mardi 21 décembre 2010

Fox News' Shep Smith Calls Out Republican Who Wouldn't Discuss 9/11 First Responders Bill with Him

Shep Smith is the only on-air personality at Fox News who is truly "fair and balanced." Kudos to him for hammering Republican senators who wouldn't pass the 9/11 first responders bill. According to Talking Points Memo, this time, Shep Smith went as far as calling out by name those who wouldn't appear on his show to discuss the issue. The names are as follows:  "Senators Alexander, Barrasso, Cornyn, Crapo, DeMint, Enzi, Grassley, Kyl, McConnell, Sessions, Baucus, Gregg, and Inhofe. No response from Bunning, Coburn, Ensign, Graham, Hatch, and McCain," he said. They don't want to talk about this because they don't give a shi*t about people on Main Street, much less 9/11 first responders. contrary to the con-job they pulled off in the midterm elections last month. I bet Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity couldn't care less what the Rethugs are doing. They have been blowing off steam on the wrong issues.

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