lundi 27 décembre 2010

Juan Williams Denigrated by Breitbart Commenters for Saying "Sarah Palin Can't Stand on Same Intellectual Stage as Obama"

Juan Williams says "Sarah Palin can't stand on same intellectual stage as Barack Obama" and the critics lambast him along racial lines.

Juan Williams, who was kicked to the curb by NPR for making a statement about Muslims, is now coming under fire from the fringe of the GOP for saying Sarah Palin can't stand on the "same intellectual stage as President Barack Obama." Er, he told the truth. Sarah Palin went through a few colleges to get a bachelor's degree. She doesn't have a professional degree, such as President Obama, and let's keep it real. No-one on the international stage takes this woman seriously. Picture her in a high-level meeting with world leaders. LOL, as they say. I visited Andrew Breitbart's website to read some of the racist comments some readers have left about Juan Williams. This is the same person, Breitbart, who smeared former USDA director Shirley Sherrod.  You know, I don't agree with much of what Juan Williams says, but to denigrate this man, who has accomplished far more than Sarah Palin ever could as a journalist, is just despicable. Well, what do I expect from the race-baiting Andrew Breitbart? Here's a sampling of some of the comments:
Rough Rider: Sarah Palin is much smarter than Obama. It won't matter. The Negroes have the numbers now, and they will re-elect the communist dictator. The reason being is that they are the direct beneficiaries of his socialistic wealth seizure. He's their Robin Hood.

Whackajig: Sarah Palin is not only very intelligent, she has a quality which the blacks (J. Wms and obungle) totally lack. That quality is common sense

LizardAZ: Juan, Juan, Juan...they throw you under the bus, and you still want to carry the water.

JamesB: It's waaaaay PAST TIME to blow up this MYTH concerning Obama's supposed intellectual prowess. I see NO EVIDENCE to support that liberal media meme - dreamed up to somehow "contrast" him with the previous president. It's a LIE.

I bet he has a "ghost writer" for his "children's book."

Remember the media in the run up to the 2004 election? OHHHHH, John Fitzgerald Kenn,,,ER, Kerry was SO MUCH SMARTER tha Bush - UH, until college transcripts and military testing was reveled. Bush - Harvard MBA - arguably a tougher degree than either Kerry's law degree

OR Obama's "law degree" - and Obama is a FAILED lawyer - he hasn't held a law licence in YEARS and Momma Sasquatch had her law licence TAKEN AWAY.

Bush was smart enough to FLY a FIGHTER JET - SOLO (which means "alone" for you libs) Kerry was "smart" enough to game the Navy and spend two cups of coffee in Vietnam, get two or three band--aids and get home and eventually marry a SUGAR MOMMA who finances his "toys" and "hobbies."

Only the sychophantic media believes this "we're smarter that you" GARBAGE anymore - results are PROVING otherwise.

Obongo2012: Racist Tea Party clicks off all blacks on TV. They are also boycotting all Black NBA. NFL, Movies, Music, anything black is clicked off immediately. Why is that?Who the hell is Juan Williams? Is he relevant? We love Sarah Palin and support her everyday more and more. We Know liberals are at the service of the Black race only and are genetic defectives brainwashed robots for Obama.
Most reputable websites have a comment policy that is upheld to the fullest extent, not Breitbart. He thrives on race-baiting. So, suddenly it's a crime to be black in America and support Barack Obama. Let me set the record straight, I am a black centrist, who isn't beholden to the Democratic or Republican parties. I didn't vote for Barack Obama just because he's black. I voted for him because John McCain and Sarah Palin were two train wrecks waiting to happen.

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