lundi 28 mars 2011

Texas Judge Becky Walker & DA Kit Bramblett Offer to Let Willie Nelson Dodge Jail Sentence If He Sings "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain"

Legendary singer-songwriter and marijuana lover Willie Nelson was given a slap on the wrist by Hudspeth county Judge Becky Walker and district attorney Kit Bramblett in his latest brush with the law for drug possession. According to the Daily Mail, Nelson avoided a lengthy prison sentence for a November arrest. The prosecutor is quoted by the British tabloid as saying, ‘I’m gonna let him plead, pay a small fine and he’s gotta sing “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain” with his guitar right there in the courtroom.’ What's worse, the judge went along with this ridiculous offer from the prosecutor. Now if only Latinos and blacks got this type of treatment afforded to them by Judge Walker and County Attorney Bramblett! Where is the justice? if this had been an average person on the street, neither the judge nor the district attorney would have been so forgiving, especially if the accused is a repeat offender. CLICK HERE to read more.

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