samedi 28 mai 2011

Andrew Breitbart's BigGovernment Posts Lewd Photo Claiming It's From Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D-NY) Twitter Account

Andrew Breitbart's BigGovernment posts photograph with man in underwear with an erection, claiming it came from Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D-NY) Twitter account. Is this another modern-day lynching in same vein as Shirley Sherrod incident?

Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) has found himself in somewhat of a pickle after BigGovernment, a website belonging to Andrew Breitbart, who you will recall deliberately tried to malign the reputation of former USDA director Shirley Sherrod, posted a picture, purported to have come from Weiner's verified Twitter account, that showed a man in undies with an erection. Andrew Breitbart thinks he's doing the U.S. some good, but he isn't. As my maternal grandmother once said, every dog has their day. Yes, Breitbart, your day to be raked over the coal for the POS that you are is coming.
The story, published at 12:24 AM anonymously, notes that Weiner previously had tweeted that his Facebook account had been hacked, but the photo and the Twitter account to which he allegedly directed the photo are nowhere to be found. Thus far, Rep. Weiner has not commented. To make matters much stranger, Big Government proprietor Breitbart tweeted at the Congressman to own up to it, as “we have much more.” Source
I take anything that comes from Andrew Breitbart with a grain of salt, particularly since the modern-day lynching of Mrs. Sherrod. Either Weiner's Twitter account was hacked, which isn't out of the realm of possibilities, Breitbart cooked this up or we'll have to see how Weiner gets out of this one. We don't know who the man in the picture is and no-one can say whether or not it's Weiner. So, I think this will die a fast death in the news cycle, but the late-night television comedians will probably have a field day with this one. One thing I should note is that only BigGovernment claims to have original screenshots of this picture and the post was published under an anonymous name -- Publius. Why hide behind an alias? Sorry, I'm not buying this for a minute. Yeah, Breitbart probably paid someone to hack the congressman's accounts.

UPDATE#1: Rep. Anthony Weiner said his accounts were hacked. He did not send the picture to 25 year old coed Gennette Nicole Cordova, who lives in Seattle. Okay, then is an investigation going to be launched in how this happened or who the culprit is? From what I have read, once a verified Twitter account is hacked, the company reportedly takes it down for a short time to investigate. It doesn't seem that Rep. Weiner's account was ever taken down by Twitter. Well, I still think Andrew Breitbart will come out of this stinky.

UPDATE#2: Seems like Rep. Anthony Weiner just can't get his story straight. Now he's saying he "can't say with certitude it's not him" in his undies. Dude, where is your attorney? If you really had an attorney he would tell you to STFU and stop incriminating yourself. If it is you, then how did a hacker get a hold of this picture? Is the hacker your wife? Or you? Weiner isn't answering questions, calling a reporter a "jackass" when pressed on why the matter wasn't turned over to Capitol police. I still don't believe he sent this picture to the woman, but he isn't helping his cause one bit. This is a distraction and he should have gotten in front of this story, not behind it. 

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