jeudi 21 octobre 2010

SE MO Homeowner Hangs Black Man in Tree with KKK Figure, Says Display Speaks for Itself, "White Pride"

White homeowner in Sikeston, MO, under fire for Halloween decoration in backyard of black man hanging from a noose & a Ku Klux Klan figure.

A homeowner in Sikeston, MO, has come under fire for his Halloween decoration. He decorated his backyard with a black man hanging from a noose and a Ku Klux Klan figure, according to KAIT8. It should be noted that the decorations are visible from Interstate 55. He said no one had called and asked him to take it down and people have told him it's nice to see a "little white pride" and that the display speaks for itself.
Scott County Sheriff Rick Walter came to the man's house and asked him to remove the decorations. Walter says they got calls regarding the display and contacted the county prosecutor to see if it was within their right to remove it as it could cause problems. The prosecutor encouraged the sheriff to discuss it with the homeowner and ask him to take it down. The man did remove the decorations, but indicated to the sheriff's department he would call his lawyer about replacing the decorations. Source
Wow, so are we going back to the darkest period in America's history? How insensitive and racist. Then conservative politicians who fan the flames of racism and appeal to the fringe elements, specifically the Republican Party and its offshoots, wonder why they are called bigots. The reign of terror inflicted by the Ku Klux Klan on blacks in this country is nothing to be proud of. This wasn't "white pride," this had the makings of genocide.

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