mercredi 18 mai 2011

GA Pastor Steven Carter Facing Terror Charges After Airport Security Officials in Jamaica Find .22 Caliber Bullet in His Bag

Georgia pastor Steven Carter's Caribbean vacation turns to nightmare after Jamaica airport security officials find .22 caliber bullet in his bag, fears terror charge.

Steven Carter, pastor at The Church at Southside in Athens, Ga., pastor, saw his vacation turn into a nightmare after he was arrested at an airport in Jamaica as he and his wife were returning to the U.S. from the island. Security officials found ammunition in his bag, the AJC says. He is afraid he faces several years in prison on a terrorism charge.

You see, justice in Jamaica, in terms of its prisons, aren't the same three square meals a day, cable-TV and fitness center kind of setting. Nah, it's hard labor. But really, whose fault is this? How did the bullet get in the bag? You see, if this happened here, you could tell the police officer until you are blue in the face it wasn't yours and don't know how it got there, you would still be in trouble. Besides, how did they get pass the TSA agents at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport? The .22 caliber bullet was reportedly found in seams of the bag. Well, I would love to see them explain this away and get out of it. His wife needs to get a good international lawyer who has done legal work in Jamaica to help them get out of this mess if he truly has no clue how the bullet got there.

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