lundi 11 octobre 2010

Was a Book Thrown at President Barack Obama During Campaign Rally Saturday in Philadelphia?

Was a book thrown at President Barack Obama during campaign rally Saturday in Philadelpia?

Was book thrown at President Barack Obama during a rally in Philadelphia on Saturday? If so, this is an eerie throw back to shoes being thrown at President George W. Bush in Iraq, a sign of total disrespect. A photograph taken by Reuters is making the rounds. According to the U.K. Daily Mail, the book was narrowly missed hitting the President and it was not clear what the book was, where it came from in the crowd or why it was thrown at Mr Obama. Was the Secret Service sleeping on the job, as they apparently were in the case of former President Bush? There was also more drama at the rally when a naked man decided to let his presence be felt in more ways than one! That man has been identified as Juan Rodriguez, 24. He was later arrested, but according to the Drudge Report, he was paid $1 million. Anything to embarrass the president, right?

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