vendredi 3 décembre 2010

Ellen Judd & 14 YO Daughter Accused in Racially Charged Attack Against Black Woman

Ellen Judd facing harassment charges & 14 year-old daughter in juvenile detention in racially-charged attack against black woman, Silver Lewis.

More racist behavior in the news. According to Spokane-based KXLY, Silver Lewis was subjected to racial harassment by Ellen Judd and her 14 year old daughter in the parking lot of a South Hill auto supply store, where she went to buy tire chains. Thankfully, a decent, law-abiding woman, Rita Moline, witnessed the entire incident or else Ms. Lewis' account may have been dismissed.
According to court documents Lewis pulled into a parking spot outside the auto store where she planned to buy tire chains. 46-year-old Ellen Judd and her 14-year-old daughter were parked in the next spot over and Lewis said the two started screaming that she hit their car. Lewis did not hit their car, but they wouldn't let up, calling her the ‘N’ word repeatedly.

The 14-year-old girl threw a snowball at Lewis’ face and then began punching her repeatedly. It took 3 men to pry the women apart. “They were pulling them apart, it took a long time to get them apart, I’ve never seen a 14-year-old act like that,” Moline said. A woman who works at a store nearby pulled Lewis into her store and locked the door to protect her. Source: KXLY
Most mothers want to be worthy of emulation by their children, but not Ellen Judd. She's a racist thug for what she did to Silver Lewis. She is facing a malicious harassment charge while her daughter remains in juvenile detention, where she belongs. Just maybe the system can save this young girl, because her mother is certainly setting the worst kind of example possible.

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