dimanche 19 décembre 2010

Could Brand Clinton be Just What President Obama Needs to Cruise to a Second Term in 2012?

COMMENTARY: Could a close association with Bill Clinton be a driving force to a 2012 election win for President Barack Obama?

Could Brand Clinton be President Barack Obama's savior in 2012? Well, The Telegraph's columnist, Toby Harnden seems to think so. He opines "throughout most of 2010, Obama has shown a disastrous combination of vain smug self-belief and peevish lassitude that must have sent his press handlers into deep depression." He adds "to cap it all, at a bizarre White House press conference on December 10th, he ceded the floor to Bill Clinton, leaving the former Democratic president talking away as the current one left to go to a Christmas Party, explaining that he would face the wrath of his wife if he stayed." Personally, I thought it seemed as though President Obama was more worried about what his wife thought, than to talk to the American people honestly about the tax cuts, inside, opting to let someone else do the talking. The problem is, Bill Clinton is a consummate public speaker who is a brilliant politician and knows how to take a centrist position to work with Republicans, Barack Obama is just learning how to do that. While I find it absolutely hypocritical for a British newspaper to be so critical of President Obama, considering they are plagued with a myriad of economic woes, notwithstanding the student protests that nearly turned violent, Harnden makes some valid points.

Bill Clinton's appearance with President Obama was a shrewd move on his part. Why? Despite all the personal mess that tainted his presidency, he was able to work with Republicans to get things done for the American people. He left a balanced budget and a surplus. People had jobs and many were making money in the stock market. Life wasn't perfect during the Clinton years, but it was mostly good for many people. I hope President Obama realizes the terrible predicament he has found himself in. After all, the American people, like myself, have little faith in his electability in the 2012 general elections, unless he changes course and moves to the center. According to a recent poll, 29% of Americans think he will be reelected. That's nothing to ignore and I suspect he is beginning to realize that. To echo Toby Harnden, Clinton now symbolizes centrist deal-making and not letting liberal principle stand in the way of getting something done. That has long been my position where President Obama is concerned. You cannot govern from the left and get anything done in this country. Most Americans are conservative by nature and don't want to see a Socialist agenda creeping into their daily lives.

I think it's safe to say that even though President Obama is moving to the center, most Liberals will vote for him in the next general elections, despite their anger towards him right now. I am sure they don't want to see a Republican president in the White House. Though some Democrats have found the recent $858 billion tax-cut and unemployment extension bill grating, Obama pulled off a major bipartisan win. Coupled with the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," he isn't doing too badly for a president who was "shellacked" in the November midterm elections. If anything, President Obama realizes that he must govern from the center if he wants to be victorious in 2012, as long as Brand Clinton is the ace in his back pocket as well. Al Gore made a terrible mistake when he largely ignored Bill Clinton during his run for the White House. I think Barack Obama realizes Bill Clinton is an asset because he allays the fears of many on both the right and the left.

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