lundi 20 décembre 2010

Rise of Sarah Palin, Paris Hilton & Kim Kardashian Proof of America's Poisonous Celebrity Love-Affair with Vulgar & Lame Behavior

American glorification of Sarah Palin, Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton & others part of of a poisonous celebrity culture where shameful, lewd & vulgar behavior rules.

The U.S. culture has a dirty little secret -- it glorifies and rewards lewd and off-the-cuff behavior --  shame & lame is the U.S. way to fame.  Let's not stop at Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton. I might also add Nicki Minaj, Lil Kim, Ray J, Lil Wayne, Lindsay Lohan and Snookie to the mix as well. Bad behavior trumps decency. Sarah Palin has never been involved in vulgar and lewd behavior, but she's not presidential material and it's unfathomable why she commands such media attention. She's lame, plain lame. I came across an interesting commentary written by Stanley Crouch in today's edition of the New York Daily News bolstering my statement:
In a more civilized age, Paris Hilton would've remained sequestered while doing charity work in order to redeem herself and be forgiven for drunkenly performing sex acts on tape, along with other lewd behavior.

But forgiveness moves in the express lane now. No penance was required, and Hilton never felt the deep shame Mark Madoff experienced.

In fact, Hilton inspired childhood friend Kim Kardashian to make her own sex tape. It led to a reality show, and now Kardashian is more popular than Hilton. And just as shameless. That's how our culture works. Fame next found the perky Sarah Palin, one of whose great gifts is the unwillingness to ever admit a significant mistake. She has a reality show, too.

Palin's outlook is no different from that of Enron executives who pretended nothing was wrong until their financial house of cards came crashing down.

That investigation into Enron's hanky-panky was followed by the suicide of Cliff Baxter, who had a high position in the company's command chain. Baxter was troubled in the way that Madoff's son was. Unlike the Paris Hiltons of this world, he could feel shame - and did.

We don't expect that from the men who brought Wall Street to its knees in 2008, but are now thinking once again about where they would spend their huge, undeserved bonuses. Source: NY Daily News
It is a sad commentary that vulgarity to the maximum is a ticket to fame and wealth in this country. Hey, take a look at Vanessa Williams? She walked into fame and fortune after relinquishing her Miss America crown in 1984. She was the first black woman to be crowned Miss America and the first Miss America to relinquish her crown. You will recall she was forced to resign 10 months into her reign on July 23, 1984, the same day Penthouse magazine published nude pictures of her. The only differences between Ms. Williams and Paris Hilton she has talent -- singer and actress -- and the pictures weren't taken during a sex romp.

While I wouldn't compare Sarah Palin to Paris Hilton, because she's far more decent and educated, I can;t ignore the fact that she is an empty-suit just blabbing about whatever sounds good to her followers. Palin could not even finish her term as governor when she decided to kick the people of Alaska to the curb. She couldn't keep her commitment to be their leader, in much the same way as it took her a few colleges to get a bachelor's degree and nearly left Wasilla bankrupt during her term as mayor. Could someone please tell me why anyone would even entertain the thought that this "empty-suit" is presidential material? At the end of the day, the more lewd, wacky, shameful and vulgar your behavior, the more admiration some in America will have for you.

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