dimanche 20 mars 2011

President Obama Follows Three Women - Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power & Susan Rice - After They Push for Military Intervention in Libya

President Barack Obama follows the lead of three powerful women in American politics, Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power & Susan Rice, who pressed him for military intervention in the unrest in Libya, though Congress not consulted.

President Barack Obama only acted on the mess in Libya, perpetrated by madman Moammar Gadhafi after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power, senior aide at the National Security Council and Susan Rice, ambassador to the United Nations, pressed him for military action. The three women were pushing for intervention by the United States to stop a humanitarian crisis from increasing in Libya. I find it telling that President Obama danced around the issue and was only too happy to let French President Nicolas Sarkozy take the lead on this. As much as I can't stand Newt Gingrich, for the enormous amount of hypocrisy he exudes, I do agree that President Obama came off as a "Spectator-in-Chief" and not our Commander-in-Chief. The fact that Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Samantha Power and others recognized that we cannot allow this madman to continue on his path of murdering Libyans for calling for change and called for military intervention, shows Obama either doesn't understand much about foreign policy or he was just slow out of the gates. Sounds a lot like the BP Gulf oil spill, right? On a serious note, did President Obama forget he needed to apprise Congress of what he was going to do? The fallout from this will continue.

In joining Ms. Rice and Ms. Power, Mrs. Clinton made an unusual break with Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, who, along with the national security adviser, Thomas E. Donilon, and the counterterrorism chief, John O. Brennan, had urged caution. Libya was not vital to American national security interests, the men argued, and Mr. Brennan worried that the Libyan rebels remained largely unknown to American officials, and could have ties to Al Qaeda.

The administration’s shift also became possible only after the United States won not just the support of Arab countries but their active participation in military operations against one of their own.

“Hillary and Susan Rice were key parts of this story because Hillary got the Arab buy-in and Susan worked the U.N. to get a 10-to-5 vote, which is no easy thing,” said Brian Katulis, a national security expert with the Center for American Progress, a liberal group with close ties to the administration. This “puts the United States in a much stronger position because they’ve got the international support that makes this more like the 1991 gulf war than the 2003 Iraq war.” Source: NY Times
Still wonder who you would prefer to answer that early morning call in the White House? Sorry, but I think Mrs. Clinton would have been a far better president. If Gadhafi doesn't back down, then he should get a dose of the terror former President Ronald Reagan unleashed when he ordered the bombing of Libya, code-named Operation El-Dorado Canyon, on April 15, 1986, in response to the 1986 Berlin disco bombing. He lost a daughter in that incident and we didn't hear peep out of him for a long time. That's what he needs again. They should go after his residence and hit him where it hurts. Back to President Obama, while he's busy yukking it up in Rio, he's coming across as not the leader of the most powerful country in the world. Don't get me wrong, I understand that Obama may not have wanted to come across as going to war against another Muslim country, but the French, Brits and Germans were ready to intervene in the name of basic humanity for the people of Libya who are within their rights to call for a change.

BREAKING: CNN is reporting building in Gadhafi's compound hit by cruise missile from U.S. ship. Too bad they didn't the building he was in.

UPDATE#1: Seems like President Obama ignored his own words on the campaign trail and went to "war" without Congressional approval. It is also a sad commentary that the voices of reason in Congress -- Rep. Charlie Rangel & Dennis Kucinich (who wants to bring impeachment charges against Obama) are less than pleased with the president's handling of this so-called war. Also ticked off at the president are Reps. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Donna Edwards (Md.), Mike Capuano (Mass.),  Maxine Waters (Calif.), Rob Andrews (N.J.), Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas), Barbara Lee (Calif.) and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.), “all strongly raised objections to the constitutionality of the president’s actions,” according to Politico.

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