Jesus and his parents were very probably dark-skinned." "This nativity belongs to a universal Christmas tradition that brings together the whole of Christianity in celebration."

The Northern League is no stranger to controversy. Other anti-immigration schemes have included attempts to ban Chinese food, prohibit the construction of mosques and institute segregated, immigrant-only trains and buses. I might also add that this party is allied with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and several members hold important cabinet positions.

If the truth be told, Jesus could never be the Nordic man he has been portrayed to be, in light of the fact that no-one from the Middle East was tan-skinned with blue eyes and blond hair. So, newsflash to the Northern League party, which is chock-full of bigots and racists, Jesus could never be the white man you have all made him out to be.

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