jeudi 9 décembre 2010

Unidentified Lawmaker Reportedly Says F**k the President During House Democratic Caucus Meeting

Drudge Report caption under President Obama's picture simply says "F O," linking to article stating unidentified lawmaker used the f-word to dismiss the president.

It is a sad commentary that many in our midst have so little respect for the President Barack Obama that they will stop at nothing to denigrate him. I might add that the same treatment, though not to the same extent, was handed down to former presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. The Drudge Report has been the bastion of right wing smear tactics like Andrew Breitbart, outdid itself this evening with its latest dig at President Obama -- "F O." You and I know quite well that means f**k off. Now, the caption linked to an article on Breitbart's Big Government website where an unidentified lawmaker reportedly said f**k President Obama.
The frustration with President Barack Obama over his tax cut compromise was palpable and even profane at Thursday’s House Democratic Caucus meeting. One unidentified lawmaker went so far as to mutter “f--- the president” while Rep. Shelley Berkley was defending the package the president negotiated with Republicans. Berkley confirmed the incident, although she declined to name the specific lawmaker. “It wasn’t loud,” the Nevada Democrat said. “It was just expressing frustration from a very frustrated Member.” Rep. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.) was also overheard saying that “we can’t trust him” not to cave to Republicans and extend the tax cuts again in two years, according to a Democratic source. Source: Roll Call
Don't get me wrong, there's plenty to be upset at the president and elected officials on both sides of the aisle, but since when is the use of profanity aimed at the president the correct way to solve problems and conflicts?  It is a sad commentary that so many people in this country hold their president in such low regard. Gee, I wonder if Matt Drudge ever had such a caption under President George W. Bush's photograph? I can't believe the Democrats in Congress are literally imploding before our eyes. Hillary Clinton may very well have the last laugh to this ridiculous side show.

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