mercredi 6 octobre 2010

Rush Limbaugh Sinks to New Low, Calls President Obama a "Jackass"

Conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh has sunk to a new low in his eviscerating of President Barack Obama. He called him an "idiot" and a "jackass" on the air. I don't agree with much of what the Democrats and President Obama are doing, but I wouldn't call him an idiot. Why? This man is graduated at the top of his class. He earned a law degree, which is nothing to sneeze at, and far more than Rush Limbaugh ever accomplished in a class room. Far be it for me to even compare his educational qualifications with that of former President George W. Bush, a Republican, who literally raped this country of its budget surplus in a matter of months. So, please, if Obama is an "idiot" than so is George Bush and his father.It's up to Barack Obama to hit the ground running and fight for the middle class and not allow a groveling idiot to denigrate him in the media.

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