lundi 21 mars 2011

Latest News on the Fallout from President Obama "Unilaterally" Going to War with Libya Without Telling Congress & American People

President Barack Obama under fire for failing to notify Congress and American people before military intervention in Libya on "humanitarian" grounds.

President Obama is in for a chilly reception when Air Force One returns to the U.S. from Latin America. The more I think about the "third war" we have found ourselves in, the more I think President Obama should be held accountable for going to "war" on his own accord. I still think Moammar Gadhafi deserves what the allied forces are doing in his country now, but I am a little puzzled as to why President Obama didn't even notify Congress of his decision or tell us, the American people, since this wasn't a secret in the same vein as when President Ronald Reagan landed on Gadhafi like a ton of bricks. What was Obama thinking?

Here are some links from around the Internet on the latest news of Democrats and Republicans alike expressing disappointment at the president's latest move:

Democrats Run Like the Plague from Obama on War...

Democratic Congressman: 'We're In Libya Because Of Oil'...

Dennis Kucinich Slams Obama on War Actions, Calls for Impeachment (crazy)...

President Obam's Words in 2007 Come Back to Bite him in A**: 'President Does Not Have the Power...To Unilaterally Authorize a Military Attack'

Liberal film maker Michael Moore Tells Obama: Return Your Nobel Peace Prize...

Russian Leader Wants Obama Stripped of Nobel Peace Prize...

Somehow I think Hillary Clinton, though she was an integral part of Obama's decision to take military action against Libya, is somewhere asking, still think Obama is the best person to answer that early morning phone call? President Obama will have a bigger problem on his hands if Moammar Gadhafi is still standing after the military offensive is over. I hope they get this madman out but we'll see how it unfolds over the coming days.

UPDATE#1: White House Says Congress was Briefed Before Military Action Taken in Libya

Cost of U.S. Military Intervention in Libya Already Piling Up

Bipartisan Criticism on Libyan Military Offensive Ordered by President Obama

CNN: Obama walks fine line on Gadhafi's future 
DIGITAL JOURNAL: Nobel Committee Asked to Strip Obama of Medal

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