jeudi 18 novembre 2010

Sarah Palin Says She Can Beat President Barack Obama in 2012, Despite Her Abysmal Political Record

Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin says she can beat President Obama in 2012, despite her abysmal record of public service.

I said I wasn't going to write anything about Alaska's former governor Sarah Palin, but her recent comments are worthy of a commentary. She recently said she believes she could defeat President Obama in the 2012 presidential election and is considering whether to run. Er, exactly what is her claim to fame? Quitter in chief and clearly unable to practice what she preaches, specifically how she and her husband Todd, raise their children. You see, she was a hypocrite for touting abstinence when Bristol was quite sexually active in her home and to top it all off, she is a teenage mother. Imagine if that had happened to one of President Obama's daughters or even VP Joe Biden's girls.

Oh, let's not forget, she left Wasilla virtually bankrupt and couldn't manage to finish her term as governor. Sarah Palin would bring the same lackadaisical attitude to the White House. Sorry, this woman and her family are synonymous with trailer trash. Is this the person to represent this great country on a global scale? Wait, there's more. It took her six years and six colleges to get her bachelor's degree. She has a pattern of not following through on anything. Is this who we want to see in the White House?
"I'm looking at the lay of the land now, and trying to figure that out, if it's a good thing for the country, for the discourse, for my family, if it's a good thing," Palin said in an interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters, scheduled to air on Dec. 9.

"If you ran for president, could you beat Barack Obama?" asked Walters. "I believe so," Palin said.

In a magazine profile published earlier Wednesday, the former Republican vice presidential candidate and Fox News contributor was also asked if she's considering a 2012 run for the White House.

"I am," she said. "I'm engaged in the internal deliberations candidly, and having that discussion with my family, because my family is the most important consideration here,” Palin told The New York Times Magazine. Source: Fox News
She has a problem with anyone in the media who can see right through her bulls**t. Yeah, Sarah, go ahead. Run for the presidency and let's watch this train wreck unfold before our eyes. She wasn't qualified for mayor of Wasilla and she's not qualified for the presidency. Heck, if she runs and wins, any fool could make it into the White House. They just have to be white. Don't get me wrong. President Obama has been a disappointment, but Americans aren't that stupid to put a complete idiot into the White House. Let's not forget the recent Gallup poll that puts her unfavorable rating at 52 percent. So, she's deluded and misguided into thinking she's loved by the American people.

It is also clear that Sarah Palin has no leadership qualities, or she would have been able to reach across the table and speak with people who don't share her political views. She had very little interaction with black leaders in Alaska. Is that the person who can lead this country? Karl Rove spoke truth to power during an interview last month with London's The Daily Telegraph, during which he said Sarah Palin doesn't have the “gravitas” to be president. Besides, which serious political contender has a reality show on television? Sorry, but slugging around in the wild in Alaska isn't a prerequisite for the White House or any serious political office for that matter. She said that Obama wasn't properly vetted as if she was during the 2008 presidential campaign when John McCain chose her as his running mate. You see, there was that pesky little detail she forgot to tell his team about -- her daughter was pregnant and unmarried. So, Sarah, once again, you have given the media a reason to tear you apart. Go ahead. As Clint Eastwood, who played the character Harry Callahan in "Sudden Impact," Sarah Palin, "Go ahead, make our day," run for the highest office in the land. Go for it. Put your money where your mouth is. We will all watch and laugh hysterically at your many, many blunders.

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