lundi 14 décembre 2009

Union Leader Ray Arcovio, Claims Waterbury, CT, Post Office Overwhelmed, Hiding Leftover Mail in Closets

If you live in Waterbury, CT, then you may have a big problem with your mail. According to the Republican American, Ray Arcovio, president of the Waterbury area postal workers' union said managers at the post office have been hiding mail in closets and unused room at mail facilities in Waterbury and Wallingford because they have had trouble processing and delivering a high volume of mail. He said they have had issues with them hiding the mail. So, if your utility bill is late and you live in either of these cities, now you know why.
In recent years, the postal service has transferred mail processing from Waterbury to Wallingford in what it says is a cost-saving measure. According to the postal service, it sustained a $3.8 billion loss in the 2009 fiscal year and additional losses are anticipated in 2010.

Arcovio said in several instances a variety of mail, including first-class letters, has been pushed aside because there aren't enough workers to handle it. The sidetracked mail didn't make it aboard trucks for delivery. Instead of finding a way to get it delivered, the mail has been shuffled out of sight by supervisors, he said.

"We have dealt with it and got the assurance it wouldn't happen again," Arcovio said. "The employees who see it and are aware of it are fearful to speak out about it for fear of repercussions." Source: The Republican American
What's equally amazing is that the United States Postal Service is offering a different explanation. You know, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. According to NBC Connecticut, Maureen Marion, a spokeswoman for the USPS, said there was one incident that occurred four months ago and the supervisor made a "poor judgment call about how to handle some late arriving mail and moved it out of the work area." She said that appropriate administrative action was taken and has stated that to suggest that this activity is occurring is a falsehood. Geez, who do you believe?

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