samedi 26 décembre 2009

Jasper Schuringa, Video Director from Amsterdam, Instrumental in Foiling Uma Farouk Abdulmutallab's Terror Attack on Northwest Flight#253

Jasper Schuringa instrumental in subduing alleged terrorist Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab on Northwest Airlines Flight#253 as it prepared to land in Detroit.

Kudos to Jasper Schuringa, a video director and producer from Amsterdam, who was instrumental in subduing Nigerian national Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab (Mudallab is being reported in some media outlets), who reportedly ignited an explosive device on board Northwest Flight #253 from Amsterdam to Detroit, Friday. He sustained some burns in the scuffle with Mutallab, who sustained second and third degree burns on his leg.
Schuringa said he heard a sound that reminded him of a firecracker and someone yelling, “Fire! Fire!” "I pulled the object from him and tried to extinguish the fire with my hands and threw it away," Schuringa said. He said he screamed for water and pulled Abdulmutallab out of his seat and dragged him to the front of the plane. Schuringa told CNN that Abdulmutallab seemed out of it and "was staring into nothing."

To ensure Abdulmutalla did not have other explosives on his body, Schuringa stripped off his clothes. He then handcuffed the alleged attacker with the help of a crew member. Schuringa said the other passengers applauded as he returned to his seat. He says that he sustained minor injuries during the take down. "My hands are pretty burned. I am fine," he said. "I am shaken up. I am happy to be here."

Federal law enforcement and airline security sources say Abdulmutallab was immediately taken into custody following the incident and treated for second- and third-degree burns on his thighs. Source: NY Daily News
Abdulmutallab flew on KLM flight from Lagos, Nigeria, to Amsterdam and reportedly is not on a "no fly" list, as previously reported by the Detroit Free Press, but he is on a U.S. database of people with suspected terrorist connections. It is rather interesting to note that while there is no evidence that he is a trained member of al-Qaida, a federal security document obtained by CNN, reveals that the explosive device he tried to detonate was acquired in Yemen, along with the instructions on how and when it should be used. This begs the questions, how did he get pass security screeners and machines at the airport in Nigeria and Amsterdam with this "explosive device?" This is further proof that we are not as secure from these terrorists as the government claims.

Photo credit:  Jasper Schuringa, CNN

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