jeudi 9 décembre 2010

Rev. Al Sharpton Threatens "Pushback" Over Rep. Anthony Weiner Criticism of President Obama Tax Cut Deal with GOP

Rev. Al Sharpton slams Rep. Anthony Weiner for bashing President Obama's tax cut plan, threatens to "pushback" if he doesn't temper statements.

Let me be clear, I am no fan of Rev. Al Sharpton nor some of the things he has done and said in the past, but I find it really suspect that he's coming across as Obama's savior in the hot-mess that has jumped off between the President and the Democratic legislators in Congress over his capitulation to the Republicans. Sharpton attacked Rep. Anthony Weiner for slamming the president's deal with the GOP leadership. According to the NY Daily News, Sharpton accused Weiner of ignoring the needs of working people. Ouch, that's a low blow, but coming from Al Sharpton, I would take it with a grain of salt. He promised to "pushback" if Weiner kept attacking Obama. Oooow, I am scared. Give me a break. Is anyone really scared of Rev. Al Sharpton? Soon the race-baiting language will emanate from his mouth. You know, like how dare Anthony Weiner, a Jew, pick on the black man, President Obama. If the truth be told, Anthony Weiner actually won an election, Sharpton hasn't and probably never will.

So, let me put this in context. Anyone who disagrees with President Obama is thrown under a bus by Reverend Al Sharpton, who can hardly keep the wheels on his National Action Network bus, financially speaking that it. So, in my opinion, he has zero credibility. President Obama and his team could have done a better job during the negotiation process instead of waving a white flag to the Republicans. This isn't the President Obama I saw on the campaign trail, particularly towards the end of the process. Say what you will about George W. Bush, he was resolute, even when he made the wrong choices, such as invading Iraq on a lie. Seems to me President Obama just rolls over and gives in to his critics. Surely the 13 months of unemployment insurance benefits could have been the same as the 24 months of tax cuts for the wealthy. That elitist label is still sticking to President Obama like glue.
"I'm against tax cuts for the rich too...but this is absolutely over the top to blame this on President Obama," Sharpton told the Daily News."The goal is to take care of working class people, not to attack the President."

He said he will emphasize how the deal helps 2 million jobless Americans and middle- and low-income families that can't afford to see their taxes go up. Sharpton has invited Weiner to debate him on his show, he said.

"There will be pushback," Sharpton vowed, likening the attacks to "blaming the ransom" and "not the kidnapper." That was a reference to the GOP's refusal to cave on tax cuts for the richest Americans despite its claims of wanting to lower the deficit. Source: NY Daily News
If the Democrats had a backbone when they had the majority, maybe we wouldn't be in this position now. I guess my parting question to Rev. Al is, since Obama loves the poor and middle class so much, how come the foreclosure rate is still so high? I guess his foreclosure rescue plan was a bust and a waste of time, just like universal health care, Don't Ask Don't Tell, and the DREAM Act. If he was such a good negotiator, how come we still can't figure out what good foreclosure rescue plan did for millions of homeowners under water and at risk of losing their homes or even how to stem the massive unemployment rate? Seems to me like Rev. Al is Obama's attack dog on the street and something's in it for him. I hope President Obama will take a page from Bill Clinton's book and govern from the center not the left or he should pull a "Sarah Palin" and quit two years early. Let me give some words of advice to President Obama and his sidekick Rev. Al Sharpton -- "get with the program, this isn't what we signed on for when we voted for you." You will get another shellacking at the polls, but this time in 2012. Get with the program.

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