vendredi 17 décembre 2010

Daily Mail Newspaper Says President Obama & Wife Snubbed by Royal Family, Won't be Invited to Prince William's Wedding

The Daily Mail is out with a story today saying President Barack Obama and wife Michelle won't be invited to Prince William's wedding to Kate Middleton next year. They say that since the prince isn't heir to the throne yet, his wedding isn't classified as a "state occasion" and therefore they are not compelled to invite the Obamas. The newspaper also cites the invitation of President Ronald Reagan to the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana in 1981, which Nancy Reagan attended in his place. It's funny that the Drudge Report could run with this ridiculous assertion by the newspaper. Who really cares?
But the decision to exclude the American premier and his wife Michelle from the celebrations marks a break from tradition. A senior courtier said: ‘It is certainly not the case that all foreign heads of state will be excluded. The guest list is still being drawn up and could change, but as things stand it’s right (to say Mr Obama will not be invited).’ Source: Daily Mail
I'm pretty sure President Obama and his wife aren't losing sleep over a perceived snub by the royal family. I would hope that the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton will be as solid and loving as the Obamas, since the royal family is batting a horrible record where that's concerned. To the Daily Mail, why don't you worry about how the British government is going to foot their part of the bill in the wake of massive student demonstrations over tuition increases and other economic woes thrashing your country.

UPDATE#1: I spoke to a good friend earlier today and she thinks this was a snub, considering President Reagan was invited to Prince Charles and Diana's wedding in 1981. For her, this snub goes deeper. She believes President Obama stands for everything the aristocracy does not. He pulled himself up by the boot straps and became the president of the most powerful country in the world. That's quite the opposite of what the royal family stands for. While I don't particularly agree with her assessment, I respect it nonetheless and I welcome the dialogue. I believe this wasn't a snub for another reason. From what I have read, Prince William and Kate Middleton are inviting people who worked in his charities, so that could shed some light on why the Obamas won't be invited. Share your thoughts on this so-called snub.

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