mardi 29 décembre 2009

Nadja Green, Rikers Island Correction Officer, Caught Sleeping on the Job

Nadja Green, a correction officer at New York City's Rikers Island prison infirmary was caught sleeping on the job and to make matters worse, an inmate, who was obviously amused, was seen hovering around her, inches from a set of keys that hangs from her belt. She has been disciplined for dozing on the job after a colleague took the picture. The picture was circulated around the department and emailed to the New York Post. Ms. Green shouldn't show her face at the Rikers Island prison again. She should have been terminated. What if the inmate had taken the keys and tried to escape?

According to the New York Post, Ms. Green has been transferred at Rikers Island and has been placed on modified duty watching female inmates. She will face charges of sleeping on the job and other security and performance-related charges.

To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.

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